Undisputed words part 1

There was a certain unrest in the court. Officials had already started to whisper about the dead minister of food and his missing wife but no one believed themselves brave enough to confront the king.

No one wanted to risk the wrath of the king should he be swayed by the temple guard at his side. Everyone agreed on a single fact - they needed a plan to separate the king from the influence of the temple official.

However, to do so was a risk which no one could willingly bore so they all waited for the single person brave enough to do so. 

Jess Dawn, the only person the king never ignored but even she seemed to be losing her influence. But as it stood, she was the only one who could make the king see any sense at all. 

"Your majesty, you're just in time for the funeral of the royal couple. I'm sure you will be impressed by the preparations made by Lady Jess" one retainer said, his voice full of praise.