Future plans

"What are you thinking of doing here? You did ask to spend extra time here after all" had it been anyone else, Keito would have tore into them and overanalyzed their words. But this was Noah, his omega and he was only asking for his curiosity.

As such, Keito did not mind answering his questions for him at all. It felt good when the omega asked him questions and relied on him for knowledge.

"Being back in this body is weird. I know I spend a lot of time in this body and it is almost the same age as the one I had just been in but it still feels weird being back in this body" what the alpha left out was the feeling of emptiness he was feeling.

His mind knew that there was supposed to be a bond but the body was not aware of that instinct. Thus, the magic that binds both parts of his person was in conflict. It did not know whether it favoured the body or the mind.