The awaking part 2

Jess was getting faster by every second or that was what it felt like to Noah right now. Maybe it was his blood loss talking, or maybe it was his body telling him he had overexerted himself but he needed to stop.

If he did not then his body would crash and burn, taking his life away with it. But the monster in front of him, the shadow who had taken over his potential friend, was not one he could just drive away without any consequence.

The world only needed a single second to tilt itself before Noah was going down and Jess was upon him. His magic was as good as exhausted, his body protesting against any moment he made and he just wanted to sleep.

"Say goodbye" Jess's claw came near his face and Noah closed his eyes. He would not die from this but it was bound to hurt a lot. He just wanted this memory to not haunt his nightmares as certain others did.

Jess had suffered enough in his memories and his mind. She did not need to live in this image as well.