Planning an escape part 2

"If I promise not to move, then would you go to sleep? It would not be that bad then?" Noah bargained and the other pretended to think it over. Then he nodded slowly and settled down.

Noah also had to settle down to not disturb the other and he did not know when but he fell asleep as well.

"Master Noah, the house head is calling for you as soon as you can make it. Please leave right now to avoid any problems. We will take care of your present companion" Sui called ut carefully as he took in the image the pair made in front of him.

Jealousy burned at his heart as he took in the image of Ryu being so comfortable with the other that he had even fallen asleep on the other. Ryu had never been that comfortable with him so what made this phoenix that great?

Had they been alone, Sui and the fox, he would have asked the other this exact question to sate his curiosity but now he felt awkward doing this with Keito in-between them.