Special Treatment

"Mr. Hajime! Sir!"

"What happened, Naoki? Is there some problem?

"Yes, Sir! Ota..."

"What about him?"

"Sir, we were playing a game, and suddenly he tripped on a stone, fell and he hit his head very hard on the glass floor."

"Oh, no. Everybody! Move! Move aside! Let him breathe! Give him some space!

"Sir, I am calling 911."

"Call them and hurry up!"

"Don't worry, Ota. You will be fine. Don't let yourself go! Hang in there!"

(Sometimes nothing in life goes as expected. But no matter what happens, we always have hope to live.)

*A Single Note: September*

After these events, I was said to have been in a coma for about a month. I have no idea who was with me, and everything seemed so blurry. According to the doctors, I almost lost an eye from the glass cuts.

I had twenty-four stitches in my head. I had a longitudinally attached serum on my arm and a window next to me just to look around.

But wait a minute...

How did things happen so fast?

I had no idea about it, and I could no longer predict what would happen to me or what kind of life I would lead.

And at that moment, the door to my room began to open slowly.

A woman appeared and approached me. She had a different kind of white uniform than other nurses, and it had the name of a different hospital on it.

I didn't understand anything. As if this woman looked familiar to me from somewhere.

My soul began to feel uncomfortable and speechless. I didn't even know what to do anymore, and now I realized that I was in a very difficult situation.

What should I do now?

She got close to me and started talking. Her demeanor was quite optimistic, and she had a look as if she had known me before.

All of a sudden, she made close eye contact with me and said with a sweet tone of voice,

"You must be Mr. Ota, right?"

She asked.

First of all, I didn't know what to say. As if my hand was entangled in my foot, I suddenly started to lift my back from the bed into the air. I started pulling my feet slightly towards my stomach.

The woman pressed against my shoulders and said,

"Please don't get up. If you push yourself too hard, your healing process will be even more delayed. Please lie down."

In the end, I layed down, and I couldn't stand it, and asked her,

"How did I get here? Who are you?"

The woman said with a friendly expression,

"I'm a psychologist from the Samsburg Sanatorium, Mayumi Watanabe."

Now the pieces were slowly starting to fall into place.

"Ah! If I remember correctly, you were the lady who helped us when we were in psychosis before."

She asked another question before answering my question,

"Of course, I don't want to tire you out in such a situation, but before you go, I'd like to see your experience in overcoming your fear."


I didn't understand anything.

She then smiled again and said,

"In short, I will ask you questions to find out how much you have overcome your fears. If it's ok for you, of course."

At first, I looked at her, confused. As if her face was a little anxious and excited. All of a sudden, she was getting nervous, and sweating.

I had no idea what was even going on.

I started having bad thoughts. It was like I was before my treatments. I was like a castle that collapsed spiritually and could never be conquered again.

I was just watching the enemies surround the castle. It was all I did, and it hurt me.

Then I heard a voice calling out to me,

"Mr. Ota!


"Are You Here, Mr.Ota? If you've come to your senses, I'll ask you the questions now. No need to get excited. You can answer as you like."

I tilted my head forward wearily,

And said, "Ok."

First, she laid me a bunch of envelopes and crumpled paper in front of me. At first, I didn't know what it was.

And as I was trying to figure out what happened, she asked me another question,

"If you're ready, I'll ask your first question, Mr.Ota."

What they were. Where did they get these?

"Who is Miss September?"

At that moment, I came out of my dream world and began to experience at the same time the feeling of shyness and fear that I had never experienced. My heart began to beat fast, and I felt as if the gauze wrapped around my head had melted and stuck to my hair.

Mrs. Mayumi looked at me and asked me the same question again,

I didn't know what to do. I wouldn't normally talk to anyone about it.

Even when Aki brought it up, I would constantly warn her and give an angry answer.

"Then we'll try the last resort."

"Last resort?"

All of a sudden, Mrs. Mayumi pulled out a watch with a mole in her hand and started waving it around.

And said,

"Look carefully at the clock, Mr.Ota. I want you to focus on this. We'll take you back to your past and refresh your memories."

I guess I had no choice.

I said,


And gave all my attention to the clock.

My eyes began to close, slowly.