
They finally reached the mountain pass, climbing it carefully and cautiously. The wind was blinding, and the visibility was low. The dogs were pressing on through thick snow, and Ryan called out to the others "We got to head back!"

"We can't!" Roberto yelled. "The dogs can't turn around! It's too narrow!"

"But we got to!"

"Ryan's right!" Chuntao shouted. "Sargent Abraham! Let's turn around!"

"Stop, yelling!" he snapped. "We could cause an avalanche-!" But he was cut short when the snow underneath him gave way and sled swung outwards over the cliff. Everyone gasped as he hung onto the sled, the dogs were being pulled with him as his sled was just barely on the ground. Ryan and Elucid were the closest and ran to reach his sled and hold the tethers. Roberto secured their abandoned sleds and Chuntao dashed to their side, using her ice axe to reach further onto the sled, latching onto a rail of it and pulling it back in. Virgil was the last to come in and helped Chuntao pull the Sargent in.

It was successful, but stressful as they were unsure if more ice would break from under them. The Sargent still encouraged them to move on, for if they flustered around to try and go back, they'd be more vulnerable for longer. They sled off, not stopping, until they reached a cave inside the base of the mountain, stopping for the evening.

The group slept in the cave and didn't face any other dangers that night or the day after. But the next morning at the bottom of the mountain, Chuntao walked past the dogs to find one of them was dead. She screamed and the men rushed over to see, but it didn't die peacefully in its sleep or from exhaustion. Its chest was ripped open, and its ribs was split apart, innards spilling everywhere. Its blood stained the snow and all the other dogs stared at it in silence, like they were unfazed by its death.

Roberto kneeled down to his dead dog, his hands were shaking as he looked over it. Ryan could see it had no other injuries, no other scratches or bitemarks. It just looked like it sat there and took it. Roberto soon stood up and turned to them saying, "If I don't find blood on the other dogs, it better not have been any of you, cause I don't care who you are, I'll beat the shit of you."

Everyone pulled back, giving him space as he looked over every one of his dogs. It was a quiet operation and they watched as he observed the dog again and untethered it from the rest, caring it away. He then came over and asked, "Where are the shovels?"

Chuntao nodded, showing him where. He took one and a marker. He buried the dog and returned, telling Ryan, "Ryan, mark this area. We'll come back for him."

Ryan nodded, not willing to argue. They waited until he spoke again, "It wasn't any of the other dogs. They don't have any blood on them."

"Was it a wild animal?" Chuntao questioned.

"It could have been that wolf!" Elucid stated rather loudly, gathering everyone's attention. "I mean… that wolf from before."

"I don't think so," Roberto debated. "It didn't have any other noticeable bitemarks or claw marks. And there were no other tracks in the snow, besides the dogs. Not that I could see."



"The open wounds," Roberto answered, "It looked like some…one cut it open, instead of it being ripped apart."

"Roberto," Sargent Abraham spoke, "None of us, would ever hurt any of the dogs. It doesn't make any sense."

"Yeah, yeah, it doesn't," Roberto hissed. "And you know what else doesn't make any sense? There being voices outside Mr. Hailey's tent! Isn't that a little suspicious?"

Ryan glanced at Virgil who shrunk back nervously, "What does that have to do with this?"

"You tell me! This is the second weird shit that's happened during this exploration! No, in fact this whole exploration is weird!"

Ryan bit his lip then countered, "Roberto, that could have just been someone being an asshole."

"Yeah, it could have been an asshole, an asshole who would bother a grieving man while he's sleeping," Roberto gritted his teeth.

"I'm not grieving-!"

"Or!" Roberto angerly spoke. "There were no voices and you really are-!" But he stopped himself and growled, "Mr. Hailey, I really got to know…" His eyes were cold and unforgiving "Are you SURE you don't know what happened to your wife that night? Why would she even leave?!" This caused everyone in the group to flinch back as Roberto finally asked the lingering question.


"Listen!" Roberto yelled. "If you can't tell me, I'm leaving now. Taking my dogs with me. Sure, manage without me. You know psychos who kill dogs kill people next."

"I didn't-!"

"Then you have to tell us!" Roberto shouted. "Tell me now, or I am leaving! No money is worth it!"

It grew silent and Virgil… you could see his face fall and he held it in his hands "Kathlyne, she… oh god…" Virgil was reeling and shaking, but he answered in a trembling voice, "She said she was pregnant."

Everyone's mouth fell. Virgil held himself, he could hardly bring himself to say, "She said she was going to have a baby. My baby… I was so happy and when I got happy, she got mad… We argued and she left, I thought she was just going to her room, but she disappeared. She vanished into the snow." No one spoke. "Don't you see? I have to find her… Or I lose… I lose both her and my…" Virgil sank in his seat and when someone reached for him, he pulled away, going into his tent and sobbing. Not a soft cry, but a loud screaming cry. A cry that wailed and broke the sky.

The following afternoon, Virgil finally exited his tent. With teary redden eyes and shaking hands. He was closed off to anyone, but no one disturbed him. Ryan watched him from his seat as he held a map and compass to check their next destination. There would be a new outpost several miles out so it should only take half the day to get there. But looking at the group and how they were, he predicted it might drag on a little longer. He sighed and stretched his arms and legs, he heard a ring and felt something hit the toe of his boot. He glanced down to see something sparkling in the snow. It was reflecting off the light, like a piece of metal.

He dusted the snow off and picked it up, observing it in his hand. To his surprise it was a golden band, then noticed it was a ring, probably a wedding ring. He had one like this before he threw his away. He analyzed it to see no gemstones, only an engraving inside. It was covered in grit, but he was able to rub it off to read the words: Beloved Kathlyne.

His eyes widened at the sight and he almost fell back in his seat. He was completely astounded at seeing this way out here and the sudden realization dawned on him that she was out here, she actually got all the way out here somehow. And not only that, but Virgil was right! He was right, oh god! He wasn't crazy!

"Virgil!" Ryan yelled, catching everyone's attention. Virgil turned, still a bit out of it but watched as Ryan rushed over to him. "I just found this!"

He took his hand and placed the ring inside. When he removed his hand, he watched as Virgil's eyes widened at the sight of it. He let out a small gasp and tore off one of his gloves to hold it in his bare hands. He brought it closer to his line of sight and read the inscribed writings inside. He was at a loss of words when he saw it.

"It's hers!" Ryan grinned, excitement filling his heart. "It really is hers! You were right!"

Virgil's mouth was open in absolute surprise as he moved his eyes away from the ring to a smiling Ryan, "I was right…"

"You were right!" Ryan repeated, feeling like he could jump in the air.

"I was right? I was right!" Virgil gasped, a smile spreading onto his face. "I was right!"

Everyone came closer to observe the ring, checking it's athienites, but Virgil could see. It really was his wife's ring.

They celebrated that night, Sargent Abraham pulled out the drinks and they were loud and drunk. It wasn't the smartest decision, but they all felt some sort of fulfillment of finally finding a piece of evidence. Something to show their time wouldn't be spent for nothing. All by the chance of luck, just a little luck. There was laughter, jokes, teasing, it was a joyous occasion. Now they would just have to rendezvous with the other teams and search this area.

Roberto had lightened up a bit since the incident of the morning, now realizing that Virgil might not be a complete psychopath. He nudged Ryan and said, "Guess he isn't that crazy, just a bit cuckoo here and there. Mentally ill, ain't it?"

"I think so," Ryan answered, but then thought a bit, "I'm sorry about your dog, Roberto."

He waved his hand, "Forget it, let's just enjoy this moment now. I mean, being sad over a dog isn't the same sadness of losing the one you love."

Ryan nodded. Yes, this was the night for celebrating. They'll worry about that later.

Around midnight, Chuntao and Roberto went to their respective tents to crash, and then Sargent Abraham followed suit. Virgil, Elucid, and Ryan were still at the fire, and Virgil was falling asleep.

"Hey," Ryan whispered, "Why don't you go to sleep now?"

Virgil nodded with a soft smile on his lips, "Mm… Thanks Ryan…"

"Yeah, go to sleep Virgil," Ryan chuckled. Virgil rose up and went back to his tent, closing it for the night. Ryan saw him go, but noticed the drunkard left his boot out. How did that slip off?

He was about to grab it when Elucid scoffed, "You're a sly one."

Ryan turned to him, remembering that of course he was still there. He promptly ignored him.

"You were complaining the whole time about going this far," Elucid huffed. "Yet this was the perfect spot wasn't it? Did you have the ring made beforehand so you could give Mr. Hailey a fake? Make him happy? Cully more favor?"

"Now you listen here," Ryan stood up, annoyance riling him. "I found that ring by chance. You're just going to have to believe it."

"Oh yeah? You're such a fucking liar," Elucid sneered. "Believe it? That's some good luck you got there. And when in the world did you and Mr. Hailey get on a first name basis. Pisses me off."

"Get pissed then," Ryan snarked. "I don't care what you think Elucid, why would I?"

"What, are you getting mad at me?" Elucid ridiculed. "Just show your true colors, you fucker. Show those black colors, cause that's all you are. Why are you even on this expedition? Your kind ain't shit."

"You're really asking for it, Elucid," Ryan snapped. "Why don't you just say it and we can square off right now?"

"What? Say what exactly?" Elucid eyes gleamed with a poisonous contempt.

"Don't act like you don't know," Ryan growled.

"Oh? Are you waiting for me to say Nigger? Please," Elucid scoffed. "If I called you that, the fists would already be flying."

"They're about to."

"No, they're not," Elucid laughed. "If you were going to fight me, you'd already have done it. I've read you like a book, like a lot of your kind you don't want to fight. Cause if you do, you'll just be called an angry black man, and we all know by now that you all are trying to move past the labels. But that's all you are, an angry black bastard."

"Mother fucker!" Ryan growled.

"Come on, hit me," Elucid cruelly snickered. "Be like the rests of those thugs. Be like all your friends. Assault me, everyone else here is all out cold from the Sargent's liquor. It'll be my word against yours if I'm the only one beaten up. Cause I don't intend to fight back."


A flap fluttered and they both glanced over to a tent opening; Virgil's tent. They both froze, especially Elucid as Virgil walked out, with only one shoe and trudged over to where his was next to Ryan. He picked it up, walked over to Elucid and used it to hit him on the side of the face. Elucid was so shocked, he lost his footing, knocking him to the ground. Virgil stood over him and screamed, "YOU'RE FIRED!"

His scream echoed through the entire landscape and Elucid sat there frozen. Ryan stared in awe as Virgil went on a long arduous rant, "Do you think this is okay, Elucid? Do you really? Aren't you like thirty, why are you still such a big back of dicks?!" He kicked snow at him. "I can't believe this! I can't believe! How long has this been going on?! I've never had or even seen this shit happen! Never, had I had this sort of behavior even in the workplace! If I did, they would be fired on the spot! Any employer with a lick of sense would get rid of anyone like that! And you just-you just-Aah!" He then grabbed Elucid's hair, dragging him. Elucid was limp, but his hands held onto Virgil's who pulled at his hair and threw him over to Ryan's feet. "Apologize! For everything you said! Do it now!"

"But-!" Elucid muttered, but Virgil cut him off.

"I'm a god damn billionaire, Elucid!" Virgil yelled. "If you don't apologize now, when we get back, I'll sue you so bad you'll live in a box! And don't think I don't have the lawyers to do that?!"

Elucid stayed still for a bit longer then mumbled, "I'm sorry…"


"I-I'm s-sorry!"


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Elucid screamed, completely frantic at this point.

Virgil snorted through his nose then turned to Ryan with furious eyes, "Was that good?" Ryan didn't know what to say, so he just nodded in return. Virgil turned back to look down on Elucid and said coldly, "We are meeting with the other group at the next outpost. When we come back here, a couple of them can escort you back to the coast. Understand?"

Elucid nodded and Virgil turned back to Ryan, with a softer yet more understanding expression, "I am sorry I did not catch this behavior earlier Ryan. I would not let it happen if I knew. I do not condone this at all."

"…I see that," Ryan blinked.

Virgil smiled, "Yes well, I now have to ask… why didn't you report this sooner?"

Ryan felt a bit ashamed about it, but he answered, "I thought I could just ignore it, let it blow over. I've experienced this before; it isn't my first time."

Virgil stared at him with eyes of pity, in which Ryan felt even more embarrassed of, "Well, I am your employer, so if there is any more of this behavior, please let me know. "

"W-Will do," Ryan replied.

Virgil wobbled a bit, saying, "My sock is all wet from the snow now, but I'm glad I forgot my boot," he slipped it on anyways and said, "Goodnight Ryan. I hope you sleep better." He ignored Elucid and entered back into his tent. Ryan stood there in all sorts of shock and glanced at Elucid who was quietly sobbing and shaking. Ryan kicked some snow into the fire, entered his tent, and went to sleep.

Apparently, everyone heard Virgil's yelling session last night, and in the morning, Virgil explained rather professionally about the events that occurred and what he wouldn't stand for in any workplace environment. Even in a frozen one.

Everyone gave Elucid the obvious cold shoulder and they all packed up their things, heading to the outpost. They sled out onto a bit of hill like land, the air was fast, and they could see yet another set of clouds come towards them, they expected another storm. They sled through hail and low visibility; it was getting blurry and bumpy. The dogs were getting harder to see, but they kept going.

Ryan noticed something to his left and saw a formation in the distance. He recognized it instantly as Languid Arch. A solid piece of ice that he had never seen change shape, frozen in ice and time. It was a few stories tall and glistening, a powerful sort of structure that would amaze any onlooker. Ryan remembering passing through something like that always felt like you were moving through something important. But at this point in time, it lay away in the far distance, soon to be concealed by snow.

Ryan turned forward and mushed his dogs harder as they persevered through the icy gale. It took about half an hour for all of them to pass through the blizzard, leaving out remaining overcast skies that dwelled above.

The break of the storm was rather quick, and everyone felt rather relieved getting through. They sled for a bit longer when Ryan glanced behind him and noticed that there were only five sleds including his own. He stopped his dogs, and everyone followed suit, confused by his actions. He pulled off his goggles and hood to look over the group. He saw all of them except Sargent Abraham. He tugged his bandana down and called, "Did anyone see Sargent Abraham?!"

They all glanced about, looking for the man who wasn't there. Ryan walked a bit away onto a hill from where they just sled from, but he saw no trace of the man. Virgil came along to his side to see, but there was nothing, "Where'd he go?"

"I… I don't know," Ryan peeked back and forth, he was nowhere to be seen. "Anyone got binoculars?" Chuntao came over with them and Ryan took them to scan the planes. But nothing, not a single indication of life. "I don't see him."

"He could have gotten lost in the storm!" Elucid called, annoyance ringing his voice. Ryan was glad he wasn't a complete dick and at least cares about someone else's life.

"Should we go after him?" Virgil asked.

"No, everyone stays here," Ryan stated. "Me and Chuntao?" She nodded, "We'll go look for him and come back here. Back soon." They sled off together into the snow and traced their paths to see if they could find anything, but there was nothing so far. For hours they searched, but the dogs were getting tired, so they both decided to head back.

"Nothing?" Virgil worried.

"No, but it's okay," Ryan said. "If he was just lost then he has a map and compass. He'll find his way to the outpost."

"What if he's hurt?" Roberto asked.

"He can sit on the sled if he broke a leg or something," Ryan stated. "He can still guide and be carried by the dogs like that."

"Were there any caved in holes out there?"

"No, nothing we saw," Ryan answered. "But we'll find him. We should get the other teams at the outpost, then we'll be able to make more ground. Sound good?"

They agreed, knowing he could survive out there at least for a night. He was a tough man.

They could make the trip in less than half a day, so earlier in morning they sled all the way to the outpost that was just through a few icy structures and hills to get there. They all felt nervousness creep up onto them, but they could make it.

At the bottom of one of the hilltops the group could see something past that. It was black smoke, sailing into the air. Suddenly Ryan felt dread sink into his stomach, and he knew the others were feeling the same fear. They climbed over the hill and saw the outpost, burned down to ruins with smoke soaring from it. The group stopped in shock, couldn't believe their eyes.

Ryan was the first to move, sledding down to the burned down building, seeing charred wood and melted metal. There was broken glass and sparking wires. He jumped off his sled and rushed to it, searching on the sidelines for anything or anyone. The others came down too, joining in the search to find something or someone. Chuntao ran up to Ryan, "It could be a gas explosion, bad wiring."

"No," Ryan mumbled. "This feels different."

He ran to the side, scanning the debris when Roberto called, "Ryan! Ryan! Look at this!" Everyone ran to his direction and they saw him near several empty sleds; no people or dogs. Roberto pointed to the ground, "Dog paw prints." They glanced down to see the prints in the ground, but it seemed so uniformed, as if they walked together in a group, lined together, somewhere else. "Where did they go?"

"Where are the people?" Chuntao questioned. "Where are their footprints?"

"Over here!" Virgil called, he gestured to the same type of uniformed prints that entered the building and over away they exited near what would have been the back door, footprints in the same uniformed pattern. "Where are they going?"

They stared at the footprints, Ryan clenched his fists and announced, "I'm going after them." He hopped on the sled and sped after the prints and the others followed him. They went a bit further and peeking over a hill when Ryan's heart skipped a beat then sunk.


Red was everywhere. It was soaked into the snow in a large puddle formation.


People were spread across the ground, joints contorted and sticking in the air. There were hands raising up, to something in the sky.

From where they stood, they could see their chests, their stomachs, it was like that dog. They looked like the dog.

The dogs started to bark and growl loudly. There was red everywhere.

The group moved back; everyone was in shock. Their bodies moved, but their minds did not react. They were off their sleds at the ruins of the outpost. They were sitting down in collective shock.

Virgil stood up and screamed. Then they all started screaming and yelling. No one knew what was happening, they were taken over by confusion and terror. Virgil fell to the ground, gasping sobs into the snow. Roberto started muttering something incoherent. Chuntao was crying loudly, her hands were shaking. Elucid was in a deep shock after screaming, his mind wouldn't return to his body.

Ryan moved away and threw up his breakfast. His legs felt weak, his body felt cold. Why? What was happening? That wasn't real! It wasn't real!

He turned to see the others, in their states of shock. He felt sickness roll in his stomach again and he threw up.

It was about an hour before they stopped crying, Virgil was the worst off of them. He was mumbling, "It's my fault-It's my fault-I brought them here-It's my fault!"

"W-What did that-t?" Roberto shivered. "I-It was the same as my d-dog. Right? It was t-the same."

"We… we are being hunted!" Chuntao cried. "Something killed them all. We must hide- we must run!"

"We have to go," Elucid frantically said, snapping out of his shock. "Right now, we have to go and tell the authorities now. We have to get going."

"But what about Abraham?" Roberto asked.

"As far as we know, he's the same as them," Elucid stated.

"You don't know that!"

"I'm not willing to find out!" Elucid shouted. "No amount of anything is worth this! Worth dying! Let's go!"

"Elucid's right," Ryan spoke, having them turn to him. He still felt sick, but he could at least tell who was right and who was wrong. "We need to go now. Whatever killed them, I don't want to wait around and meet it."

"But the Sargent!"

"Will have to fend on his own!" Ryan cried. "I'm sorry Roberto, but we can't stick around. I have a daughter to get back home to." He went to Virgil who was still in shock, "Come on Virgil, let's go."

"I killed them Ryan, I got them killed," Virgil muttered. "It was all for nothing. I… Everyone is dead because of me. They're dead because of me."

Ryan kneeled down to him, seeing his eyes so blank, so white and gone, "No one knows what happened. There aren't supposed to be anything big enough down here that would do that to them. There isn't anything at all. Not even dogs could do that. You didn't do anything."

"I did it, I killed them," Virgil whispered. "This was for nothing. I brought them to their deaths for nothing."

"You were with us, Virgil," Ryan told him. "You didn't do anything. You couldn't have. You couldn't have known. None of us could have known." Virgil kept mumbling and Ryan wondered if that was enough shock to make him go overboard. "Are you able to sled? Virgil? Can you sled?" Virgil didn't respond, just kept mumbling. Ryan stood up and spoke to Roberto, "Help me get him on one of the sleds."

"Oh god," Roberto whimpered. They removed the supplies off Ryan's sled and separated onto different sleds. They moved Virgil on the sled and hooked him on, keeping him bundled.

Chuntao took it upon herself to take the other's teams food and any other supplies and hooked it onto their sleds. Ryan kneeled one more time in front of Virgil, trying to look into his eyes, "We'll get you out, okay? This isn't your fault." He was too distant and unresponsive.

That night Virgil regained some of his sanity, he was quiet and was left alone in his tent as the others tried to decide what is the next best course of action.

"If we go through the mountains again, we might not be that lucky this time," Roberto said. "If the same thing that happened to those people happened to one of my dogs then whatever that was could still be at the base of the mountain."

"Also, it seems that those people… maybe they died in some sort of trance," Chuntao suggested, "But a dog can't do that to itself either. Meaning if we do encounter whatever did that to them, we might not have the willpower to even struggle."

"So, we have to avoid such a scenario like that all together," Ryan thought. "Meaning a completely different path. Any suggestions?"

They thought for a moment when Chuntao stated, "The lake! It might be dangerous to maneuver around the water, but honestly I'd rather deal with natural problems then ones I can't explain."

"That's a good start," Ryan nodded then turned elsewhere. "Elucid what do you think? Does the lake sound good?"

Elucid peeked over, a bit startled by Ryan but then meekly nodded.

When he turned away Roberto whispered, "Why ask him? After how he treated you this whole time."

"Oh please, I've experienced worst harassment then that, some actually getting 'me' fired," Ryan sighed. "Besides he has a stake in all of this too. If not the money now, at least his life. His input wouldn't be something bad; he is a professional, remember?"

"Yes, I had forgotten, on purpose," Roberto huffed. "He should really keep his eyes to the ground."

"So, it's decided, the lake," Chuntao noted, having everyone agree unanimously.

The following morning while packing up, Virgil shyly went to Ryan and asked, "Ryan… what's the plan? Where are we going?"

"Right…" Ryan explained. "There is a lake a dozen miles off from here. We decided not to test the mountains out, considering what happened to the dog. So, we are going to the lake instead."

"Lake?" Virgil thought. "You never mentioned anything about a lake before."

"Oh, uh right…" Ryan bit his lip then confessed, "We didn't tell you about it because we didn't want you to decide and have us search there. That lake has sea lions and other troubling things, and no one wanted to deal with that. So, we didn't tell you cause we thought you wouldn't need to know…"

Ryan felt bad, but these were trying times at best. He couldn't focus on one person's feelings, he seemed to be the one leading the corral of these people, so he had to make some inconsiderate choices.

They hooked up to the sleds and sailed to the lake. The sky was gray with light dusting of snow, falling down. They rode to these ice-like crevices that distorted their reflections. It was narrow and hard, but they managed to sled through. Ryan had an odd feeling though, going through those icy tunnels. He felt something else, an unknown something's presence behind them.

They sled on, out of the tunnels and out into a snowy plane. Once out, everyone felt a slash of cold piercing wind strike them. But they pushed on forward in the freezing gale. It was hours on that open plane, no life for miles or movement expect for the chilling winds that flew right through them. The wind was turbulent, even though there was no snow or hail, it was making it even difficult for the dogs to see.

"We got to stop!" Roberto called; his voice small compared to the loud winds. "They can't see anything!"

"We got to keep moving!" Ryan yelled.

"We can't move anymore!" Roberto responded. "Ryan please!"

Ryan felt the frost biting his lips and cracking his skin, he heard his companion's loud pleas that were drained by the whistling wind. His hands were shaking with uncertainty, and his stomach flipped with trepidations. He looked back at them to see withered faces silhouetted in the blizzard. He stared at them, then nodded, regretting the thought of setting up camp now. But hopefully, whatever was out there, wouldn't find them in this turbulent snow. They set up tents, but not many, afraid to huddle in there alone

Roberto and Chuntao were in a separate tent, while Ryan, Virgil, and Elucid quickly were cramped in their own. The wind howled outside, and Elucid flinched at every strange sound and the patter on the tent's fabric walls. Ryan felt awkward but he also had concern spin in his chest when he noticed Virgil staring daggers at Elucid who was also aware of the hateful glares. Elucid kept his eyes adverted as Virgil stayed steadfast in his loathing scowls. He didn't want to break the intimidation, but Ryan was concerned that Virgil was watching Elucid so he wouldn't even think of doing anything disrespectful. Though Ryan was a bit grateful for that, at the moment it was unnecessary.

He placed a hand on Virgil's shoulder who looked up at him with a hint of confusion. Ryan gazed down with a knowing expression which quickly melted Virgil's protective glare. But suddenly they heard a scoff, and both turned to Elucid who whipped away with a sour expression.

Virgil snapped at him, "What is it?"

Elucid flinched a bit, but he kept his annoyed attitude, "I don't get you two."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ryan asked with a frustrated tone.

"You didn't do anything, and he still likes you better than me," Elucid sneered. "I was a nice guy. I treated him nice. I can't begin to understand why he chose you over me."

"Maybe cause I don't talk to him like Virgil's not there," Ryan glared causing Elucid to pull back a bit, but didn't back down.

"Pft, what's the point now?" Elucid groaned. "Should have realized billionaires are shallow. Even in these conditions all the way over here, you still act all high and mighty."

"Elucid, he's our boss," Ryan responded.

"Not anymore," Elucid snipped. "I'm fired, remember? I was so nice too. Can't believe I fucked up."

Virgil gave him a sharp stare then said, "You know why I didn't like you Elucid," he gave him a quirked eyebrow as Virgil continued, "Because you're creepy."

Now both of Elucid's eyebrows were up in the air and his mouth dropped as he whined, "Creepy?! I'm not creepy!"

"Yes, you are," Virgil hissed. "You were always in my personal space, always trying to get my attention. And you know what, now that I think about it, you acted like all the scam artists I've had the trouble dealing with back home. Always smooth with their words and saying things they think people wanted to hear. You're creepy, Elucid."

Elucid stared at them with disbelief, raised up and seemed like he was going to lurch at them, but there was a whisper. The group flinched at the sound as it echoed in their heads. The lantern that illuminated their tent diffused, leaving the trio in darkness. They looked out at the entrance of the tent, only at the moment hearing the wind. But then suddenly a soft whisper called to them, making them jump in their skins.

"Virgil," it was quiet but distinct as it traveled with the wind. "Virgil…"

The three backed up in the tent, fear beating in their chest as the voice continued, "Virgil… come to me…"

"No, no," Virgil gasped, grabbing onto Ryan, he mumbled, "It's the voice. It's the voice!"

Ryan held onto him as the voice whispered softly, "Virgil, come to me… I am here… Virgil…"

"Go away-!" Virgil almost screamed but Ryan covered his mouth, trying to silence him. Virgil didn't move, looking up to Ryan if that's what they needed to do. Ryan glanced at Elucid who was shaking near them, his mouth open but unable to speak. He caught his eye and mouthed to not speak. Elucid bit his lips as he nodded, staring at the tent's entrance, unable to see any shadows of movement.

The voice was calm, eerie, but continued to beckon him, calling him to the outside, "Virgil… come to me… Let me see your face… Virgil… It's me…"

Ryan questioned that line, unsure what it meant. He glanced to Virgil and saw eyes wet with tears but also holding some sort of realization.

"It's me, Virgil…" the voice so soft it sounded feminine. "It's me, darling… your dear Kathlyne…"

The three men were in shock at that, but Virgil started to move out of Ryan's arms to the voice, "… Kathlyne-?"

But he was pulled back and thrown on the floor of the tent by Ryan who held him down. Virgil was shocked and tried to flail, but Ryan turned to Elucid commanding him, "Keep him held down, don't let him get out there."

His voice left no room for question that Elucid reluctantly did as he said and held Virgil down who was now yelling at him, "Ryan?! Ryan what are you doing?!"

There was no gun, Abraham had that, and he was gone. Ryan instead grabbed an ice axe and yanked the entrance of the tent open, running outside as he loudly shouted at whatever was out there. He charged out there, ready to swing the axe at anything that moved, but there was nothing there. Except the howling blizzard, it was only them. He glanced to the side and saw Chuntao and Roberto emerge from their tent in confusion from the noise and Ryan barked at them, "Get back in there and close it!"

Roberto flinched at that, the two sealed it up, unable to know what to expect now. Ryan dashed back into his own tent and Elucid let go of Virgil who thrashed away from him, and turned to Ryan, snapping, "What was that?! That was her voice! That was Kathlyne!"

"Are you an idiot?!" Ryan yelled back, startling the other two. "How in the world was that Kathlyne?! A creepy voice like that?! That was the same voice from before, wasn't it?! The one that freaked you out?! That wasn't Kathlyne! That was something else! Something that disappeared when I got out there!"

"How can you be so-?!"

"Sure?!" Ryan finished. "Because if that was Kathlyne, if that was your wife! Then why didn't she just come in?! Why did she try to lure us out?! That wasn't your wife you stupid! We don't know what that was!"

"You don't-!"

"I fucking do!"

"Fuck you!" Virgil screamed.

"Fuck you!" Ryan yelled back, then Virgil hit him, and Ryan threw a punch. Cursing and screaming at each other. Elucid fell to the back, unsure and unable what to do. Ryan threw Virgil out into the snow and hollered, "This is what you want?! You want to be outside, right?! Want to follow some freaky voice that'll probably get us all killed?!"

"Shut up!" Virgil shrieked, throwing a clump of snow at him, hitting Ryan in the face. "Shut up! Shut up! That was her! That was my Kathlyne!"

"No, it fucking wasn't!" Ryan snapped. "Kathlyne's dead!"

A silence fell on them, Virgil staring at Ryan. Ryan's face twisted in regret, but he didn't deflect what he said. Not now, he refused.

"… You said you believed me. You said I was right!" Virgil's voice shook.

"I did, I really did," Ryan answered. "But I can't anymore. After what happened to all those people… Those people who were ripped apart, I can't believe she didn't fall into same fate."

Virgil's heart broke in his eyes and he curled up, his head sinking in his knees and he fell silent. Ryan bent down to him and gently pulled his face up to reveal an expression barren of tears, but one filled with sorrow. Ryan pressed his thumb on where his punch landed, right on his chin. Virgil's eyes fell on where his hit landed on Ryan, on his eyebrow was a small scratch. Ryan said softly, "I'm sorry I punched you."

Virgil lifted a hand to the scratch mark above Ryan's eye, saying, "I don't know why I did that… I'm sorry."

The wind picked up, and the temperature was dropping. Virgil was shivering in the snow, so Ryan helped pick him up and the two ventured back into the tent. Elucid was starting to leave, but Ryan called to him, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Uh, I'm leaving this weird love nest," he muttered.

"You aren't going to go and treat Chuntao and Roberto badly either," Ryan glared, but Elucid pulled away.

"I'll keep my mouth shut, okay?" Elucid snipped. "Bye now." And he left, leaving Virgil and Ryan alone in the sealed up tent. They laid down, wind singing outside. Virgil lay facing him, his eyes softly watching. Ryan's hand rested on Virgil's side; he didn't dare let go. Feeling like something else might happen if he does. Virgil inched a bit closer, his eyes falling on Ryan's chest. Ryan felt a bit warm as he did so, the two sat there, listening to the wind, and falling asleep from exhaustion.