Ch 12. Restless Night (II)

Ursinus adjusted his self to sit more comfortably on a couch located in the center of a room. In timely manner, one of his guards brought in a line of girls, their features all holding similarities with each other.

Ursinus keenly observed them all from head to toe, his eyes carrying lust. He raised his hand and pointed, "You...and you...and you...Oh, you, too! Tonight you shall have the honor of serving me!" He smiled broadly as he watched the rest of the girls that he hadn't called being ordered to sit around but in front of him.

The girls all had different expressions plastered on their faces. One of the oldest girls who had been called had a gleeful smile as she stepped towards the man with no hesitation.

"My lord!"

"Mm, Chloe," Ursinus acknowledged her while the young woman inwardly cringed. Her name was not Chloe! Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything but act accordingly to his wishes while she hoped that she could rise her position in his heart to enjoy the riches that the magistrate could offer.

At the far back of the group of girls, a young girl nervously trembled as she clutched the sides of her clothes. She was one of the four that had been called for. She was looking down at the floor as she nervously took a small step forward but as she placed her foot down, she froze.

Ursinus who was enjoying his Chloe's hands on him with his eyes closed, opened one eye and saw the pretty girl not listening to him. Annoyance showed in his eyes, adding on to the already ignited rage and irritation from today's dinner, he signaled to one of his guards with a flick of his finger to bring her over.

"N-no... no!"

The girl sensing that she was going to be dragged over started to cry. She had never imagined that her features would one day bring her to ruins but alas she couldn't fight back. No one in Wulsapa was aware that the disappearance of some girls was due to their pervert magistrate. She had been lucky that he hadn't called for her services since she had arrived and that had caused her to believe that she would never have to participate in his disgusting acts. She had seen as some girls had disobeyed him and were never seen again increasing her fearing for her life now.

"Bring that b***h over now!" Ursinus hollered angrily, his patience had reached its limit.

"No!" The girl screamed as she felt many terrifying strong hands pulling at her arms and hair while she tried to fight back. But after realizing how her actions wouldn't result in her escaping from this hell, she stopped resisting where she found herself staring at the floor below Ursinus.

Ursinus noticed how the girl's blue eyes had gone blank and how her hair stuck to her tear-stained face, the look exciting him. He decided that he would first indulge himself with her before killing her and throwing her out of the city walls. Raising his hand to stroke her cheek, he saw her tightly shut her eyes and silently cry.

"I've never had my share of you," the girl felt creepy shivers shake her body at his words, "so maybe if I'm satisfied after I'll maybe...let you go?" He moved to remove her clothes but before he could, the door was violently opened.

Scared out of his wits, Ursinus met Magnus' gaze.

Magnus was raging inside of how disgusting this man was. Being a father himself with a daughter around the age of the girl Ursinus was going to force his self on, disgusted and furious couldn't even wholly describe how he felt.

"Ursinus, you revolting hog," Magnus spoke slowly, "if you wanted to act so lowly, you could've ordered one of your men to help in taking you."

Ursinus felt blood rush to his head as he trembled in embarrassment. He had just been told to allow himself to be penetrated by another man! Such an abomination!

Magnus words had made the girls realize that he was against Ursinus' acts. In a heartbeat, Magnus was surrounded by many desperate girls who were tugging at his clothes and grabbing his ankles.

"Help me!"

"My lord, please help us!"

Magnus looked down to see about a dozen girls at his feet begging him to save them. Blue eyes and blonde hair, he noted.

Ursinus was trembling like a leaf on a windy day but thinking that he had an advantage he called out, "Guards!"

What answered him was Magnus' contempt gaze and a head thrown at him... A head thrown at him?!

Ursinus saw how the head fell to the ground, rolling before it came to a stop. It was one of his men's head! Horror-struck, he pissed himself involuntary but he could care less as he thought of how it could be his head next that would be cut. His men in the room with him didn't dare to move as well.

With his hands brought to his neck to keep it safe, he heard Magnus continue speaking, "Since you're not able to keep your body in check, you're more likely to not be able to keep this city in check, too. Do you know what awaits you?"

Ursinus didn't respond and instead asked, "How did you know?"

Magnus decided to tell the truth, "One of the girls that you had killed and thrown into the mountains was able to survive by the mercy of the gods. Knowing that we would be passing by one of the cities she was close at, she went and was able to meet us. She told us about your crimes and asked for help. I will not tell you her name."

Ursinus, though, had gone crazy at the mention that it was one of the girls that he had kidnapped and then harmed, "Chloe! How could you..." His eyes held a crazed look in them.

"By order of King Andreios," Magnus signaled for a royal soldier to enter the room holding a tablet with the order, "you shall be presented to the citizens tomorrow where they shall decide on your punishment."

But Ursinus had stopped listening, "Chloe, how could you my dear..." He was quietly muttering while seemingly looking lost.

"He's gone crazy," the soldier next to Magnus whispered under his breath.

"No, he's been crazy since he lost that maiden a few seasons ago," Magnus responded. Hearing the young girls still plead and cry, he stepped out of the room and ordered the soldiers that had arrived earlier than expected, "Keep the maidens safe and attend to their needs. Kill the remaining of Ursinus' men. Also, prepare a space at the market tomorrow where all of Wulsapa will be able to witness and hear of his crimes."

"Yes, Sir Magnus," they responded.

Magnus made his way out of the building that seemed fine from the outside while secretly contained abducted girls inside. The building was located farthest away from the city's gates where only the extremely poor lived.

Hearing a horse coming to a stop in front of him, he looked up to see Lord Hector and next to him, the second prince of Milikree. Raising an eyebrow in confusion as he and Hector had agreed beforehand to not let Cyrus know, he gave his friend a questioning look.

Hector sighed tiredly. Meanwhile, Cyrus answered him, "I caught him." His lips pulled up in a proud smirk.

Maybe because of the worries that he had been having on the topic of marriage and love, Cyrus dreamed of a wedding. Although it was not clear, he could see two figures donning wedding robes dancing in the center of a jolly group. Merriment and laughter sounded through the air. Cyrus himself had a smile on his face even though such a thing was tormenting his thoughts in reality. He had awoken when he heard a sound outside the chambers he was resting in.

Getting up and fixing his clothes, he quietly opened the door to catch a fleeting glance of his mentor turning the corner at the end of the corridors. Curious as to what he was up to, he had stealthily followed him and had confronted him at the horse stables. That had led to the present moment.

"Your highness, you shouldn't be here," Magnus spoke frankly.

Cyrus had gotten off his horse and just gave him a quick look, "And who are you to decide that?"

Hector who felt that most of his energy had been spent at the stables and was hoping to quickly retire from there ignored the prince and asked Magnus, "That was quick. How come they came earlier than expected?"

"I'm not sure. They arrived as soon as arrived here. The captain mentioned that the king wanted to quickly solve all problems to enjoy the upcoming festivities."

"That is something my father would do."

Magnus peered at the prince curiously, "And here I thought that the magistrate's wife would be troubling you right now. What happened? Not interested?"

Cyrus shrugged, "She's not my type. Also, Nestor should be indulging in her by now."

Which was true, Nestor had intercepted Leah's plans and then seduced her. They were currently having an exciting moment in the corridors where Ursinus' room was.

"Anyways, what will you do with him?" Cyrus asked as he saw the soldiers tie Ursinus' hands and legs and then drag him towards them. The girls had already been taken to another building where they would be fed and tended to for the night.

"Hmm, I guess you have an idea?" Hector looked at his apprentice.

Cyrus nodded, "I think we should let the citizens stone him tomorrow at the market. It will allow them to vent their frustrations on him and the families of these girls can also have their share of revenge."

"When shall we part to the capital?" Magnus asked Hector.

"The day after tomorrow."