The Great Architect of the Universe

Freemasonry proposes a society of universal character, concerned with the well-being of its adherents and people in a fragile social situation.

Acacia is the symbol plant of Freemasonry, being used by Master Masons as an identification sign. It represents security, clarity, and also innocence or purity.

I need to shop! Urgent!

And Elisabeth... Well, she didn't believe in the god that Christians brought tied to the cross. She was a Wiccan. She is a devotee of Hecate and a Polytheist.

-I want the Ansata Crux, the eye of Horus and a large frame as an occult and esoteric Egyptian freemason sign ankh sign

That was Ray's thoughts after the business meeting, but gaining control was an aphrodisiac drug. Know the causes of a competitor's imbalance and regain control as a new owner.

Fundraising through interest rates above profitability.

"This always ends up with profitability and the profitability of the enterprise."

There was an extension of payment terms. And they ended up leading to the closing of credit with suppliers. Rau intended to maintain the strategic design of the business. It was all a matter of managing the business.

He was walking down the hall and still with the iPhone Falcon in hand on speakerphone.

- Growth processes without planning sources of resources cause imbalances. - the comment came over the speaker.

- Incompatible withdrawals of partners. A lot of people are superior to the company's ability to pay. This causes imbalances even in companies with good profitability and profitability. I intend to raise this company that we are buying. Let's close the deal.

He had a firm decision to expand. 20 thousand tons. Research showed. The state-of-the-art Dutch vertical farm produced over 1,000 tonnes of insect-based ingredients a year. Ray wanted much more. He was a man of vision and he had gambled and won millions.

Producing food needed only reasoning. Mass manufacturing edible insects... The family business prospered and employed a multitude around the world after Cristal Revolution expanded business across Latin America and Europe. It started with an investment of The Dutch Next Generation Vertical Farm Produces Over 1,000 Tons of $125 Million In This Project. And luck smiled. There were already orders. $90 million in orders.

The main source of protein for people all over the world.

He was now on his way to being the owner of the world's largest edible insect company. It was the future of the agricultural sector. A giant $35 billion partner with

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), based in Chicago, and InnovaFeed.

The result of pioneering research on insect proteins was much more promising than they had initially thought.

Grow and harvest billions of an extraordinary fly called the Black Soldier Fly...

The larvae consumed huge amounts of organic matter and converted it into nutrient-rich proteins. They were sold as animal feed. Just one of their smaller factories... produced 60,000 metric tons of protein for animal feed a year. This meant more than 20 thousand metric tons of oils for poultry and swine feed and 400 thousand tons of fertilizers.

It was the future of humanity that had finally arrived.

The fly larvae ate almost everything – and everything including non-compostable food waste destined for landfills. The perfect food chain and defence of the world's ecological environment.

- Remember, Will. For every pound of meat you produce... cows and sheep need about eight pounds of grain, pigs need about four pounds, and chickens need four pounds. But vertical farms...

- We will increase our food supply by 56%. Few natural resources. And reduce by 80% the emission of gases that cause the greenhouse effect ..- Will commented, writing down on the agenda what he needed to do in the new company.

- I want an increase in the line of investments of ant crisps that are a success. And don't forget the frozen grasshopper skewers...

In a few months... It was a new world. Biofactories reigned, giving jobs to millions. There was no unemployment rate in the world. Ray smiled. after finally getting authorization. The Madagascar cockroach waves like a mermaid. Edible and reached 9 centimetres when adult. They had a 3-year life expectancy in captivity. He dreamed of launching an incredible line of cookies taking advantage of the light taste of almonds. It would be as profitable as mealworm paste. They were the most sought-after for the taste they had of shrimp.

- I want to expand our research into new sources of insects...

Ray had more ambitious dreams. He took the elevator and when the doors opened he looked seriously at the security guards who now always accompanied him after the attempt that had almost cost him his life.

A man who knew well that what he wanted out of life was wrong. business prospered. He wanted more publicity. And someone passionate about the subject who would have the same passion he felt.

She was what was missing.

-Let's go to the dealership...- Ray's voice sounded automatic as he turned off the iPhone Falcon and settled into the back seat, letting the driver decide the best route accompanied by the two cars of his private security.

Not everything in life was just business. He was about to buy his dream car for the weekend. It was a special car. He could imagine trips and rides in that car beside her.

Half an hour later he looked at the cars for sale.

One, in particular, caught his attention.

- The most expensive pickup in the world..- the salesman began to speak carefully to hide his excitement. He couldn't wait to get home and tell his wife the news. He was attending to Mr Ray from Cristal Revolution.

Ray nodded longingly.

- RAM 1500TRX. One of the 6 wheel monsters. A hood no less than the V8 engine of more than 700 hp. The installation of a third axle, totalling six wheels with traction. - he spoke attentively to the vehicle.

-New 18-inch wheels with 37-inch off-road tires- the seller tried to talk.- In seconds it can reach 100km/h.

Wow! How much commission would you give on your salary? He was already starting to make plans for the family vacation that year. US$ 250 thousand (about R$ 1.3 million at the current price). The value is well above US$ 70,425 (R$ 367,700). He mentally made dreamy calculations.

-Night vision system...- Ray walked around the car.- Let's be recyclable. I want the Uptis prototype. Unique Puncture-Proof Tire System.

The first airless tires for commercial vehicles hit the market.

-Don't forget the glasses. I want new and bulletproof.

Ur ones ban violence. Withstand the action of bullets from firearms. Safety was one of the basic priority issues. And as for the sound of the car. A multimedia centre. Not bad with smart features such as voice command, GPS on the screen, accessing the internet and even using other mobile applications and mirroring your smartphone on the car's screen.

Not bad for another purchase from your luxury auto showroom. It was his private luxury vehicle fleet. Through the shop window, he looked at the look and power of his Lamborghini, the interior bespoke and equipped with everything you would expect from a luxury limousine. The back is designed to accommodate 7 people and features an L-shaped sofa, plasma TVs, and a champagne bar.

- My secretary will contact you to arrange payment details.

The salesman's eyes shone brighter. He was going to get rich that month. Anything necessary can be arranged with my people. I expect the car ready for the weekend. In my garage.

Ray greeted the salesman with a polite wave of his hands and returned to the car. He now had more priorities. Shopping. He needed a new wardrobe. Including shirts, pants and underwear. Smiling, he imagined the pleasure of spending a few hours in the women's lingerie section. And in the shoe store.

There was still time for the next business meeting. He might as well dedicate a few hours to himself and choose the clothes that dreamed up his most erotic desires on the lonely nights as he approached. Slowly. Unhurried. And with the certainty of the victory of the conquest.

That woman would be his.

Attentive, Ray took the iPhone Falcon.

He wanted agility in the investigations.


There was silence for a few moments. The poor man well knew what that billionaire wanted.

- I did as you asked, sir. Security around the woman was tightened. Nothing she notices. And the authorities are already aware. It's just a matter of some luck. Investigations into the murder...

-It's impossible that they can't find and arrest a damn stalker...

-He's the smart type, sir. He doesn't usually leave traces. The device's IP did not show what we wanted. Could not find it.

-Then try to track it. In any other way. I control a company and I have research and work to be done.

Ray smiled. It was perfect. She was passionate about the subject. It would be a great help to the research team on new insects in the food industry.