Chapter 3: Conflict, Demon Sealing Eyes!

Like a gush of wind, four years passed by in a flash.

A month after being born, little Myah opens his starry eyes for the first time and witnesses the beauty of this world.

Inside both of his pupils, there is the image of countless metal chains flashing mysteriously.

It was the Demon Sealing Eyes! A long-lost trait of the Braveheart Clan, something that hasn't been appeared for the past thousand years.

Almost everyone in the Braveheart Clan was agitated upon discovering this news. Especially Myah's father, William.

According to the Clan's records, thousands of years ago, one of the Braveheart Clan's Clan Leader also possessed the Demon Sealing Eyes. With its unique ability, that person could cross an entire realm in battle and manage to seal a Rank 6 Demon Beast while still at the Transcendent realm. Although there was a price to pay, one couldn't underestimate the pair of eyes' power.

It was extraordinary!

From then on, Myah has become the center of attention for some time.

Reincarnated with barely any memories of his previous life, Myah grew up peacefully and enjoyed a childhood showered with love from both of his parents.

Strangely, unlike either of his mother and father, Myah was born with a rare glistening, wavy silver hair, just like the moon's luminescence that breaks through the darkness.

However, as little Myah grew older, things started to change.

At three years old, others in the Clan noticed that Myah wasn't a bright child and was not a genius as they had expected.

While children similar to his age has already weaned and started to practice martial art. Little Myah is still clinging to his mother and drinking milk with delight, especially breastfed.

Often, little Myah fell into a dazed state while staring at the blank space and quickly lost focus.

Over time, his unique and delicate features attracted the attention of other kids, and older children, especially the boys, were constantly picking upon him.

However, incapable of understanding what was happening, little Myah never fights back. Feeling hurt from the constant bullying, he could only return and cry to the gentle embrace of his mother, Hannah.

It wasn't until little Myah turned four years old that he finally learned to talk in simple words. But it didn't change anything, as even children of peasants would amount to more than that.

After careful consideration, the Clan elders branded Myah as a child with a mental defect while turning their attention back to the young Theo, the Clan Leader's grandson.

Theo was highly eye-catching for his intelligence and comprehension of the martial path, talking at four months old and walking at five. Compared to the unremarkable little Myah, the difference was immense.

At some point, William also lost hope in Myah and turned a cold shoulder. Being neglected by his father, Myah slowly becomes timider and timider.

Unable to put up with a useless son, William grows abusive. One time, the innocent Myah wanted to play with his father, but all he received was a vicious kick in the gut.

Little Myah was horrified, coughing out a mouthful of blood before losing consciousness.

However, his wife, Hannah, accidentally witnessed that scene, which resulted in a fierce fight.

After that incident, Hannah quickly realized the change in William; a crack appears in their relationship and is slowly crumbles apart.


Two years later.

It was the beginning of the winter season.

The first snow arrived in silent and swirling freely in the freezing wind without much emotion—a pure white blanket soon enveloped the Cloudia's Capital City.

Yet, people still needed to work as flickering flames appeared all around like the brilliance of the floral blooms in spring.

In the middle of the Braveheart Clan's residence was a large and majestic building that's no less than eight-story-high. At this moment, an intense argument was being carried out inside the Clan Leader's main office.

"I will not agree to this request no matter what! Myah is my son and also a member of the Braveheart Clan, and you all cannot impose such cruel treatment upon him!" Hannah retorted and looked at the Clan Leader Thoran and the other Clan elders in disgust.

Dressed in a brown-colored robe, Thoran sat on an artistic silver throne in the large office with the Clan elders standing neatly on the two sides.

He furrowed his eyebrows at Hannah's defiant attitude. However, he still maintains a casual expression on his face. As a Transcendent powerhouse, he has lived for hundreds of years and wouldn't lose his cool so quickly.

'What a troublesome girl, just like her deceased father, sigh...'

With Thoran remaining silent, the Clan elders began to speak up.

"Hannah, you should know that Myah was born with a mental defect. The Demon Sealing Eyes would only be a waste on him. Stop resisting and accept it."

"I also agreed. Myah just turned six years old. This period is the perfect time to remove the Demon Sealing Eyes. In the future, the Clan will reimburse him for his loss and won't mistreat him."

"Precisely, it's a sin itself to hold onto a treasure without the capabilities to protect it. Hannah, think! With Myah's aptitude, do you think he will be safe in the future with the Demon Sealing Eyes?" A Clan elder with full of white hair stepped forward; he questioned Hannah with a solemn look.

"But my son's only six years old! Would any of you still say the same thing with a straight face if Myah was your son or grandchild?" Trembling with anger, Hannah glared at all of them; she was determined to fight until the bitter end. "Everyone has a flaw, and Myah will improve with time. What you are doing now is no different than cutting off his future!"

The faces of the Clan Elders started to darken slowly, and the atmosphere was becoming tenser by the second.

Hannah could be considered one of the few outstanding talents in the Braveheart Clan in these past years. Despite only possessing a C-grade talent, she advanced to the Eight Stars of the Master Realm at 32 years old.

Such a feat was outstanding!

They estimated that Hannah would surely advance to Nine Stars in a few more years at this speed. Then, if she could make sufficient contributions to the Clan and gathered enough resources for her War Soul to evolve to Rank 4, she would become a Grandmaster!

Every Grandmaster was an essential asset to the Clan, which is comparable to the strength of an elder. Hence they couldn't take the matter lightly.

Not to mention that the fact regarding Myah possessing the Demon Sealing Eyes was no secret; if they mishandled this, it would damage the Clan's unity which is the most important thing.

"Hannah! You can't say that. Time waits for no one." An elder reprimanded her.

With a cough, the white-haired elder continues. "This subject is related to our Clan's future hope. Who can guarantee that Myah could improve? Compared to Theo whose was already showing talent since he was not even a year old. With great care, he would become the banner of the Braveheart Clan in the future."

At his words, the other Clan elders nodded and agreed. Theo was indeed extraordinary who had shown much wisdom and intelligence at a young age. So naturally, the Demon Sealing Eyes should belong to him. Although some of them covet the pair of eyes, that could only be a dream inside their hearts.

'These bastards! How dare they.' Hannah clenched her teeth, cursing at the bunch of bastards who wanted to harm her son. If not for her lack of strength, she would have killed them all long ago.

For Hannah, Myah was her everything, and she wouldn't give up under any circumstances. If it weren't because they have kept a close eye on Myah all the time, she would have taken her son and left this rotting place years back.

Their arguments continued, but Hannah wouldn't relent no matter what reason the Clan elders come up with.



"Hannah, you can leave now; this discussion is over. We will continue after the Awakening Ceremony tomorrow." At this moment, Thoran, who has been kept quiet all this time, suddenly quintet his eyes and spoke strictly.

A heavy pressure pressed down on the mind of everyone present. His overbearing voice leaves no room for compromise.

"But...!" Hannah wanted to say something but was quickly interrupted.

"I said enough! This matter ends here."

All the Clan elders and Hannah were startled, they instantly fell silent, and no one said another word.

Such is the strength of a Transcendent powerhouse.

"Then I will excuse myself," Hannah said. Her face was pale and barely able to hold herself together as the spirit energy inside her soul sea was in chaos.

There was no doubt that if Thoran didn't hold back, she would have received a severe injury.

Feeling frustrated and helpless, Hannah could only close the door and leave the office with a heavy heart.

"You all leave too; prepare for the ceremony tomorrow."

Not long after that, the Clan elders slowly dispersed, and only Thoran remained inside his office. The atmosphere was silent; after contemplating for a moment, he called out to the dark shadow in the corner of the room.

"No.1, go and summon William here... be discreet about it."

"Yes, my Lord."

Leaning against the silver throne, Thoran quickly made up his mind. His eyes were ice-cold.

'At this moment, Theo has yet to cultivate. This period is the best time for him to assimilate with the Demon Sealing Eyes. Suppose it was delayed any longer. Even if they shared the Braveheart's bloodline, there might be some complications.'

'This is how it should be, as a member of the Braveheart needs to be prepared to make any sacrifices for the Clan's future.' With that, Thoran closed his eyes and tapped his index finger on the silver throne's armrest.

'Looks like I will have to let you down, old friend...'