Chapter 32: Rank-3 Earth Golem.

"Cut the crap." Without much of a reaction, Hendrik caught the flask of monkey wine and tossed it back.

"What? Don't you want any?" Ira asked playfully. His eyes curved into a string-thin ark shape along with his smile.

As some said, the eyes are the window to the soul.

With Ira's eyes always tightly narrowed together at all times, it's hard for others to know what he was thinking.

Even so, in their small group, Ira was undoubtedly an important member.

Equipped with the bow in hand, he is a skilled marksman that could rain silent death unto the enemy.

Looking at Ira briefly, Hendrik shakes his head and responded to the pointless question. "You know I don't drink when we are out."

"Whatever, if you don't want to drink, then I drink." After taking another sip of wine, Ira made a satisfied expression. "Oh man, this is something else. You sure you don't want some?"

"Shut up. The food is ready. Go and call the others back. Really, they have been doing the scouting job since we can't depend on you."

Despite the little fuss from time to time, the looks which Ira gave Hendrik were one with respect and also a hint of admiration.

Hendrik was the leader of their small group, the Silver Fang Adventurers group. After traveling together for years, they didn't respect him because he was the strongest of them all nor his formidable War Soul but because he was a responsible man.

The type that you could leave your back to in front of a life and death crisis!

They accepted the job to scout for the Rank-3 Demon beast back in the winter season.

It has been a couple of months since then, but they haven't been able to catch it yet.

Every time, they were always one step too late as the target Demon Beast would always disappear, leaving just a few lingering traits of demonic energy behind.

The payment of one or two thousand gold coins is minimal and wasn't anywhere near enough for them to keep at it for so long.

However, with Hendrik's insistence and feeling of responsibility, the others in the group didn't say anything.

Besides, every time the unknown Demon Beast fulfilled its carnage session, it would leave behind many fresh bones of Spirit Beasts. Especially the few leftover carcasses, they were pretty valuable and somewhat covered the interest of everyone.

Although they didn't know what contributes to the unknown Demon Beast's abnormal behaviors, the traits left behind have proved it was indeed one at the third Rank.

It was still within their cope of ability in case of a potential confrontation.

"Well, I will be back in a sec." While still holding onto the stick of grilled meat, Ira left the flask of monkey wine beside the campfire. "Oh, while I'm away, you can take a sip. I promise, no one gonna knows, hahaha."

With that, Ira's laughter resounds as his silhouette blended in between the high tree branches.

"Hm! This guy..." Getting up from the wooden log, Hendrik's towering body of over two and a half meters tall walked over to a large pile of brownish stones that resembled a small hill.

Without even trying, each and every one of his casual movements was showered with strength.

Even the heavy, full-bodied iron armor Hendrik was bearing couldn't hide his bulging and chiseled bronze-colored muscles hiding underneath.

"Here, have some snack, partner." As he said so, Hendrik tossed a few low-grade Spirit Stones onto the rock pile.

With three streaks of shimmering green-colored light orbiting on the air, the rocks of different sizes moved before forming an enormous earthen figure standing on four limbs.

Its posture and proportions are similar to that of a gorilla.

The solid ground trembled accompanied by the dull sounds of blunt objects collision.

It was Hendrik's War Soul!

A rare Rank-3 Earth Golem that was well known for its tyrannical strength and almost unparalleled physical defense.

With its height almost reaching the terrifying seven meters mark, the Earth Golem looks incredibly domineering despite its body only composed of simple but large rocks and earth pieces.

While glancing at the last ray of sunlight disappeared as the darkness took over the mountain, he warned. "It's getting dark, don't make too much noise."

"Once you are done consuming the Spirit Stones, build a few walls surrounding this place for protection. We will be resting here tonight."


After giving the Earth Golem's hard stone exterior a good punch, Hendrik smirks then proceeds to clean up a few miscellaneous things around the campfire.

Gura! Gura!

Letting out some noises, the Earth Golem heeded its master's words and began to work.


Back at the Dandelion Village.

Arrived in front of his house, Myah stumblingly jumped down from Bumpkin's back.

After hastily taking the two small bamboo baskets, the little guy ran toward the front door in excitement, with Bumpkin leisurely followed behind.

Myah was very adaptive, and after living here for so long, he was highly familiar with the house and its surrounding layout; hence he wasn't worried about any obstacles blocking his way while running.

Although feeling rather excited, Myah refrains from making any noise as he wants to give his grandma a surprise.

If compared to half a year ago when it was still the winter season, the front yard and the place surrounding their house have significantly changed.

When winter approached its end, Mu Suyin planted many seeds of flowers, vegetables, and herbs.

The seed's varieties were too many to enumerate.

Even if they lived in a rural village, there was no reason to lower their living standards. It's essential to improve the quality of life, even just a little.

As the spring season was in its full swing, the previously planted seeds have already sprouted and are almost matured. Beautiful green vegetation adorned the three-room wooden house.

When the neighboring villager looked from afar, the place resembles that of one from a mystical fairy tale.

Surprisingly, before Myah could get close to the door, Mu Suyin pushed it open and walked outside, followed by an old creaking sound.

"You are late."