Chapter 70: War Soul's Arena (End)

Feeling the stiff, aching sensation after the heavy collision, a stream of adrenaline promptly rushed through Myah's veins.

'Your weapon is your life. Never let it go under any circumstances!'

Using his spear to support himself, Myah found it hard to stand on his feet as he kept repeating his grandma's teaching over and over inside his mind. Even when he crashed against the barrier, he still held a firm grip, unwilling to let go of the spear.

However, this much appeared to be Myah's limit.

At the same time, while sensing Bumpkin's various emotions, such as fear and anxiety, he didn't know what to do.

Since the beginning, Myah has never expected that fighting against Liu Ming, a human, was so much different from fighting against the bunch of Bouncing Slimes.

It was stressful and complicated!

All that required was just a moment of carelessness was enough for him to undergo dire consequences.

At this instant, Myah is at a loss, shaken but unshakable. Soon, a surge of unknown anger increasingly swelled inside him, making him feel rather aggravated.

This sensation was strange...

Breathing hard, with each passing second, Myah's grip on the dark iron spear grows tighter and tighter along with his drumming heartbeat.

Perhaps due to the temporary rush of adrenaline, but the spear's weight seems to have become nonexistent at this moment.

As if affected by Myah's emotion, the Spear Soul shuddered from within his soul sea while his spirit energy stirred about in agitation. Quickly, a sudden, peculiar and aggressive aura gradually emanated from his body.

In the waiting area,

Mu Suyin frowned as a gloomy shadow haunted her face. After detecting the sudden change in Myah's aura, she immediately transmitted a voice message to his mind.

'Calm your mind Myah. A unified heart is more important than the result of this battle. Don't let emotions cloud your reason.'

"Huh, what?" Suprised, Myah's dejected mood immediately lightened, and he wondered inwardly, 'Grandma? Is that you talking in my mind?'

Seeing his silly face, she smiled and continued,

'Don't be distracted and focus on your battle.

'I'm watching you below the stage. Oh, and don't try to talk to me, for I won't be able to hear your thought. Place your absolute trust in Bumpkin and fight by its side. Do you even remember my teaching? Man and War Soul acted as one, do not fight alone!'

In the stadium, the audiences discussed among themselves.

Many didn't think Myah and Bumpkin could reverse the situation now that both had sustained such injuries. Moreover, the wounds on Bumpkin looked relatively serious.

On the stage, Myah casually swiped the blood on his lip and soothed his disordered breathing.

"That hurt a lot, you know." Facing Liu Ming, Myah put on what he thought was a fierce expression and earnestly stated, "Now, it's my turn to beat you up, so prepare yourself!"

"You? Beat me up? Pfft! Hahahaha!" Stunned momentarily, Liu Ming was hardly able to keep himself from cracking into laughter. It was as if he had just heard the funniest thing ever!

"Brat, it couldn't be that you get hit too hard and get a concussion? If so, then—"

"You crabby stupid person! I say it's my turn to beat you up!" With a strong fighting spirit, Myah began to think swiftly.

"Hump!" Putting on a darkened expression, Liu Ming hatefully glared at Myah by the corner of his eyes, clearly irritated, "Ignorant fool! Since you are so stubborn and don't want to surrender, then I will beat you till your begging!"

Liu Ming detested those with higher talent than him the most. And the fact that this brat who he easily suppressed earlier dared to insult him like this, he couldn't stand it.

'How arrogant! I will leave you a good lesson to cherish for life, trash!'

"Claw Dash!"

Liu Ming kicked the ground, launched himself forward like how an agile panther bounded after its prey. The metallic claws of his gauntlet beamed with a deadly brightness, aching to teach Myah a good lesson.

By constantly consuming his spirit energy, Myah initiated the Moon Shrine Bracelet's ability.

In an instant, the exquisite bracelet on his ankle radiates with vague silver glitter, and quickly, a mystical sensation started spreading as coldness slowly took over his body.

Myah's mind was incredibly calm at this instant, and his thought was clear of any distraction.

As Mu Suyin has stated, not only could it ward off the weak demons, ghosts, and vengeful spirits, the spell can also tranquilize one's state of mind.

"Suck to be you—Force Swing!" Steadied himself, Myah took one step forward with his short leg and swung his weapon.


A dazzling white ray of energy attack quickly sliced through the air, heading toward Liu Ming's direction.

"Wh—not good!" With the agileness of a Water Monkey, Liu Ming forcefully altered his direction, narrowly evaded Myah's sudden energy attack, "It seems like I have underestimated you—"


Yet, before Liu Ming could finish his sentence, Myah's attack landed on the ground not far away from his previous position and split the earth apart as it erupted.

Once the dust settled, he noticed a badly damaged 2-meter extended cut in its place.

Spontaneously, Liu Ming shuddered as his countenance overflowed with cold sweat, 'If that attack caught me by surprise, the consequences would be hard to imagine. How vicious and scheming! Fortunately, this brat was inexperienced, and his attack is too direct, too predictable!'

On the other hand, Myah was satisfied and thrilled.

Because unlike one made of wood, this dark iron spear only trembled once and comfortably contained the sudden rush of violent spirit energy.

'I did not break it! This feeling was incredible, and I love it!'

"Force Swing!"


"Force Swing!"


"Hahaha, this is so fun—Force Swing!"


"Stop dodging, please.

"You are a little too fast, and it's hard for me to aim properly, you know. I already say I would beat you up, so be good and don't run away, okay?" Smiled generously, Myah casually swung his spear once more, "Force Swing!"


Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!


"Bastard...I... I WILL KILL YOU—CLAW DASH!" Liu Ming roared, thoroughly enraged.

Although he has managed to dodge all of Myah's obtrusive attacks, the wave of explosions afterward always manages to get him little by little, and now, his handsome looks have become dilapidated.

"What powerful energy attack!" The audience's eyes widened.

Myah's sudden display of power also throws them into a storm of confusion. They were thoroughly shocked that he learned the third change of the Foundation Spear Arts'!

After all, he looked simply far too young!

'Is he a spear genius?' This thought rang through their minds.

Although the Foundation Spear Art' is widely circulated and is only a Rank 1 spear technique, it was hard to learn, even more so for the third change. Merely for the beginner level alone, it would take years of torturous and diligence practices to achieve anything notable.

Besides, the rate at which Myah released the energy attacks is even more fearsome!

As a mere One-star Warrior with a C-grade talent, the amount of spirit energy reserves he exhibited was unbelievable! It was as if he had an endless supply of spirit energy, releasing powerful attacks one after another like it was nothing.

None of it makes sense!

"Have a taste of my power! Force Swing!" Once again, Myah excitedly swung his spear. However, nothing happened this time, and it was just a casual attack hitting air, "Oops, my spirit energy is almost depleted..."

"Fool! You are not my opponent, after all! Hahahaha" A victorious smile appeared on Liu Ming's face. His speed doubled, dashing and twirling with his claws through the ruins like that of a darting python.


At this moment, the piercing cry of Bumpkin resounded throughout the battleground, snapping out of the Water Moneky's Gentle Fist's net-like enclosure.

A while ago, when Myah overpowered Liu Ming, his War Soul, the Water Monkey inevitably showed an opening. Hence Bumpkin was able to disengage and break free. Moreover, because of the innate talent , Bumpkin's earlier injuries have already healed for the most part.

With a build-up momentum, Bumpkin activated its innate skill.

Soon, a shield quickly formed as it rushed toward Liu Ming at top speed. The battleground was empty, with nowhere to hide. Bumpkin crashed into Liu Ming without much obstruction, knocking him flying.

Nevertheless, the fight wasn't over yet.

The Water Monkey, albeit bearing half of the devastating force from Liu Ming's pains, quickly caught up and stood in front of its master, ready to defend him.

Bumpkin didn't stop as it continued running toward Myah.

Through the spiritual bond, they could clearly understand each other's thoughts.

Myah smiled, and as Bumpkin was just about to run past him, he reached out his hand, grabbed its rein, and smoothly got on the saddle on its back.

Everything happened in just a split second, a total badassery!

Taking a U-turn, Bumpkin swiftly shifted its direction and stormed toward the Water-Monkey and the semi-conscious Liu Ming laying on the ground.

The fierce galloping sounds echoed!

At this instant, with Myah as the brain, the heart, and Bumpkin as the bones, limbs, and muscles, they seemed to be in a state of impeccable unity.


Left with no other choice, the Water Monkey immediately switched to a defensive stand. Liu Ming still hadn't recovered. Consequently, it had to hold its ground no matter what and shield him with its life if required.

Gentle Fist!

Before they clashed, the Water Monkey quickly executed its technique and temporarily neutralized Bumpkin's frenzy charge. However, before it could feel any relief, Myah's cry suddenly sounded.

"Spear Strike!"

By performing the first movement of the Foundation Spear Arts, a mysterious light suddenly encased the dark iron spear's spearhead.

It was dull but threatening at the same time—simply indescribable!

In front of Myah's spear attack, the seeming unblemished protective net of the Gentle Fist technique suddenly became full of loopholes and collapsed.

After Myah's spear left a clean hole in the Water Monkey's gut, Bumpkin's earth shield also crashed into its body and ultimately bringing an end to the battle.

Amid the intense cheering of the audience, the referee quickly rushed on the stage with a shocked expression.

The next moment, after confirming that both Liu Ming and the Water Monkey has lost their consciousness and is unable to proceed with the fight, he immediately declared,

"The winner goes to contestant 47! Myah!"
