Chapter 30 Return

Zero returned a mere moment after he had been sent to the past choosing to return to the area where he had fought the knights and arc demon. He activated his invisibility as soon as he returned and looked around to see if whatever the arc demon summoned was still around and was glad to find out the only things in the room were the final guards and shadow knights. He did see a large hole in the ceiling that wasn't there before so he assumed the creature escaped through there. He flew up to the hole and checked out to see if there was anything nearby. He saw an empty black sky with an inverted colored moon and was sure that the creature was gone since he had the ability to see through invisibility.

Heading back to the room filled with hundreds of knight suits Zero landed and deactivated his invisibility. The knights all started to stir and move towards him and Zero rushed the final guard grabbed its claymore and he punched it back. With his new strength, Zero could now hold the claymore with one hand and charged at the closest knight and slashed cutting 6 of them in half. Absorbing the armor, swords, and souls as the knights dropped dead. With his speed he arrived in front of the next group of knights quickly dispatching them too. After 30 minutes Zero had dispatched the 225 knights which surprised Zero since he hadn't really had a chance to test his new body's physical abilities.

'System activate tracking for that Chrono mage from before'

[Confirmed target found.]

The Chrono mage was still in the Inner Quarters and Zero had a promise to keep. He activated his invisibility and teleported to the Inner Quarters. He flew into the air to avoid the Chrono mage hearing him. He saw the rabbit hiding in a corner waiting to probably displace another intruder. Zero appeared behind the Chrono mage and sliced him in half. He had never really enjoyed any of his kills that much but this one filled him with quite a nice feeling. He then told the system to consume the soul for its ability.

[Paradox Soul absorbed.

Skills Temporal Manipulation, Temporal Cognition, and Spatial Manipulation gained.

Temporal Manipulation: Users can create, shape, move, control, interact, and manipulate time, the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future, in the general area or for a specific target in various ways, with the most basic of acts revolving around accelerating, slowing, stopping, and even rewinding or looping it.

Spatial Manipulation: Users can create, shape, move, control, interact, and manipulate space, the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction, within an area of one's choosing, including an area and whatever is inside of that area. They can trap subjects or objects in space and push that space, throwing subject and object away from them, or creating wormholes, paradoxes, and other strange events by warping spatial areas and twisting them around.

Temporal Cognition: The user gains a fine-tuned sense of precise time (current time, and the passage of time, personally, objectively, and locally), as well as the alteration of time (including where and when the alteration occurred). Users can determine the exact time an event has taken place or will take place, or how long it took or will take.

Skill Teleport fused into skill Spatial Manipulation.

Will host combine Temporal Manipulation and Spatial Manipulation.]



[Temporal Manipulation and Spatial Manipulation combined into Space-Time Manipulation.

Due to Space-Time Manipulation skills, World Travel restrictions were removed.

Due to the Space-Time Manipulation skill Chaos Soul Dimension has evolved into Chaos Hyper Dimensional Manipulation.

Chaos Hyper Dimensional Manipulation skill is partially restricted due to low Soul Rank.

Space-Time Manipulation skill is partially restricted due to low Soul Rank.

Space-Time Manipulation (Partially Restricted): The user is able to manipulate, distort, or bend the space-time continuum, the fabrics of reality in which all exist in. Space-time serves as the boundary of existence, separating different realities and timelines and keeping them flowing properly; distorting this boundary can cause devastating effects, causing timelines to become fluid, and even destroying the entire world. Although this ability is usually considered to simply combine the manipulation of space (boundless three-dimensional extent) and time (a measurement of the flow of events), it is fundamentally more powerful and complex, as space-time is the very fabric of existence, separating different realities and timelines. To control space-time is to alter the fabrics of reality, allowing one to erase existences and not just the flow of time, but also reorganize, alter and erase historical events. To move through space-time is more than simply teleportation or time-travel, as it allows one to connect to alternate realities, even metaphysical realms.

Due to low Soul Rank resistriction user can only access sub-abilities Teleport and Time Stop.

Chaos Hyper Dimensional Manipulation (Partially Restricted): The user can manipulate, destroy, and create greater spatial and temporal dimensions than 3-D Space, such as 4-D Space and above. Each higher spatial (or added temporal) dimension is a more than countably infinite number of times greater than the preceding number.

Due to low Soul Rank resistriction user cannot control higher dimensions and can only create Lesser Chaos Pocket Dimensions.

It is recommended that the user allow the skill Temporal Cognition to be absorbed into the Chaos System.

Combine Temporal Cognition with Chaos System.]



[Chaos System will now upgrade to incorporate Temporal Cognition.

The system will be offline for 24 hours.]

After telling him that he'd acquire powerful skills that he didn't know how to use the system went and shut down for the next 24 hours. Zero attempted to teleport as he did before and it succeeded but he did notice that it worked a tiny bit differently than before. The first change required half as much mana to use as previously. Secondly, he used to be broken down and rebuilt where he wanted to appear but now it was like he instantly where he wanted to go like he had always been there. He also checked his chaos soul dimension and felt it expand. Before he could feel that it had a limit although it was quite enormous like a city but now it felt infinite. He also could control the dimension unlike before if he wanted time to move in the dimension it could and he could fill it with air or create anything. The biggest change was that he could go in there meaning that it was no longer in his soul but a separate dimension of its own.

Zero then moved out of the corner and saw 50 valkyries and 35 curlys who all rushed towards him. He activated his new time-stop ability and everything in the room except him stopped. He felt his mana rapidly draining and knew he could only keep this ability up for 3 minutes before it ended. He wasted no time and took to the air and quickly dispatched the 50 valkyries by decapitating them. With only 30 seconds left of his time stop he deactivated it and the 50 headless valkyries flew from the sky shocking the curlys. Zero collected the 50 valkyrie souls and bodies before charging at the nearest curly who was still shocked and reacted too slowly leading to her being killed quickly.

Zero skill explanation:

Lesser Chaos Pocket Dimensions: The user can create, shape and manipulate pocket dimensions, small personal worlds of chaos, changing what they are as well as manipulating everything within the pocket dimension. The user can also store things in that pocket dimension, not to mention manipulate the overall size of the dimension.

Time Stop: Users can stop time while being unaffected themselves, and may also allow others to be unaffected. If the user moves before this ability ceases, it would appear to everyone that the user teleported. Others with temporal immunity or temporal walking are immune to the effect of skill.