Chapter 126 Secret Boss Fight Part 6

(***Sophia POV***)

Zero lunged at Sophia and slashed at her. Sophia took a step back and the attack missed her. With no wasted movement nor time, Sophia lunged at Zero who tried to attack her with his other clawed hand. She effortlessly dodge the attack and slashed Zero across the chest dispelling the black nether ink subtance allowing Zero's chest to be seen. The attack had not only dispelled the nether ink but caused a large gash across Zero's chest the bled profusely before the ink covered the wound.

Sophia raised her sword to attack again but spikes appeared from Zero's body causing her to retreat but not before firing a powerful blast of aether that knocked Zero far away. When Zero stood back up a massive hole could be seen through his stomach and the gash could be still be seen with black veins spreading from the area. The nether ink cover him back up again as he charged at Sophia once again in an animalistic fashion. Normally such wounds would have already have started to heal but they were made with aether a substance poisonous to Zero who had a nether body.

'Looks like the nether has started to attack its host. If I damage him a few more times then it should consume him without me expending much energy. I hope whatever god or goddess observing this battle doesn't interfere. There should be a temporary truce between pantheons but I was sealed so long I'm no longer aware if it still stands.'

Zero slammed his fist into the ground and nether spiked erupted from the ground and attacked Sophia who took to the skies and with a wave of her hand created a white shockwave that destroyed the spiked and knocked Zero back. Zero stood up again and roared as he threw up more ink-like nether that moved and melded with his body forming wings. With his new wings, Zero took to the skies after Sophia with his sword in hand.

Zero speed at Sophia a such a high speed that he created a sonic boom. Within a second he was only a few feet away from Sophia and attempted to stab her but like with all his previous attacks she dodged as if he were moving in slow motion. Sophia stepped to the side and severed the hand that held Zero's sword she then grabbed Zero by his head and threw him towards the ground with such strength that he created another sonic boom as he crashed into the ground. Sophia then flew down summoned some golden vines out of the ground that wrapped around Zero. The areas where the vines wrapped around Zero were sizzling and releasing smoke as Zero roared in pain.

Sophia raised her sword ready to finish off Zero when suddenly a blue portal up behind her. Chains burst forth from the portal and wrapped around Sophia's body stopping her from attacking Zero. The chains began to pull her towards the portal but Sohpia resisted and tried to break free from the chains. The chains began to crack when she heard a roar and looked to see that Zero had escaped from the vines. Zero charged at her and the both of them went through the portal.

Zero and Sophia appeared in a dark space with nothing around except a temple, dark seas, and a large tree made of dark crystals. They crashed into the dark sea and an explosion occurred underwater sending both across the water as if they were rocks skipping on water. They landed on the shores but both their aether and nether forms had dissipated due to the close contact between them. The explosion had destroyed the chains freeing Sophia but it had caused some damage to her as minor cuts were all across her body but these cuts closed up after a minute. When she saw the speed of her body's recovery she figured out that this place must be a Nether Realm of sorts.

Nether Realm weren't dangerous to angels but they weren't favorable places for them to be either. Angels and Divines would find their strength somewhat reduce and their mana recovery rate would become non-existent. The same was true for Demons and Infernals if they were to find themselves in Aether Realms or more commonly known as Divine Realms. This was why the battle between the 2 forces always occurred in the mortal realms since they face no benefits or restrictions there.

Sophia saw Zero laying a few feet away from her and saw that his black veins had spread considerably buy his wounds had slowly started to heal. If he could fully heal then there might be a chance for him to recover from the nether infecting his body. She walked toward him ready to finish him when a black fog opened up from underneath Zero. From the fog Valna, Soma, and Azalea emerged fully healed and ready for round 2 as Zero the fog swallowed up Zero.

"Argh, why won't you all just die! Very well who cares about conserving energy! I will kill you cockroaches once and for all!" yelled Sophia as she created her aether sword once again.

"Haa not so high and mighty this time are we." said Soma

Sophia lunged at Soma but was forced back by Valna's black spears. She had been irritated and rushed to attack but after being forced back she calmed down and readied herself for their counterattack. Dark flaming spears flew towards Sophia but she blocked them with her sword. The white aether sword destroyed the flame spears on contact so she blocked them skillfully while moving towards Valna. Soma and Azalea fired darkness and blood bullets at Sophia. The bullets vanished as they got close to Sophia but they succeeded in distracting her as she was unable to dodge some vines that sprouted from the ground and wrapped her up.

Sophia then heard the voice of a child say, "I've got her tied up mommy but she'll break out soon."

Before she could even attempt to break out she noticed that a massive rumbling cloud was above her. In an instance, a massive bolt of black lightning struck Sophia who was still trapped by the vines. After the first bolt stuck it was followed by 3 more stikes. When all 4 bolts of lightning had struck the cloud dissipated leaving only a charred winged body.