Chapter 135 Punishment

Hikaru turned and looked at Zero and asked, "What did you do?"

"Hmm look like mother made you immune to all forms of mental manipulation. I just reset any animosity that might have towards you. So now instead of just disliking you for being a woman or something like that they dislike you based on your policies and decisions." answered Zero

Hikaru was stunned that Zero would do something like this without consulting her but she didn't think it was such a bad thing. Now rather than waste time trying to get these old men from a negative view of her to a neutral view she could now focus on doing what she needed to do. Since it benefited her without oppressing the other bosses Hikaru could do nothing but sigh and rub her aching forehead.

"Now then let us begin this meeting. I called you all here to ask for an explanation from the Hebi clan. A high-ranking member caused trouble in my personal turf, pulled out his firearm, and even injured a subordinate of mine. I demand an explanation." said Hikaru

The other bosses began to murmur as they heard all the charges that the Hebi clan was accused of as they turned to face an 80-year-old look man in a traditional montsuki-haorihakama that yakuza bosses were known to wear with the crest of a snake.

"The Hebi clan apologizes for the commotion caused by the member Kaito. We will personally handle his punishment and will cover the medical cost of you injured man." said the Hebi clan boss

"I demand to know what sort of punishment you had in mind." said Hikaru

"He'll be put on probation and will be restricted to our base for 2 months. Will that suffice?" asked the Hebi clan boss

"You must be joking no boss here would accept such a punishment." said Hikaru

A few of the bosses were nodding their head agreeing with Hikaru's statement so the Hebi boss asked, "Well then what punishment would the Edo kumicho prefer?"

"Normally yubitsume is what would be demanded here but I'll be lenient. I demand that Kaito not only do as you said but your clan will handle the hush-money payments for the witnesses and the police. I also demand the Hebi clan to pay my Edo 2,000,000 yen for causing such a disturbance."

* Yubitsume is a Japanese ritual to atone for offenses to another, a way to be punished or to show sincere apology and remorse to another, through amputating portions of one's little finger*

The Hebi clan boss started to turn red with anger as he yelled, "Don't mess with me little girl you've barely been a boss for a few years and you think you have what it take to demand that of my clan!"

"Now now Hebi oyabun the kumicho is making a fair point. Why not concede this point and settle this peacefully." said a boss sitting near Hikaru

"What are you saying Hebi oyabun that's no way to speak to the kumicho. I also think what she's saying is perfectly acceptable." said another boss

Hikaru whispered, "I get why those 2 who were never on my side are defending me but why is the Hebi boss still against me after your spell?"

"It's not a spell just a suggestion. The Hebi boss' dislikes of you run to his very core so even if I reset him to a neutral opinion of you it instantly turn negative." answered Zero

"Since Hebi oyabun disagrees with my decision we shall put this to a vote. All who agree with my opinion may rise and all else remain seated." said Hikaru

Slowly but surely out of the 300 hundred bosses in the room, 260 stood up agreeing with Hikaru's decision. Face with the overwhelming amount of support for Hikaru's decision the Hebi boss could do nothing but concede.

"Then as mentioned before Kaito will be put on probation for 2 months. The Hebi clan will handle the hush-money payments for the witnesses, the police, and pay my Edo 2,000,000 yen" said Hikaru

The Hebi boss got red with anger but he nodded his head and said, "Fine the Hebi and I will agree to these terms."

"Very well then moving on the next matter I propose that we limit any human trafficking done with the lesson and focusing on other forms of income such as opening more casinos and businesses." said Hikaru

Zero no longer had any interest in the matters being talked about so he closed his eyes and began to ask his system a question he had been wondering. Sadly the system lacked the information on the question he asked. Hikaru and the other bosses deliberate for 30 minutes before coming to the agreement that human trafficking that made 10% of their money would be cut down to 2%. The meet ended after that and Hikaru stood to leave and most of the bosses stood up and bowed their heads bidding her a farewell.

On the drive back Hikaru sighed and said, "Thank you Zero because of what you did I was able to gain enough support in the clan to lessen its dependence on human trafficking. Now if I can just show them that we can make just as much or even more money through other businesses then during the next meeting I might even be able to abolish this horrendous practice."

"Don't worry about it sis I'm sure you'll do just fine. You're a natural-born leader so just do as you've always done and I'm sure you can achieve your goals." said Zero

Hikaru smiled at Zero's word but knew that Zero said it feeling that this is what she wanted to hear. The ride back was silent and then arrived as the sun had started to set. When they reach the doorway a hotel worker came up and said, "Young master Zero a man arrived earlier and request to meet with you. He's currently waiting for you in the lobby."

Hikaru had a cold look on her face when she asked Zero, "Are you expecting anyone? Should I summon some guards just in case?"

"No, I have no idea who it could be. For now, let go see who this man is before making any moves." said Zero