Chapter 144 Nova’s 1st Day Conclusion

Yoko was startled and tried to open a portal to escape but Zero grabbed her before she could. The entire sequence was so comical Zero chuckled although he want to be serious. Yoko finally gave up on escaping and asked, "How did you find me?"

Zero looked at her with a surprised look as he asked, "That was you actually trying to hide? I thought you now had the ability to read the future among other things?"

"I still don't know how to use my abilities just yet. Right now, I only have access to a portion of my magic abilities." said Yoko explaining the current situation of her abilities.

"So why are you at Nova's school? Students can skip but don't faculty members have to be there for the first day?" asked Zero

"I'm here to see if Nova is okay. I thought she'd be okay with you but I just could stop worrying so I followed you guys here. As for the assembly, I borrowed your mind control trick and made them believe that it was okay even if I were absent." explained Yoko

Zero smirked and said, "Finally tapping into your succubus side I see. Since you're here just be cool and try not to overreact if something happens to Nova."

"What would you consider overreacting?" asked Yoko in a serious tone

Zero had a bad premonition after hearing Yoko say that so he said, "Before I answer that why don't you tell me what you planned to do."

"I just planned to watch over Nova a bit and punish anyone who hurts or makes fun of her." answered Yoko

"That fine but I hope that this punishment of yours will be on the level of pranks and that you won't interfere until Nova cries. I'd like for her to have the chance to deal with problems before you step in." said Zero

Yoko released a sigh and said, "Okay I understand."

No longer worried about Yoko nuking the classroom with magic Zero invited her over and they both watched as Nova was told to take a seat after the teacher had finished with the introductions. The students were put into groups of 4 and Nova joined the only group of 3 in the classroom. Her group consisted of 2 girls and 1 boy and when she sat down the girl next to her said, "Hi Nova my name is Himari and that's Sara and Akio."

"Hi everyone it's nice to meet you all." said Nova

The 2 girls cheerfully returned Nova's greeting but the boy refused to answer and ignored her. Yoko was getting ready to cast a spell when Zero grabbed her hand and pointed out that Nova didn't seem bothered by the act. Nova smiled and then turned to face the teacher along with the other girls and failed to notice that Akio was staring at her. While Akio was staring intently at Nova he was also being observed by Zero.

The rest of the day was uneventful Nova was able to make friends with almost all the students at the school. Zero and Yoko had an interesting time dodging all the students that would walk the hallways in order to stay hidden. When the school day was almost complete they went outside 5 minutes before and pretended to have just arrived. When the school bell rang Nova walked outside into the schoolyard led by Mrs. Sato along with the other students so that they could play while waiting for their parents.

Mrs. Sato calls forth Nova when she sees Zero and the little girl run towards them and yells, "Papa mama!" as she hugs their legs.

All the kids look at Zero and Yoko in awe since they looked better than most of the people they've seen. Sara then says out loud, "Wow Nova's mama and papa look so pretty."

All the other kids were nodding their heads and agreeing with Sara when the young boy Akio asks, "Are you guys really her parents?"

Zero smiled at the little boy and answers, "Yes we are why do you ask?"

"Because you look way too young to be a father and neither of you looks like her." said Akio

"Hey don't say mean things about Nova's mama and papa!" yelled Nova

Zero picked up Nova and rubbed her head as he said, "That's because Nova resembles her grandma more than us."

Mrs. Sato interrupted Akio's line of questioning and bowed saying, "I apologize for his rude line of questions. I'll be sure to explain to him why this was wrong so that it doesn't happen again."

Yoko spoke for the first time and said, "It's okay we don't mind and now if you'll excuse us we need to be heading home now."

Zero placed the now calm Nova on the ground and grab her hand while Yoko grabbed the other. The happy family then walked away. They were now away from enough people that they could fly away but Zero had explained that Nova want to walk while holding hands with them so they decided to take time to walk back to the hotel. After leaving the school Zero decided to stop by an ice cream shop and get Nova a treat for doing so well on her first day. Nova told Yoko about her day while Zero entered the shop to get the ice cream when he realized that he was currently not carrying any money.

Zero sighed and order the ice cream using his mana-infused voice to order the employee to give it to him without payment. Zero then took the ice cream and memorized the name of the shop and promised to come back and pay the money tomorrow. Zero handed the ice cream over to the ladies and they walked home as they ate. Zero had never personally eaten any dessert before but still had memories of doing so once before. Zero discovered that while he didn't dislike the desert he didn't particularly like it either so he figured he might not be a fan of sweets, unlike his previous incarnation.

They finished their ice cream just as they arrived at the hotel where they were met by Azalea who had been in her realm for the last couple of days trying to cleanse the souls in Zero's dimension. She ran up to Zero and said, "My lord we have an emergency it's Valna!"