Chapter 147 The Fallen

"Yes, I also think it's best to keep her here. New demigods are sometimes unable to control their powers and sometimes kill those around them accidentally." said Hel

"Yes and we don't know if she the same or completely different so until we find out it's best to keep her away from the others as a precaution." added Zero

Yoko said nothing as she nodded and she walked over a picked up the unconscious Valna. Yoko's skin started to blister and burn as she touched Valna but she paid it no concern as she lifted her up. Yoko then used her magic to create a stone altar and placed Valna on it.

"So when do you think she'll wake up?" asked Zero

"Well her body and soul have just gone through a very strenuous transformation so it's hard to tell. The earliest should be 1 week from now but this could also end up taking months. It all depends on how much she changed. So the earlier she wakes up the better." explained Hel

"Then let's hope she wakes up in a week." said Yoko

"This might not be my place to say this but if she doesn't wake up in a months time I recommend turning her into a fallen." said Hel

"A fallen?" asked a confused Zero

"Ah, my apologies you're still fairly new to the world of gods. I mean a fallen angel." said Hel

"I have a general idea what a fallen angel is but I doubt I know everything so please explain." said Zero

"A fallen angel is basically an angel corrupted by an outside source of power. When the angel is corrupted that angel then changes and serves the being who changed her as her master without fail. Any angel can be corrupted so long as the angel's soul is bathed in mana 10 times the amount of man its soul can hold. Doing so will break the angel's soul link to its creator and form a new link with the corrupter. This process warps the soul so the angel will lose their memory and gain a new personality dictated by the corrupter." explained Hel

"So any angel can be corrupted no matter how powerful?" asked Zero

"Yes but the more power an angel holds the harder it is to corrupt since not many gods would have enough power to corrupt angels near their level of strength." explained Hel

"Wait so angels can be as powerful as a god?" asked Yoko

Hel looked confused by such a question and said, "When we say god we're talking about a level of power, not a race. Angel or any other creature can reach this level of power when given enough time. Besides all angels used to be mortal creatures in the first place."

"Why would God turn mortals into angels instead of just creating them?" asked Yoko

Zero then understood the reason why and said, "I'm assuming it's because nobody can create a soul. "

Hel nodded and said, "Yes all the souls in creation existed before the gods came into power and although we can change them we can't create new souls. It's said that once a diety obtains the strength of a Primordial then they'll gain that ability. So gods value souls especially powerful souls that can be used to create powerful servants that might gain the power of a god."

"Going back to the main subject I can feel the mana coming from Valna and neither Zero nor myself holds enough mana to do as you suggested." said Yoko

"Ah pardon me I fail to properly explain it. You don't have to inject the mana all at once but slowly over time. However, that will be difficult to do if the angel is awake or aware of the process so it is recommended to remove the angel's soul and place it back when finished." said Hel

Zero looked at Hel who told him all this information with a smile and without showing any emotion bowed his head and said, "Thank you so much for helping us understand exactly what is going on with Valna."

Hel looked flustered and hastily said, "Please there's no reason to bow your head like that. If you ever need my help please feel free to ask me anything."

"No he's right we owe you a great many thanks for today." said Yoko

"Well then let's leave Valna here for now and we'll check back in a week. Hel you can go back with Yoko I have to go check something with Dahlia." said Zero as he waved his hand and a portal opened.

Yoko walked through the portal as soon as Zero finished talking but, Hel took a few seconds and smiled at Zero before walking through the portal.

'Looks like I have to be much more careful with her than I originally thought. She knows we sealed Sophia here and was subtlely looking around to find her.'

The portal closed and Zero called forth the gateway to the twin's nether realm. Zero then appeared in front of the temple and found Dahlia watching a projection of a flower meadow filled with people on the temple wall and she waved her hand and it changed to a hellscape with people being tortured by vampires.

Zero then spoke up and said, "Hey what are you doing?"

Dahlia turned around to face Zero and bowed before saying, "Hello my lord it seems like you've resolved the matter concerning Valna since I can no longer sense her mana in flux. I'm simply going over all the rooms to make sure that they're cleansing the souls of their memories and sin effectively. If I come across an error I correct it."

"Should Azalea be helping you do that?" asked a curious Zero

"My lord it's a shame to say Azalea lacks the aptitude for this type of work. What I lack she can do well and vice versa. So to what do, I owe this pleasure?" said Dahlia

"I need to check up on Sophia. I asked you to move her to one of your doorways to hide her. I can't sense her so I'll need you to guide me there." said Zero