Chapter 6 - Don't Touch Me

Authors Note

Sorry I took so long to update but I'm so happy I can give you guys another chapter! I've been going through something and its been difficult to write but my inspiration is finally back! I hope you all enjoy the chapter!


At his words I pushed myself farther into the bed. I didn't know what his intentions were and I didn't want to find out. I quickly scanned the room for an exit. No windows and only one door. His chair was closer to the door than I was and I already knew that he was faster than me.

"How did you block your scent?" His deep voice startled me and I met his eyes once again. I couldn't look away from his rich, hazel eyes that were compelling me to answer him. Compelling me to do all sorts of things.

"I guess it's a mystery." I sarcastically replied. His lips tightened and his eyes grew darker at my answer.

"Sweetheart, this will be much easier for both of us if you comply." He stated, trying to suppress his anger.

"Don't call me sweetheart and maybe I'll comply." I snapped back. I'm not one of the most patient people in the world, especially when I'm in an uncomfortable situation. But I could tell that sarcastic responses were a bad idea.

"You are my mate and you will do as I say." He said bluntly. I could hear the anger rising in his voice and he started to clench his fists.

"Really? Does that work both ways then?" I quickly retorted. I didn't think about what I said before it escaped my lips. And I realised all to late that my particular choice of words was a bad idea.

He stood up and walked towards the end of the hospital bed. I shifted farther away from him and brought my legs up to my chest. His face was blank but his eyes were dark. I could tell he wasnt happy, it practically radiated off him.

He outstretched his arm toward me and grabbed my ankle. I was only in a hospital gown, and where his skin touched mine there were sparks. Our eyes locked and I tried to ignore his warmth travelling all the way up my leg. It felt good and I almost gave into him, and then he pulled.

Pain shot through my calf and I cried out in pain. Trying to hold back tears and pull my leg away from him. But the more I pulled the more my calf hurt.

"Stop struggling." He stated, not angry like before, almost with remorse. His eyes were no longer black and I nodded as I tried to keep the tears from escaping.

"This is how we're going to this. If you dont answer me, or I think you're lying, I'll pull on your leg." My eyes widened and every muscle in my body tensed. He was going to hurt me to get what he wanted. He didn't care that I was his mate. He wanted something and he was going to get it, and I internally shuddered at the thought of what was to come.

"If you do answer me though, I'll place my hand on your calf. I know my touch feels good Emerson. And as much as you hate it, it can help you." He seemed almost sad, longing. So I nodded, knowing that this was probably the best deal I was going to get.

"Now, how did you mask your scent?" He asked, he kept his tone calm but his hand was still firm on my ankle.

"Magic." I answered plainly. He wanted answers, he never said that they had to be good ones.

He nodded briefly and moved his empty hand up to my calf. The pressure hurt at first, and then the pain disappeared all together and was replaced with a warm, tingly sensation.

He looked back up to me and my breath hitched. His jawline was defined but soft, similar to his cheekbones, which were ever so slightly pink through his tan complexion. His lips were more than compelling and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him. I met his eyes again and all the green was gone. They became a dark brown, but not from anger or frustration. And I knew that he could smell what he was doing to me.

"How did you disappear?" He asked, his voice was more husky than before and it almost made me shiver.

"M-magic." I stuttered. I was trying to keep my composure, but the less I hurt the harder it was to focus. He kept his eyes locked with mine as he moved his hands so that they both completely covered my wound. Although the bite had been wrapped with gauze it still felt good when his hands rested on it.

"You're doing good hun." He soothed. He was being surprisingly sweet, but I reminded myself to stay on gaurd. As soon as I gave him an answer he didn't like he wouldn't care to be so nice.

"Who was helping you?" He asked, malice lacing his voice. And his eyes became dangerous. I licked my lips as a nervous fidget and his eyes followed the movement.

"No one." I responded dryly. He raised his eyebrows and then let out a sigh. His hands moved back down to my ankle and before I had put two and two together my leg was burning with pain.

"Ah! Stop! I told you the truth!" Normally torture wouldn't hurt this much. But from him it was worse, and the fact that he didn't beleive me hurt the most. I didn't even know him, he was the source of my pain, and yet I so desperately wanted him to trust me.

"Just tell me the truth and the pain will stop. Who was helping you?" He raised his voice in an attempt to intimidate me into submission. He pulled harder on my leg and I let out another yelp of pain.

I could feel my magic start to bubble towards the surface. I was angry and in pain. And I just wanted it all to stop. I wanted him to stop.

"Please, I told you the truth! No one was helping me!" I squeezed my eyes shut as he twisted my leg and I screamed.

My eyes shot open and I could see the purple light shoot out of my hands. I felt electricity surge through my body as I stood upright on the bed. The pain in my leg forgotten I mindlessly muttered and incantation. The next thing I knew the wall in front me was dust and debris. Naziah was on the ground, his back braced against the other side of the hallway, covered in the remnants of the door.

I lowered myself back into a sitting position and dared myself to meet his eyes. He looked confused, and his eyes were wide. But not with fear or anger, with what appeared to be awe.

He stood up and dusted himself off. As he did so he started to make his way over to me. I bowed my head and pulled my legs towards myself awaiting the blow that was about to come. He stopped by my side and said nothing. I could hear the bustle of people gathering at the hole I had just created in the wall.

"We're going to need another room." He stated blankly.


The new room was large, much larger than the small hospital room I had been in before. The room was lined with large windows but the blinds had been drawn shut allowing almost no light to enter the room.

I was placed on a large bed, at least king sized. It was soft and comfortable, very comparable to the pillows that I leaned against. The sheets were jet black and soft and there was a blanket folded neatly at the end of the bed. The headboard, which to my dismay I was restrained to, was solid and made out of a dark wood.

From what I could see from the rest of the room there was a large bookcase practically overflowing with books. A leather reading chair and lamp were placed close by. There was a dresser and what I guessed to be closet doors. There was another door, which I assumed led to the bathroom. Which I was becoming increasingly aware that I had to use. For the first time since I've been here I was silently pleading for someone to show up.

There was a light knock on the door before it swung open and allowed some light to enter the room. Through it came a man in a long white lab coat and I guessed that he was the doctor. He switched the light on as he closed the door and I had to blink a few times before my eyes adjusted.

"Hello Emerson, my name's Dr. Clememtz and I will be your new primary care physician." He stated as he pulled a stool up to the side of the bed.

"I have a couple of questions that I'd like you to answer and then I'll take another look at your leg. Do you have any questions before we get started?" He asked.

"I have to use the restroom please." I said, not wanting to ask directly but still wanting to be polite.

"I am not allowed to undo your restraints, however I can let Alpha Naziah know that he needs to make his way down here." He said. remaining professional.

I shot him a quick glare but understood where he was coming from. If he disobeyed his Alpha it'd be his head not mine.

"Shall we get started then?" He asked and I nodded briefly in response.

"Excellent. How old are you?"

"21." I replied.

"And you have no last name is that correct?"

"Apparently," I huffed.

"Alrighty, do you have any current or underlying health problems that I should know about?" He asked unfazed by my previous answer. My guess was that Naziah had briefed him before he came in.

"Unless you count magic as a health problem."

"I personally do not, however everyone has their own opinion." He assured me.

"Are there any genetic conditions that you may have?" He asked.

"I'm not sure." I responded, my chest feeling a little bit heavier.

"Have you had any sex partners and if so how many?" He asked indifferently as I stared at him blankly.

When I didn't answer he looked up from his clipboard which he had been recording my answers on and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm not answering that question." I stated bluntly. Dr. Clememtz let out a sigh and took off his glasses.

"Look, either you can answer to me or you can answer to Alpha Naziah. Either way you're going to have to answer the question." He responded in a very unamused tone.

I remained silent and just looked at him. He gave me a second to respond and then stood up. He left his clipboard on the stool where he was seated and made his way back over to the door.

"Alpha Naziah will be here shortly." He said blankly before closing the door behind him. And suddenly I felt very, very small.