New Plans

In the end, I was not pushing too hard for Daenerys to abandon Slaver's Bay and move onto Westeros. But I was pushing. With our relationship growing ever closer, I spent many a day and many a night impressing on her feelings of trepidation and agitation. I turned her eyes west with nothing but emotions, feelings, vague images sent from my mind to hers.

And maybe, just maybe I filled her dreams with the cold dark death that was currently making its way towards the Wall. I didn't know for sure on that front, I couldn't directly control my mother's dreams, only influence them from afar. Still, she did not sleep all that well anymore, at least not without being by my side. I welcomed her under my wing though, and let her get true rest whenever she did come to me to escape the nightmares.

I was kind of a bastard like that.

My liaisons with Missandei continued as well. The dark-skinned woman snuck off to see me almost every night, and it became particularly amusing, watching her try to get her dragon cum snack while Daenerys slumbered only inches away from her. My silver-haired mother slept upon my chest and Missandei crouched down between my legs, using her hands and tongue and lips to work at my shaft until I discharged the tasty treat she'd come to rely on all over her face and hair and chest.

At the same time, I was getting bigger and bigger. I would not allow my growth to stagnate, even if I was now fucking my mother's extremely tight cunt on the regular. No, each day I would leave the marching army of Unsullied behind and go hunting. I found all sorts of creatures on our way to Yunkai, but my favorites were definitely the scattered wild elephants I was able to burn to death with my dragon fire, and eat all by my lonesome.

Yes, I'd definitely changed things, and no more was this obvious then now, when I lounged back and watched the one Yunkai had sent to negotiate approach on a litter carried by slaves. Daenerys still sat beneath the tent I remembered from the show. It was still the same man I remembered as well. But the biggest key difference was where Daenerys sat… and the fear I saw in the man's eyes as he beheld me.

My mother shifted ever so slightly along my scales, resting as she was on my large, curled up body. I could feel her arousal through her dress, though she remained entire composed, not letting an ounce of her lust through to her face. It was admirable, and I resisted the urge to tease her, either mentally or physically. She would need her strength for this conversation.

I take up most of the back of the tent that we sit in. I certainly take up all of the space where the dais and the couch that Daenerys would have sat upon had rested. My brothers are now the size that I was when Daenerys handed over my leash to the deceased Good Master Kraznys mo Nakloz. They remain relatively quiet as they perch to the side of us however, because even now I am still twice the size of Viserion and Rhaegal both. They are submissive towards me, acknowledging my strength and my power, as is right.

There is no screeching or posturing from me or my brothers as Yunkai's representative rises from his litter and approaches our tent. Missandei's voice cuts through the silent air as I catch hold of the man's gaze and keep it, my own large, amber eyes staring into his.

"Now comes the noble Razdal mo Eraz, of that most ancient and honorable house. Master of men and Speaker to savages. To offer terms of peace."

There is a pause, but Razdal is unmoving, still staring into my eyes even as Missandei continues after a moment.

"Noble lord, you are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons."

Fucker of Dragons too, I can't help but think as my lips curl back into a human-like grin and my rows of sharp teeth finally startle the Yunkai representative from his staring. Just in time too, as Daenerys finally speaks.

"You may approach. Sit."

Even as Razdal mo Eraz approaches, his eyes continue to glance towards me. I am still staring at him, unerringly so. There might not be screeching or lunging to frighten him this time around… but a silent dragon is just as frightening, I can feel this from the Wise Master of Yunkai, even as I feed his fear and stifle his self-righteous indignation, already rising up as it is.

The Wise Master drinks when Missandei offers it. But when the time comes for him to speak, he seems at a loss for words. Truly? Have I derailed him so easily, with but a bit of mental trickery on my part? There is a long pause, far longer than I recall from canon. Eventually, Daenerys grows impatient.

"You are here to offer terms of peace are you not? I believe I made it clear that I expected to accept Yunkai's surrender at this meeting."

Startled from the verbal reprimand, the man who had to be at least ten to twenty years Daenerys' senior straightens his back, as if finally coming out of his stupor. He lifts his hands and claps them twice and two pairs of slaves come forward carrying large chests between them. When they are opened, bars of gold gleam from within.

My eyes drift away from the Wise Master for the first time, even as he finally finds his words.

"The Wise Masters of Yunkai have sent a gift, for the silver Queen."

Before Daenerys can respond, I shift. It's not enough to dislodge her, but my mother's hands do come down on my scales, clutching at me a bit at the sudden jarring motion. I take no notice of this, I've already extended my winged forearm, careful to keep said wing from extending, even as I close my massive claws over the chest closest to me and drag it closer still. A rumble leaves my throat as I bring the gold to a rest against my furnace of a chest.

Every human in the tent and beyond has frozen up at my movement. When a predator stalks, you make yourself small and visible after all. All eyes except for my mother's are on me and I rake my amber gaze across the lot of them before snorting a small cloud of black smoke from my nostrils, as if to say how unimportant to me they all are. Eventually, I settle my attention back on the Wise Master, even as Daenerys speaks again.

"It would appear Drogon appreciates your gift."

Razdal's nostrils are flaring now as he struggles to control himself. The man is a hairbreadth away from panicking and while I'm curious to see what will happen if he does, I do not push him. Instead, I allow him to calm himself, even as he speaks in a stilted, hurried tone.

"There is more… much more, awaiting you on your ship."

Daenerys lifts a brow in response, her voice filling with amusement.

"My ship?"

"Yes, khaleesi. The Yunkai are a forgiving, and generous people. You shall have as many ships as you require."

A moment of silence as Daenerys considers this. Originally, I had thought to intercede here. I believe, given the influence I had over my mother at this point, that if I'd interjected mentally, she very well might have caved to the offer, and traveled across the Narrow Sea to Westeros far earlier than expected.

Just… I didn't think I truly wanted to leave quite yet. No, rather, I wanted to get a bit larger first, and the slavers in Yunkai and perhaps Meereen as well, offered up some nice, fatty treats in that regard. If I could get nice and big in time for my Westeros debut, I'd be happy. Right now, I was almost fully grown… but almost is not the same as actually being there. Just a bit more.

And so, Daenerys continues on unimpeded.

"And what would you ask in return?"

Razdal licks his lips, clearly still nervous, but not quite freaking out behind that cracking mask of his so much.

"All we ask, is that you use these ships. Sail them back to Westeros where you belong and leave us to conduct our affairs in peace."

Daenerys looks to the slaves and I can feel her compassion. It's almost sickeningly sweet, how much my mother cares for the downtrodden, the chained and collared. She begins to speak about her 'gift' to Razdal and I tune her out. I know how the rest of this song and dance goes. Daenerys will tell him that she's gifting him his life, he'll grow offended, and yada, yada, yada.

The only divergence from that point on is the fact that the slaver doesn't even bother to try and take back the chests of gold, neither the one against my chest, nor the one closer to my siblings. I've struck fear into his heart no doubt. In the end though, he is gone with promises of retribution and war and I simply rumble in contentment as my mother reaches back and scratches beneath my chin, even as she speaks with her knights about Yunkai's "powerful friends".

Soon… very soon.


When Daenerys meets with the Captains of the Second Sons, I am there as well, unlike in canon. My Daenerys uses me like a massive hammer, bludgeoning her foes into submission. I'm perfectly happy to let her. From what I recall in canon, the leaders of the Second Sons acted like lecherous buffoons. With my eyes upon them and my tail swishing back and forth to the side of them, my massive body covered in black scales resting beneath my mother's ass, they were not quite so carefree.

The three men stood there, unable to take their eyes off of me. Except for Daario, who only has eyes for my mother, the romantic fool.

When the Braavosi Mero finally speaks, he is not nearly half as confident as I remember him being from the show. And he focuses on me as well, rather than propositioning Daenerys.

"… The reports are outdated then. The Yunkai spoke nothing of a fully-grown dragon."

I snort derisively, even as Daenerys adopts a rather lazy smile, her hand coming up and brushing across my scales.

"They wouldn't. Drogon is not fully-grown."

That gets an exclamation from the Ghiscari Captain, Prendahl na Ghezn.

"They get bigger?!"

It is clear that whatever the Second Sons had intended here today, they've been fully derailed. Daenerys is smiling like a wolf now… or perhaps like a dragon, given just how much I've been toothily grinning of late.

"Enough about Drogon. After all, if we can come to an accord, I can promise that you will not be on the receiving end of his hunger."

No. Enough of this. I will not have her make promises I will not keep and from what I can sense of Mero and Prendahl's fear, they are ready to submit to me, when they would not submit to eight thousand Unsullied in canon. But I also know of their treachery and while Daario's desire to fuck my mother might make my hackles rise, at the very least he does not wish to rape her.

I rise and Daenerys rises with me, though not by choice. Jorah catches her before she can fall on her face, but I'm already slinking forward. There is shouting and the leaders of the Second Sons draw their weapons, Daario included. I am already upon them however. Daario Naharis receives a flick in his chest that sends him flying back, while Mero and Prendahl experience the full weight of my fiery breath, dragon fire spraying out of my maw and roasting them alive in seconds.


Luckily, the Unsullied standing guard are smart enough to detain Daario but not kill him. The last of the Second Sons remains on his back with blades at his throat as I approach him. Our eyes meet, and I send my desires, my designs into his grey matter. He shudders in understanding, and my lips curl back, even as I proceed to turn my back on him and walk back to my two newest meals.

Daenerys is at my side, hands on my scales. She pushes her confusion and worry and even her anger onto me, but I rebuff it with the emotions and sensations that I picked up from the two men. My mother rears back in surprise, her nose wrinkling in disgust and her brow furrowing in concern. I send more of my feelings, perhaps more than is wise if I wish to continue to appear unintelligent. But that ship has more than likely sailed by this point. After all, I am fucking my own mother on the nightly. Daenerys no longer sees me as a simple beast. She doesn't even truly see me as her child.

As I bend my head and begin to feast on the charred corpses I've made, Daenerys turns away from me and towards the captured Daario.

"Drogon tells me that your Captains were treacherous. But he says you do not share their taint. Whether this is true or not, he has spared your life, so I will not take it. You have a choice to make now, Daario Naharis. You may leave here with your life and do what you will with it, or you may pledge loyalty to me and bring the Second Sons to my service as proof of your new fealty."

I side eye the downed sellsword for a moment, just long enough to see Daario's big, shit-eating grin. Then I promptly ignore him and everyone else, even as he agrees to serve. I've got a nice big meal in front of me. Would be a shame to let it go cold.


From there, things proceed as they did in canon… at least at first. Daario has a back way into the city and he along with Jorah, Grey Worm, and a small group of Unsullied, manage to sneak in and open the front-gates for the larger host. Unsullied and Second Sons both ransack Yunkai and the 'great and ancient' city falls within hours.

But I do not let Daenerys stop at simply freeing Yunkai's slaves. No, I won't allow her to be soft with slavers like she was in canon. This is the culmination of my work with my darling mother, as the sense of urgency I've imparted upon her mixes with the bloodlust I am pumping into her mind. In the end, Yunkai is sacked totally and utterly and just like with Astapor, everyone with a whip in hand is put to the sword, as those with collars and chains are freed.

As for the Wise Masters? I can't help but grin slightly, my rows of sharp teeth showing as I prowl around the group of huddled, terrified slavers. We are within Yunkai's Temple of the Graces. It is nice and large and I have chosen it to be my new temporary home, even as I pushed Daenerys to gather all the gold and precious stones in the city to bring to me. The Graces themselves, Yunkai's priestesses, have been kicked out.

It is just me and the Wise Masters, with Unsullied at the doors to make sure none escape. The Unsullied do not fear me, but then they have no reason to. They are loyal to my mother and my mother is loyal to me… else she would not give me this gift so readily.

Finally, I come to a stop. I have drunk of their fear long enough and at this point, a few of them actually smell, which was not something I truly wanted. Rearing back on my back legs, I spread my wings wide and open my maw. My chest begins to glow with the fire held within it and the eyes of my victims widen in horror and terror at what they know is coming. When the dragon fire builds in my throat, they break and turn to run, but it is far too late.

My flames reach across the entirety of the large room, only stopping just a dozen feet short of the Unsullied at the entrance to the temple. They feel the heat, but not enough to burn them. The Wise Masters of Yunkai are not so lucky. They burn and they burn well, until soon enough, nothing but charred flesh on brittle bones remains.

I stalk among the corpses, looking for the choicest meat to begin my meal with. I find it in the middle of the pack, seared to perfection but not as burnt to a cinder as some of the outliers. Snapping up the slaver body, I get a satisfying crunch as I bite into the abdomen and the body simply snaps in half. I'm not quite at the point where I can swallow a human whole yet, but I am getting there. Soon.

As I eat, I ponder and the faint sound of chanting reaches my ears, even through the thick walls of the Temple.

"Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa!"

Daenerys has made friends with the freed slaves of Yunkai. How nice. She will have to settle for that, because after I am finished with my meal, I will be pushing for us to skip Meereen. It's going to be time soon, especially once I finish all of these delicious slavers and grow bigger still. Meereen is worthless in my mind. Westeros is where I will find… what?

I pause for a second, to contemplate what it is I seek in Westeros. Conquest of more familiar lands? It's pretty clear that Westeros is the more defined area over Essos. Of course, my arrival will derail everything… still, it would be fun, to eat someone like Tywin and defile someone like Cersei. Mm, yes, there were certainly quite a few beautiful maidens and not-quite-maidens on the western continent for me to add to my collection.

Ever since Yunkai's representative had left that gold, I'd been feeling an urge to hoard. Not just valuable minerals and precious stones, but women as well. Missandei and Daenerys were certainly pleasurable enough… but I found myself wanting a collection of maidens to keep locked away in my lair… even though I did not actually have a true lair. Not yet anyways.

But when I did make my lair, finally, I wished for it to be in Westeros. Essos would never be a permanent home, not with Daenerys dead set on eventually retaking the Iron Throne. So what was the point then, in growing anymore attached to this place? No, Yunkai had the ships and the shipyards… we would go back to Westeros within the month. It was decided.

The only question was, where exactly would I attempt to guide my beautiful mother to land?


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