Myrcella Baratheon's life had changed quite a lot over the last several weeks… and yet she couldn't quite find herself to be overly upset about matters. A low rumbling sounded beneath her and the blonde's lips curl into a smile as she leans back and nuzzles her cheek against the black scales behind her. She's perched atop Drogon's tail as he lays there curled up inside of his new accommodations.
The large dragon had gone so far to knock out a few walls in order to make himself an appropriate lair high up in the top of Dragonstone's majestic keep. Privately, Myrcella imagined that he wanted to be able to look down upon all of his subjects. By this point, the young woman knew who the real power behind the throne was. She'd spent some nights alongside the Dragon Queen after all, worshipping the mighty beast's cock.
Though beast probably wasn't the right word for him, as Drogon reached out and brushed her mind with his own. Myrcella lets out a shuddering breath as her pussy lips grow wet almost immediately. When Drogon offers up the thin tip of his tail, the scantily clad girl is happy to grab hold of it and guide it between her creamy thighs, spreading her pale legs wide in order to push his tail up inside of her.
She's certainly not dressed like a highborn woman anymore, but then Myrcella isn't too concerned by that sort of thing at this point. She's Drogon's, through and through. The dragon's massive presence encompasses her mind as Myrcella humps her hips into his tail tip and she lets out a happy, contented sigh. He's caressing her thoughts, molesting her very soul. The blonde can't help but climax in short order, an ugly cry tearing free of her lips as she coats his tail tip in her pussy juices.
Her body is dressed up in silks from Lys. The outfit is incredibly revealing, and from what Myrcella knows, its because the garments were made for a slave girl. She doesn't mind the insinuation though. It's been so nice letting go. So nice just relaxing and absolving herself of responsibility. Becoming a dragon's plaything has been so much more fun than trying to navigate the politics of Weste-
"THIS is Myrcella Baratheon?"
Myrcella's eyes snap open as the words tear through her inner peace.
"Indeed. As you can see, Drogon is nothing like any of the histories describe dragons. I begin to wonder if he is R'hllor himself, reborn."
"… Blasphemy…"
The young blonde glares daggers at the two Red Priestesses as they approach. She knows the one quite well by this point, and her hackles rise in the presence of her rival. The other one is a potential rival, and she spares no courtesy to her either… though most of her attention is focused on the threat she knows well.
"Kinvara. What do you want?"
Drogon's admonishment is swift and Myrcella backs down almost immediately, her posturing ending as she moans wantonly and curls back into her master's massive body. In response, the Red Priestess simply grins and continues forward, aiming for her true prize even as Myrcella watches on in abject jealousy.
"You know why I'm here girl. My colleague needs to learn the truth of Drogon. Come Melisandre. The Queen put you under my control, did she not? And you did pledge yourself… consider it an order if you must, but you will kneel beside me."
Melisandre looked over than Kinvara, yet the red head still obeyed. And just like that, the two Red Priestesses were kneeling side by side as they stared at Drogon's massive, thick cock. To say Myrcella was unhappy about all her hard work going to waste would be an understatement. She'd spent the last hour arousing Drogon so that she could have her own fun with his huge draconic member. And now that was being taken from her… if it were not for her master's presence running over her mind in a soothing, calming manner, Myrcella might very well have thrown a fit.
"… It is massive. I hope you do not… penetrate yourself with this thing."
Kinvara laughs at her fellow Red Priestess' words, reaching forward and taking Drogon's huge length in her small hands. Myrcella scoffs at this Melisandre's ignorance. Meanwhile, Drogon sends out amusement to all three of them, causing both Kinvara and Myrcella to smile as Melisandre is rocked by the sheer strength of his will.
"Dear R'hllor, I can feel him…"
"Indeed. Now, you will help me with this, no matter how little you want it. Use your tongue and your hands… and when he cums, you will drink as much as you can."
Myrcella finds the look that Melisandre gives her peer at those words a bit amusing, but in the end, the red head obeys all the same and as the two Red Priestesses begin to worship Drogon, Myrcella Baratheon begins to touch herself to the sight, moaning quietly.
"That's right you harlots… lick his cock. Lick his cock and he will reward you, you filthy sluts."
Melisandre is taken aback by Myrcella's crass words, but Kinvara simply guides her attention back to the issue at hand.
"Ignore her. She is imagining herself in our place and it makes her cross that we are doing this, rather than her."
"… I would gladly pass off the responsibility to the girl High Priestess."
"Then you are a fool."
Myrcella just grins, her fingers caressing her sopping wet pussy lips as she enjoys the exchange between the two priestesses. Kinvara is quite enthusiastic in her work, while Melisandre is noticeably lackluster. The former's hands and tongue are all over Drogon's length, while the latter is grimacing as if this is some foul task she is being forced to complete, rather than a glorious reward to be cherished.
It almost makes her want to kill the red woman right then and there. But Drogon continues to wash peace and calm over Myrcella's mind and the blonde shudders, her eyelashes fluttering as her eyes themselves roll back in her head. She climaxes along her fingers from the feel of her master filling the empty places in her mind with his essence.
Even if Kinvara and Melisandre are getting to worship his cock physically, it's almost like Drogon is fucking HER mentally. Myrcella loves this. She loves being one with her master, her GOD. Shuddering yet again, the blonde knows that there's a lewd, ecstatic look upon her face as she slides three digits into her cunt and begins to fuck herself right atop Drogon's body. She just doesn't care what the Red Priestesses think of her.
They have their own issues regardless. Drogon is growing more and more aroused and as this happens, he pushes his desire and pleasure outwards, hitting all three women with his emotions and his mental presence.
Melisandre's breath hitches even as Kinvara moans happily.
"I… he is so strong… so massive…"
Kinvara gives her peer a knowing look, fully aware that Melisandre is not talking about Drogon's physical size.
"Now you see why I suspect what I do. If Daenerys Stormborn is the one who was promised, if the Dragon Queen is Azor Ahai… is it not possibly that the Lord of Light has chosen to send himself or an avatar in order to assist her?"
Melisandre's eyes are wide as she strokes Drogon's cock right alongside the High Priestess of Volantis. Her mouth is agape as she tries and fails to compartmentalize the pleasure the massive black-scaled dragon is forcing on her. In the end, the Shadowbinder is becoming just as aroused, and the act of pleasuring the massive fire beast becomes an act of pleasuring herself as well, causing her enthusiasm in the task to increase right alongside Kinvara's.
"He… he is Lightbringer!"
That gets an odd look from Kinvara, even as she too does her best to pleasure the pillar of dragon cock before the both of them. Even Drogon is a bit distracted by the sudden words, a bit of confusion and curiosity leaking into the feedback loop of arousal that he's created.
"… The sword?"
Melisandre can only shake her head as she looks upon Drogon himself with more wonder than before, though her hands never stop moving and her thighs are now grinding together as her core continues to heat up, hotter and hotter.
"The histories call Lightbringer a blade, but all the prophecy says is that Azor Ahai would pull Lightbringer from the fire! Even I am not as misinformed to not have heard the rumors. The Dragon Queen birthed her dragons from the flames of her husband's funeral pyre! She walked free of the ash with them in her arms! Drogon is no normal dragon! He is blessed by the Lord of Light, not R'hllor's avatar, but the weapon that will push back the darkness all the same!"
Kinvara seems considering of this, but the small monologue's effect is slightly diminished by the resulting eruption from Drogon's member a moment later. White, hot dragon seed rains down on both Red Priestesses, and if Myrcella were in any state to notice at this point, the blonde girl would no doubt be mewling in disappointment and crawling towards his cock to get her share. But she's no longer truly conscious.
As such, only Kinvara and Melisandre get coated in the stuff, and while Kinvara immediately begins to consume Drogon's seed, Melisandre hesitates for a moment… and then the desire overwhelms her and she takes a taste. Her eyes widen as she looks to her peer.
"… The power…"
Kinvara glances over to her and grins wickedly.
"Now you see. Perhaps Drogon is the Lightbringer to Daenerys' Azor Ahai. But his seed… his seed is the power we need to serve in the great war that is to come. Go on my friend, consume your fill. We will need our strength for whatever our Queen asks of us next."
Both Red Priestesses lick and lap up Drogon's seed with an almost feverish intensity at that point. They're each completely enthralled by the seed, even as Drogon wraps their minds in his presence, amusement and contentment coloring his projected emotions. Eventually, there's nothing left for them to consume, and both women lean back, completely disheveled, their faces messy as they look at each other. Melisandre blushes deeply, while Kinvara just grins.
The High Priestess of Volantis rises to her feet and her peer rises as well, looking distinctly put out by just how much she's degraded herself since they arrived.
"You will get used to looking like a whore. After all, we will be partaking at least once a day for as long as Drogon allows it. Come along Melisandre. There is much to be done."
And like that, both Red Priestesses are gone, leaving Drogon alone with his slave girl pet. Myrcella moans happily in her sleep, curling up against her master's side.
I am a bad, bad dragon. After Kinvara and Melisandre's visit, I'd lounged around most of the day like a glutton. Food had been brought to me, and in great amounts as well. It seemed the people of Dragonstone knew how to feed dragons. I was quite thrilled to consume the mass of meat they brought me, once I'd properly cooked it with dragon fire.
Myrcella and I wiled away the day together, me playing with my fuck toy's mind and her enjoying being played with. The young woman was even more mentally twisted than my mother at this point. I hadn't exactly gone easy on her, though Myrcella had always been more fascinated than afraid of me. Much to her detriment in the end, as I was able to use and expand that fascination into lust, and that lust into outright devotion.
Getting her to wear the slave girl outfit, which reminded me somewhat of the slave bikini Leia wore from Star Wars, though with more silks and less metal, had been a particularly fun moment. When she'd felt how much it pleased me, she'd refused to talk the garments off, until they ended up far too messy for her to keep wearing. Thus began a cycle in which I'd have to strip her myself, give her outfit over to be washed, and dunk her naked in water in order to get her cleaned up.
Breaking Myrcella Baratheon's mind hadn't necessarily been my intention… but I wasn't truly that beat up about it, in the end. Rather, I enjoyed having a maiden for my hoard, even if the girl was no longer a true maiden. I was going to collect a hoard of women to go alongside my hoard of gold and jewels and it was going to be fucking GLORIOUS!
I'd probably keep it on Dragonstone. I liked the lair I'd made out of one of the castle's top floors. So did my women it seemed. Glancing down with one of my amber eyes, I grin toothily at the sight of my mother and her attendant stroking and licking at my cock. Myrcella is off to the side on a large pillow, completely knocked out and covered in her own pussy juices. The poor dear had a tendency for tiring herself out now.
Meanwhile, Daenerys and Missandei had shown up together about fifteen minutes ago, the lovely addicted darlings. My mother just couldn't sustain herself without a daily dose of dragon cum… and dragon dicking. Meanwhile, Missandei was just as needy at this point, and ever since Daenerys had caught her sneaking in to see me during the long voyage to Dragonstone, the two had taken to double-teaming me, especially as I grew larger and larger.
Daenerys finally pulls away and lets out a sigh.
"Alright… I think he's ready Missandei."
The dark-skinned former slave bites her lower lip and pulls back as well.
"A-Are you sure my Queen?"
The silver-haired beauty turns her violet eyes on Missandei and it's clear that she isn't even momentarily fooled.
"Yes, I'm certain. Or would you prefer to spend another fifteen minutes worshipping my dragon's cock you silly slut."
There's no real heat to Daenerys' words and even as Missandei ducks her head at the light reprimand to her true intentions, both women are smiling slightly. That's good, I like it when my bitches get along. With Daenerys' mind made up, the two rise and crawl up onto me. I watch lazily as Missandei helps her mistress literally scale my cock.
Soon enough, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is literally straddling the head of my member, her legs spread wide as she does her best to impale herself on my massive length. And slowly but surely… she does just that. I watch on, as amused as ever at the sight. Daenerys' body is elastic around my member, her bones stretching to ridiculous lengths in order to keep from snapping.
Her pelvis should be almost immediately wrecked, her organs rupturing, her body breaking around my length… instead, she slowly begins to sink along my cock, the tip of my dick bulging out of her and stretching her in quite the obscene manner as she's impaled, inch by inch. Missandei helps where she can, but ultimately this is Daenerys' task.
And in the end, my mother manages it as she always does. Of course, I'm going to get even bigger still… but that's a road to cross when we come to it. For now, I simply enjoy the feeling of Daenerys' tight human body wrapped around my huge, ridged, draconic shaft. She's gasping and groaning and moaning while Missandei watches on with envy and lust, the dark-skinned woman's hands falling between her legs as she pleasures herself to the sight of her Queen being so thoroughly defiled.
It takes a few minutes, but eventually Daenerys nods her head.
"O-Okay Drogon… I-I'm ready."
I send a wave of satisfaction into hers and Missandei's mind, and then I reach out with one of my massive claws, and casually wrap it around Daenerys' waist as the wing attached to said claw unfurls from my side. Honestly, it's things like this that make me wonder how my mother hasn't realized I'm even more intelligent than I let on. Or perhaps she has and she's simply at a point where she just doesn't care.
Regardless, I grip and I begin to pull my mother off of my cock, only to slam her back down immediately afterward. The cry from Daenerys lips is orgasmic as she clutches at my claw, and her head falls back from the sheer pleasure of being used as nothing more than a draconic cock sleeve. I fuck her hard and fast, more than eager at this point due to her and Missandei spending fifteen minutes riling me up as they lathered every inch of my ridged length with saliva.
Now it's Daenerys' pussy juices that are further slickening her insides and running down the length of my cock, making the movement of her stretched body even easier up and down my shaft. A low keening noise leaves my mother's lips, and it grows louder and louder as I fuck her harder and harder. The pleasure builds and the orgasms come and once they start, they just don't stop. I plow Daenerys Stormborn senseless, treating her like nothing more than a sheathe for my cock, rather than the Queen she is to all of her subjects.
Only Missandei knows just how far Daenerys' perversion goes. Kinvara suspects, but has no proof as my mother and the Red Priestess have never 'partaken' of me at the same time. In the end, it matters not. If the truth of Daenerys' night life with me came out and anyone tried to betray her over it, I'd simply roast them and eat them then and there.
Nothing matters in the end, nothing but me, my mother, and the women that worship my cock. Mm, well the servants that bring me my food when I'm feeling too lazy to hunt for myself are pretty okay in my book as well. I like them well enough. And of course, there are dragonseeds all across the island who practically worship the ground I walk on. I like being worshipped, be it by pretty women or the unwashed masses. Though… pretty women definitely beat out the unwashed masses.
Regardless, the point is that I'm content. Dragonstone will be an excellent lair, even once Daenerys takes King's Landing, no doubt with my help. At this point, I've basically fallen in love with the place. Just need to have all the gold transferred to the back of this room so I can start filling it up inch by inch, foot by foot. For now though, I'm enjoying my mother's tight pussy. Gold can wait until tomorrow.
With a satisfied growl as Daenerys' stretched walls finally milk my release from me, I unload inside of her womb, filling her to the point of bursting and then some. She's pushed up the length of my cock and then off of it, and I gently lay her in Missandei's waiting arms as the dark-skinned woman takes hold of her Queen until Daenerys can recover. And if Missandei sneaks a few scoops of my cum from the silver-haired beauty's gaping cunt before Daenerys is fully back among the realm of the sane and coherent… well, I'm not going to tell on her.
In the end, it's another half hour before Daenerys is able to properly speak again, rather than letting out incomprehensible gibberish. She and Missandei lay side by side atop my belly as I lounge and stroke my tail across their naked flesh appreciatively. Daenerys is tired, but not completely gone yet. She lets out a contented sigh and then turns those violet eyes of hers to look at me.
"… I cannot stay on Dragonstone fucking you forever Drogon. Eventually, I must make a move."
Missandei pipes up from behind her, running her hands over her Queen's pale flesh.
"Where will you attack first my Queen? The whole of Westeros is open to you with Drogon's strength at your beck and call."
Daenerys considers for a long moment before rolling her shoulders in a slight shrug.
"My instinct is to go to King's Landing immediately. Is there any reason not to? The Iron Throne is mine by right of blood, but I will gladly take it by right of conquest. I'm not sure though. My instinct was to go to Meereen after Yunkai, but instead Drogon's desires led me here, to Dragonstone and now I've retaken my family's ancestral seat. I am fulfilled, satisfied because of my child's direction."
The meaning to Daenerys' words is clear. She's asking me, in a roundabout way, for advice. Hm, perhaps she truly has decided I'm smarter than I let on. It's subtle, but I can tell what she wants. Still, what is the right answer here? My first thought is King's Landing as well. What point is there in waiting any longer to take the city and the Iron Throne? There is some concern regarding the women I'd like to keep alive, considering how ready Cersei was to commit a bit of murder/suicide back when Stannis first tried to take the city, but all in all, it was about time wasn't it.
Still, was I missing something? I would need to think carefully on how to use my influence over my mother. Daenerys was completely and utterly wrapped around my claw at this point. But I had changed canon, which meant anything I guided her to, could be my guiding her to her death if I was not wary.
… I had time. I'd give it a day or two. For now, I focused on the present, which meant the beautiful women lying naked atop me. My tail flicks back and forth across the slits of both Daenerys and Missandei, and I push my desire and arousal onto them even as I begin to molest them, both mentally and physically. The sluts both moan lewdly and wantonly as I play with them.
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