Francis Drake

"And then… and then I tossed the fucker overboard, just like that! Ahahaha!!!"

Francis Drake tosses her head back and laughs at the end of her own story, even as Anne Bonny does the same. Mary Read, bless her tiny soul, just smiles happily, expressing her approval for the punchline in her own way as she joins the two taller more voluptuous pirates in taking another long draught of booze. Smacking her lips, the pink-haired female Pirate King grins raunchily at her drinking companions. The duo are really the only other Servants worth hanging out with in Chaldea, if she's being honest.

"That's a good one Drake! Ahaha!"

Anne slaps her leg with one hand, shaking her head back and forth as tears of mirth leave her eyes. Smirking easily, Drake nods in agreement with the blonde woman. It was indeed a good one, one of her best in fact. And with that story, it was probably time to move things in another direction entirely.

"So, now that we've all talked about our adventures at sea… shall we discuss our conquests in the sheets, hm?"

The pink-haired beauty's face is flushed red from the amount of grog she's had, but then so are Anne and Mary, as they blush a bit deeper and give each other a glance. Drake can immediately sense a story there, and she licks her lips, even as the duo silently decides that Anne will be speak for both of them… as usual. Grinning slightly, the blonde shrugs her shoulders and takes another drink of her booze.

"Eh, nothing from our past lives compares to the here and now, if I'm bein' honest!"

That brings Drake up short. The pink-haired pirate glances between the two sea-farers for a moment, taking note of Mary's nod as the short, white-haired girl agrees with her blonde counterpart's assessment.

"Here and now, eh? Who the fuck you two fucking that's doing ya so good then?"

She won't lie, she's definitely interested. Ever since she's been summoned, it's been a bit of a dry spell for poor Drake. The people in Chaldea, be they Servants or otherwise, are either not worth her time, or too strong for her to approach. It's honestly getting a little sad, and she's a bit pent up at this point, if she's being honest. Anne and Mary exchange another glance, and Drake finds herself leaning forward in anticipation. Only, in the end Anne's response is not at all what she's expecting.

"Well… Master of course! Mary and I spent a nice long night with him the other week! He fucked us both nice and hard! I haven't been so thoroughly put in my place for a good long while! Ehehehe, and Mary was just adorable, taking it up her tight little ass as she buried her blushing face in my tits!"

Drake's eyes go wide as she glances between the two once again. And once again, Mary doesn't refute any of what Anne just said. Instead, the white-haired shorty blushes even deeper and hides her embarrassment behind drinking some more booze, even as she elbows Anne rather ineffectually, especially as it just causes the blonde to laugh even harder.

For a long moment, Francis Drake is flabbergasted. They can't… they can't be saying what she thinks they're saying!

"Hold on a second! You're telling me the two of you let that little twerp FUCK you?"

Anne lifts a brow and shrugs one shoulder as she gives Drake a lopsided grin.

"We fuckin' asked him to Drake! And he jumped at the chance! But if you saw what he was packing, you wouldn't be calling him little!"

The insinuation isn't lost on the pink-haired pirate, but still…

"As pirates, you two should have more pride than to let some… some blowfish like our Master walk all over you! I can see using him for his cock, but submittin' to that skinny beanpole? Where's your self-worth?!"

The humor dies as Drake's tone becomes quite condescending and very serious. Anne and Mary stop smiling as they exchange another silent glance, much to the pink-haired pirate's annoyance. Finally, Anne turns back and looks Drake dead in the eye.

"You'd be in the same boat you know, if you approached him. Master isn't the kind of guy to submit to any woman. He's an alpha male, and he's got the cock to back it up! Mary and I are happy with what we've got, and that's a relationship with our Master that affords us a good hard dicking whenever we want!"

Drake just gapes at that. Maybe it's the drink, but she finds herself unable to let the whole thing go. Abruptly standing up, the pink-haired pirate ends up swaying back and forth a bit as she finds her balance. Anne and Mary watch her with unreadable expressions on their reddened faces, and once Drake gets her balance back, she points a finger at the two of them, growling in the back of her throat and declaring her intentions.

"That's a challenge! And Francis Drake doesn't back down from challenges! I'll go and dominate our skinny-ass Master myself, and once he's under my thumb, you two will have ta swear allegiance to me too! And then I'LL be in charge around here!"

And with that, she spins away from the duo and heads for the door, not quite managing a graceful exit as she stumbles out of the room and down the hall. Behind her, Anne and Mary exchange another look, before both take another long drink. Then, Anne says what both are thinking.

"She's gonna get fucked so damn hard…"

Mary just nods in agreement, eyes wide and face redder still as she imagines the pink-haired pirate being put in her place by their delicious hunk of a Master. But by that point, Drake is long gone, and she doesn't hear a single word of Anne's verdict.


Drake's face splits into a wide smile as the drunk sees just the man she's looking for walking down the hall towards her.

"H-Hey! HEY! Master, over here!"

He was already moving in her direction of course, but the pink-haired pirate seems incapable of refraining from making a fool of herself in her drunken state. She flags Shigure down quite forcefully, and when the human male walks up to her with a lifted brow, Drake is quick to step into his personal space, invading it as she pushes her chest up against his.

"Hey… hey Master, let's fuck."

After all, if it'd worked for the pair of yellow-bellied cunts she'd left behind for this little exercise, Drake figured it would have to work for her too. To make sure of that, the pirate reaches out and grabs at the young Master's cock through his pants, stroking up and down enticingly with her palm as she grins at him salaciously.

He doesn't seem too perturbed, even as he eyes her up and down and then smiles.

"Very well, let's."

Heh, cool as a cucumber. Drake liked that, but she also liked the thought of ruining that. She was going to fucking break this beanpole of a boy. When he wraps an arm around her shoulder and begins to grope her tit, she just lets him, even leaning into it as he guides her to his room. As soon as they're inside, the pink-haired pirate begins to strip naked, and she's pleased to see Shigure do the same.

He isn't much to look at… until he gets to his boxers. He's definitely got a cock to be envious and covetous of, Drake will give their Master that. Even if he's a tall, skinny beanpole of a guy, his dick is like a fucking third leg as it hangs flaccid between his thighs. Licking her lips, Drake stalks forward and pushes Shigure back onto the bed. In a moment, she's straddling him, and he looks slightly irritated by her domineering attitude.

Drake just smiles sweetly as she holds him down, her big, fat bubble butt sliding back and forth along his cock as it slowly begins to harden. After a moment, Shigure tries to reverse their positions, attempting to roll them. But Drake is ready for it. With her enhanced strength, the Servant gleefully pins her Master down with a smug look on her face, even as he gets incensed, gritting his teeth and glaring up at her.

"Get off of me."

He says it in such a strong tone. It sends a shiver down Drake's spine… that's all it does though, even as she smirks at her Master, running her hands over his naked chest.

"Mm, you might be my Master, Master… but I'm the stronger of us. And I'm going to use that strength to show you what a REAL woman is like. All those little girls don't know how to properly fuck a man into submission, so I get where you got all these ideas of superiority… but don't worry, I'm here to help~"

The young man's eyes widen in barely held back anger. Than, his face wipes clean of emotion as he lifts both eyebrows at her.

"Are you forgetting something, Francis Drake?"

The pink-haired pirate's brow furrows in confusion and she frowns down at him, not quite sure what he's getting at. Shigure's arm comes up and his hand latches onto Drake's own arm. The female pirate giggles at that, knowing that he can't possibly overpower her. Still, she does glance down at his arm for a moment… only to catch sight of the Command Seals there.

"By the power of this Command Seal, I order you to SLEEP!"

Drake's eyes widen in surprise and realization, a moment before they drift shut as she falls unconscious right there atop her Master. Shigure grunts as he pushes her off of him in turn. Then, he climbs off the bed and begins to prepare for her eventual awakening.


When she wakes up, she's sobered up as well, and nursing a bit of a hangover. Groaning, the pink-haired pirate finds herself bound, her arms tied behind her back and her legs widened by a spreader bar forced in between her ankles. Forced down on her knees, Drake looks up to find Shigure looming over her, but when she grits her teeth and attempts to use her strength to break free, the bindings keeping her restrained don't give.

"They're reinforced by runes from Scathach. She's one of those 'little girls' that you mentioned earlier. My loving, loyal bitch, as it turns out."

Drake's eyes go wide at that, and her nostrils flare as her heart begins to race at the predicament she finds herself in. Swallowing nervously, the pirate adopts a faux smile as she opens her mouth to apologize for her behavior, hoping to blame it all on her inebriated state. She doesn't get a single word out though, before Shigure is gagging her with his cock, his thick dick thrusting past her open lips and into her throat.

"I don't want to hear any of your bullshit Drake. It's time to show you where you belong."

The pink-haired woman's eyes go wide as the young Master proceeds to brutally fuck her face, taking hold of her locks in the process and painfully yanking on them as he forces her to choke on his dick, time and time again.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Slobber collects on her chin and involuntary tears fall from Drake's eyes as she takes the savage throat-fucking, but somewhat to her own surprise, she doesn't try to bite down. Something… something about this actually feels just a little right. As the Master of Chaldea continues to pound into her gullet like he's fucking her cunt, the pink-haired pirate starts to feel arousal, building in her core. His forceful attitude, his ability to take what he wants from her despite their strength disparity… it's hot, in its own way.

He's forcing her to blow him without any of the physical strength of a Servant, or the prana of a full-fledged mage. Instead, he's used tools to disable her completely, and Drake can respect that… even as he rails her face with all the force he can muster. Eventually, he begins to cum and when he does so, he doesn't pull out, or offer her a moment of respite.

The pink-haired pirate is just managing to get used to the brutal routine of his cock pistoning in and out of her throat when Shigure abruptly buries her face in his crotch, her nose pressing against his pubes and his ball sack smacking up against her drool-covered chin. Drake's eyes go wide yet again as his seed blasts down her throat, and the young Master makes a point of forcing her to swallow every last drop before he lets her up from his cock.

She chokes, of course she does, but his big, thick prick doesn't allow for a single bit of his seed to come back up, causing Drake to swallow and swallow and swallow some more, desperate to clear her passage for some much-needed air. When she's finally done, Shigure pulls back and Drake coughs and hacks and gasps for oxygen, taking in deep lungfuls of the stuff, even as tears continue to drip down her face.

"P-Please Master… I'm sor-gurk!"

This time, her attempt at apologizing is actually genuine. She's feeling real contrition, even as Shigure grabs her by the throat and forces her onto her back. She's unable to do much to stop him, in her bound state, and her legs go up in the air when he pushes them up, spread wide to expose her cunt and her ass to his gaze. He looks at her with a merciless gaze, even as he slaps his cock down on her needy, wet cunt.

"I'm going to break you, slut."

Drake finds herself whimpering, the female Pirate King so quickly reduced to nothing but another mewling wench. She shivers as he lifts up his hand again, his two remaining Command Seals visible on it for only a moment more before he uses both in rapid succession.

"By the power of this Command Seal, I order your sensitivity to increase one hundred-fold!"

"By the power of this Command Seal, I order you not to cum without my verbal permission!"

The markings on his flesh fade away, at least temporarily until they recharge, and Drake gasps as her face goes bright red. His hand is on her thigh, and it suddenly feels absolutely amazing. At the same time, every time she so much as twitches, her back and backside brush against the floor beneath her, almost sending her into a conniption fit right then and there.

Whimpering yet again, the pink-haired pirate opens her mouth to beg the young Master for mercy, but before she can get a word in, he digs his thumb into her thigh, and Drake's eyes immediately roll back in her head as her teeth click down on each other, clenching from the abrupt wave of pleasure that rushes through her body. It's more than enough to put her over the edge into an orgasm… except, it doesn't do that. She's right at that edge… and the orgasm, the release never quite comes.

Shigure leans over her as he grins at her from between her spread legs, pushing them back against her body and folding her into quite the uncomfortable position. His cock is already atop her cunt, running up and down it, but eventually he draws back just enough to press his dick tip into her slit, sending another wave of spasms that don't quite lead to an orgasm through her frame.

"How do you like it now? Do you feel helpless yet, slut?"

It's a rhetorical question, or at least, Drake is forced to treat it as one because the next thing she knows, he's inside of her, forcing his dick deep into her cunt while simultaneously reaching out and grabbing her enormous tits with both his hands. The pleasure is intense and building, while her inability to cum leaves the pink-haired pirate soon on the edge of sanity and not, unable to tell what's real and what isn't anymore.

He outright mauls her big fat boobs as he pounds away into her cunt, and Drake's tongue leaves her mouth as her eyes roll up in her head and never roll back down, her face in a perpetual state of ahegao as she can't QUITE make it over the edge. She's on the verge of cumming, but nothing he does to her takes her into the abyss that she so desperately wants to fall into.

There's nothing more that Drake wants more in that moment than to break as Shigure promised her she would. Every second, it felt like she was getting closer to an epiphany, to that ephemeral goal. The pink-haired short-stack of a Servant's mind slowly begins to fray under the pressure as Shigure fucks her bound, pretzel bent body to kingdom cum. Her thoughts fizzle out, her brain feels like it's dripping out of her ears.

And every last moment of it is wonderful, while also being excruciating, torturous. Time loses all meaning for the pink-haired pirate, and her entire world becomes nothing but the feel of her Master's fingers on her tits, and his cock inside of her cunt. That's all Drake can focus on as she shakes and seizes and spasms beneath him, not from climaxing around his big, thick cock, but from an outright inability to reach a single climax, her body sweating out as she takes his dick in utter, euphoric agony.

When he's finally nearing his peak, THAT'S when Shigure leans in and murmurs into a mind broken Drake's ears.

"You can cum… when I pierce your cervix slut."

The words reach her, even with her thoughts scattered and her focus completely lost. His promise fills her very soul, and Drake's eyes snap up to his, even as Shigure smirks down at her, his cock battering against the entrance to her womb like it has been for the past however long he's been fucking her. All this time, there's been a few inches of his member that haven't fit inside of the pink short-stack.

Only now, as he fucks her harder and harder and harder, does Drake realize he can do it, that he COULD do it all this time, he just chose not to. With a final, powerful thrust, Shigure slams home into Drake's womb, his cockhead piercing right through her cervix as he fills her with his seed directly, painting her insides white with his cum.

The resulting orgasm that Drake experiences is beyond explosive. She doesn't just ahegao, she outright loses her mind as veritable hurricane force waves of pleasure batter at the last of her sanity, hidden in a small out of the way fortress in her soul as it had been. The Navigator of the Storm, the great female Pirate King, finally meets a storm that she cannot defeat in the form of her young Master and the veritable typhoon of pleasure he unleashes on her.

Drake had thought she'd broken before, but that's the true moment that the pink-haired woman loses all sense of self, her mind truly and irrevocably shattering in that moment, as the most powerful orgasm she's ever experienced wracks not just her body, but her mind and soul as well.

When Shigure pulls out of her, he stands over her with a look of triumph on his face, a smirk spread from ear to ear.

"You're no Pirate King, Francis Drake. You're not even a woman. You're a damn cocksleeve, and you'll never be anything but."

His words are music to her ears, and Drake hurries to nod her head as she stares up at him with earnest devotion in her gaze, and rapturous awe in her voice.

"Y-You're right, Master! You're right! I'm n-nothing but a worthless cocksleeve, only good for taking my M-Master's cock!"

Shigure laughs at her, and then he turns and leaves the room to go clean up. He doesn't untie Drake, nor does he cancel the commands he'd placed on her spirit with his last two seals. Whimpering as his seed drips from her pussy, Drake twitches… only to feel another spasm of pleasure that doesn't allow her to cum.

The commands will wear off eventually, and until then she'll just have to lay there and wait… either for them to in fact do so, or for her Master to come back and make use of her again. Still, while the commands might wear off… Francis Drake will never be the same, ever again.

The once 'King of Storms' knows the truth about herself now. She's nothing but a no-good, filthy-ass cocksleeve, fit only to service her Master's big, hard, throbbing dick. And that's exactly what she wants to be.


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