Artoria Pendragon (Lancer)

As she wanders through the halls of Chaldea, Artoria Pendragon, Lancer in this most strange of 'Grail Wars', ponders her circumstances. Truly, this is an odd time to find herself summoned into. Still, for the time being there were no enemies to fight, and so she was wearing her lighter, more casual form of noble dress, rather than her full suit of armor.

Her current Master, Shigure had had an interesting reaction the first time she'd shed her armor, to say the least. The Lion King still didn't truly understand why she had evoked such a reaction, and Shigure had decidedly not be in a state to explain as he'd been staring unblinkingly at her torso, his eyes glazed over and just a little bit of drool coming out of his mouth.

Humankind had grown to be quite strange in the time since she'd been alive and roamed the Earth. Artoria didn't mind that though. It was enjoyable, seeing just how far her people and the rest of the peoples of the world had come in her absence. Camelot may not have persisted, but the values that had built its foundation still did, and the land that it had once stood on was now stood on by hundreds of thousands of feet, perhaps even thousands of thousands.

What had Master said when she asked? Million? Such a number sounded remarkably farfetched to Artoria, but she knew he did not lie when he used it. Truly, the world was as beautiful a place as it had been when she'd last lived. Humanity shown with the brightness of the sun even now, and it was up to them to defend it.

Of course… there was her daughter to consider. Mordred… was she truly even her daughter? Artoria had heard some things about her other self. It was strange to think that there was a version of her who had died with an underdeveloped body, after somehow impregnating their sister with a child. The Lancer-class Servant was entirely naïve when it came to sex, and thus baby-making as well. Even still, she was fairly certain that a child did not come about from two women. This left her more than a little confused.

That was the main reason that she'd avoided the girl who was supposedly her other self's daughter or son or something. Artoria hadn't wanted to cause issues. It hadn't seemed like her place to intercede, or to really make any sort of move in that direction. That didn't mean Artoria didn't long for some sort of strange reconciliation though. She could-

A strange noise distracts the beautiful blonde woman from her internal musings. Stopping dead in the middle of the hallway, the Lancer-Class Servant furrows her brow, twitching slightly as she hears it again. It's repeating, now that she's listening, though not at precise intervals. Slowly, Artoria continues down the hall towards the sound, and it grows louder and louder as she moves.

Belatedly, Artoria realizes where she is just as she locates the source of the noise, staring at a slightly ajar door that she knows leads into Mordred's room. She hadn't… it wasn't as if she'd been stalking her daughter. She'd merely not wished to accidentally run into the other knight just as much as she hadn't wished to purposefully run into her.

And yet, the sounds are growing louder. They sound like cries, feminine cries at that. Steeling herself at the thought of being forced to confront her daughter, Artoria… skulks forward. Even in just her more casual armor, the voluptuous blonde knight looks a little ridiculous as she creeps down the hall. Luckily for her, there's no one around to see her… but just as unluckily, there IS a security camera recording the hilarious action. After everything that is about to come to pass happens, Shigure will end up obtaining a copy of that recording, for posterity's sake.

Artoria doesn't know anything about that though, and she won't ever know anything about that. As she comes to the slightly ajar door, the blonde carefully peeks inside, her eye moving this way and that until she finally finds the source of the cries. Shigure and Mordred are on Mordred's bed. Her daughter is naked, eliciting a blush from Artoria even as she continues to stare.

Shigure is naked as well, but much of her life was spent among knights and crass men, so Artoria actually has little issue with the male form, unlike the female form, which in her time period was usually more covered up, more sacrosanct. It seems like Shigure is driving his hips into Mordred from behind, while also bringing his palm down on her ass.

In truth, though Artoria does not understand what she's seeing, Shigure is fucking Mordred quite roughly, and as he does so, she's crying out in ecstasy, enjoying the physical… and verbal abuse.

"That's right Moedred! Take it! Take it all, you silly little slut!"

'Moedred's answering cry and moan as Shigure slams home and begins to unload inside of her womb are what finally set Artoria off. As sexually naïve as she is, the Lancer-Class Servant assumes that their Master is hurting the other woman, mistaking her daughter's cries for ones of pain instead of pleasure. Just like that, it doesn't matter who Moedred's child is anymore. She's her baby, and Artoria rushes into the room with a roar that fit the one with the title 'Lion King'.

"Unhand my child this instant you… you b-barbarian!"

Luckily, Shigure is already cumming when the Lancer makes her appearance. Moedred, as he'd renamed her, looks up more than a little mortified as she tries to hold up a hand and ward the voluptuous King of Knights off. In the heat of the moment, even she forgets that THIS Artoria is not her Artoria.

"M-Mother! What… what are you doing here?! G-Get out, I WAN THI-oh FUCK!"

A particularly deep thrust on Shigure's part cuts Moedred off as he gives Artoria a smug grin.

"Let's get one thing straight, Artoria Pendragon. Moedred belongs to ME, and if you want to take her from me, you'll have to do it by force!"

Artoria narrows her eyes, and then pauses for a moment.

"Why… why do you call her Moedred?"

The first time, she'd assumed it to be an accident. The second time though was just as distinctive and clear, making it obvious that it wasn't one. Shigure blinks and then snorts derisively as he lays another smack across the Knight of Betrayal's petite little posterior.

"That's her name. Isn't it, Moedred?"

Shuddering, the blonde clears her mind and looks Artoria directly in the eye, wanting to get at least this right so she didn't disappoint her Master.

"Yes. It is."

There's a moment of silence as Artoria processes this, and then she summons Rhongomyniad to her hand. The beautiful, golden spear falls into her grasp and she growls as she points its head at Shigure threateningly, uncaring of the Command Seals glowing on his hand.

"If you refuse to turn Moedred back over to me, then I WILL take her from you by force, Master or not!"

It takes every ounce of willpower Shigure has to keep from busting a gut over how easily they'd gotten the King of Knights to switch to 'Moedred's' new name. With a blank look on his face, Shigure cocks his head to the side and asks a simple question in a mildly sly tone.

"Are you challenging me?"

Artoria stiffens at that, but completely misses the underlying meaning to his words. All she can see is her daughter, in obvious pain, being hurt by their Master as he drove his rod into the poor girl from behind.

"I am. Consider this your last chance to back down!"

Shigure's expressionless face splits into a massive shit-eating grin and he spreads his arms wide.

"Now, now. Why would I ever do that? Artoria Pendragon, answer me these two questions. First, as the one being challenged, I get to be the one who sets the terms and the conditions of this challenge, correct? And second, as the challenger for Moedred's freedom, the only thing you have equal to her life is your own servitude. Is that what you're offering me?"

Artoria stiffens and her jaw sets for a moment, before ultimately she nods her head sharply.

"Yes. You are correct, on both accounts. However, it does not matter what kind of challenge you choose. With the training I received during my life, with the wars I fought in and the battles I won, there is no form of combat you could possibly best me in. I will give you one last chance to surrender Master, before I will be forced to humiliate you."

Shigure's grin doesn't even falter as he brings his hands back in and rubs them together.

"You say that… but I've already decided what sort of 'combat' I'm going to challenge you to, Artoria Pendragon. I challenge you to a Sex Battle!"

Artoria's eyes go wide in shock as soon as she processes Shigure's words. Quite suddenly, the trap is made obvious, and she finds herself reeling back as her face goes from wrathful fury to atomically red, her embarrassment enough to fill the entire room. A refusal to participate sits on Artoria's tongue, but before the words can leave her mouth, she sees the way Shigure's grin widens slightly, and watches as he thrusts forward into her daughter once more, eliciting another cry from Moedred.

Seeing the poor young woman still impaled on their Master's cock, still so clearly in pain… Artoria can't just let this go by, even if Moedred technically isn't her daughter. She's still her blood, and that means more to the King of Knights than anything. Pressing her lips together into a thin line, Artoria once again nods, though this time it's a lot more hesitant and a lot less sharp, a stutter in her voice as she gives her assent.

"F-Fine. W-what are the terms of this… Sex Battle."

Her disgust and dubious opinion of such combat is loud and clear in Artoria's tone and all over her face, even as Shigure shoves Moedred off of his cock and clears his throat.

"Well? We can't have a sex battle if you're wearing all that."

Can't they? Still completely naïve when it comes to sexual matters, Artoria swallows her pride, recognizing that in this instance, she has to assume he's correct. Slowly but surely, the Lion King removes her garments. Her crown disappears in a burst of prana first, and then she pulls off her red and white cloak, before moving onto her gauntlets and the rest of the light armor she still has on.

Her battle skirt goes next, but Shigure holds up a hand and stops her when Artoria gets to her leotard. Ah, so they don't need full nudity for sex? She has to admit, as humiliating as all this is, that's a relief to find out.

"Come over to the bed and sit here. The terms of this sex battle will be simple. You will not fight me or resist me in any physical way. Your body is mine to play with. Only your mind is still sacrosanct."

Artoria walks forward, but her brow is furrowed even as she sits on the bed, fidgeting uncomfortably.

"If I am not allowed to fight back, how am I to win?"

Shigure's grin widens even more as he crawls over to her, practically invading her personal space.

"Simple. You mustn't submit. If you submit to me, if you beg me for more, if you tell me that you surrender, then you will have lost the challenge, and your freedom."

Artoria scoffs at that, his words making her pride rise up in her chest as she lifts her chin. This has an interesting effect on her boobs, but Artoria barely recognizes the way Shigure is looking down at her torso with a pleased look on his face, even as she in turn looks down upon him.

"Hmph. Than I have already won this match. I will never submit to you. And as a normal human, I suspect you will run out of strength to continue long before I grow tired. I understand the conditions and terms of this challenge Master. You may begin whenever, so that we may be done with this and I can take Moedred far from you."

The Knight of Betrayal scowls at that, but neither Artoria nor Shigure are paying her any mind at this point. In response to Artoria's words, Shigure doesn't say anything. He just grins a bit wider, reaches out, and drags the front of her leotard down. The blonde Servant blinks as her massive tits practically leap out of their stifling confines, and then quite suddenly Shigure is pushing her onto her back.

She finds herself looking up at him for a moment with her breasts on full display, and even as naïve and innocent as the Lancer-Class Servant has managed to remain after such a long, action-filled life, Shigure's hungry gaze still sets her on edge, the feel of a woman hunted by a man for her beauty and her womb. Shigure leans in and Artoria's eyes go wide in shock as he sucks one of her nipples into his mouth.

It's the first time anyone has ever done such a thing to her. The sensitive nature of her breasts had always been a weakness in battle before now, but in this, a SEX battle, that weakness was never more obvious. Shigure's hands move down her form and one slips under her to grope and knead an ass cheek, while the other pushes the crotch of her leotard aside to begin playing with her pussy lips.

Very quickly, Artoria finds herself getting wet. The sensations within her are unlike any she's ever felt before. Before she can even stop herself, her body is reacting instinctively, writhing with pleasure under Shigure's ministrations, shocks and shudders running through her frame as she spasms beneath him. For a moment, Artoria Pendragon finds herself wondering if other women feel this good all the time.

That thought sends an intense flush of shame through the blonde King and she mentally slaps herself as she squashes that thought. She was a King first, a Knight second, and a woman never. It was not in her to feel the pleasures of the female form. She had no place for such… s-such… o-oooh God above…

Shigure's experienced tongue and fingers bring her to an intense, mind-blowing orgasm, and Artoria's tongue sticks straight up out of her mouth as she finds herself staring up at the ceiling in shock. How did… how could… w-what?! Even as Artoria attempts to regain her bearings, a second orgasm hits just moments after the first and for the first time in her existence, the Lancer-Class Servant cries out in pleasure, the noise shocking her.

However, her mind is too clouded by this point for Artoria to really recognize that it's the same noise Moedred was making. In the end, the top-heavy King of Knights finds herself fully ahegaoing right then and there, her eyes rolling up in her head and her tongue lulling out of her mouth this time around. It's while she's still recovering from that, that Shigure flips her over onto her front.

Instinctively, the beautiful blonde's hips rise slightly, her legs parting to give him access. Artoria doesn't even realize what she's done until Shigure tugs her leotard aside again and shoves his cock deep inside of her cunt. Artoria's eyes go wide at the sudden sensation, only for her to get a face full of muff a moment later. As fate would have it, Moedred's crotch was only a foot away from Artoria's face when Shigure finally flipped her over. His first thrust into her unprotected virgin cunt had sent her forward into her daughter's cum-stuffed pussy.

Realizing what's happening, Artoria tries to pull her head back from the girl, blushing even deeper than before, but before she can do so Moedred wraps her legs around Artoria's head and the blonde is only dragged all the closer. Looking up into her daughter's eyes, she sees nothing but a smirk on the petite girl's face as she speaks in a simpering, fake tone.

"So sorry Mother~ Why don't you go ahead and eat me out now, okay?"

She doesn't really have a choice. Shigure's seed and Moedred's juices are already smearing all over her cheeks and her nose. Their Master's heady scent doesn't make Artoria's task any easier, and neither does licking his cum up and swallowing it, as Moedred subsequently forces her to do. It's in that moment, as she laps Shigure's cum out of Moedred's cunt and takes his cock into herself again and again, that Artoria comes to a euphoric sort of realization.

Shigure's fucking her with such deep, powerful thrusts… and Artoria finally understands not only that Moedred completely belongs to their Master in ways far beyond a Servant's duties… she understands WHY the petite blonde has given away her freedom to the man currently fucking her so deeply, so thoroughly.

At the same time, Artoria comes to the sort of realization that most women found out long before her current age. Getting dicked by a skilled lover felt REALLY good. Letting out a shudder, her eyes rolling back in her head, Artoria admits defeat, though thanks to Moedred's actions, she can't actually say as much. Instead, to acknowledge her complete and utter submission, the voluptuous, stacked blonde sets to work on thrusting her hips back into Shigure's pistoning member, while eagerly shoving her tongue deep into her daughter's tight little pussy in order to get at as much of their Master's cum as possible.

Shigure grunts in surprise, while Moedred lets out a wide-eyed shriek of pleasure. All three of their bodies move in perpetual motion for a few more minutes of intense, pleasurable fucking, before finally, it all comes to an abrupt end. Shigure cums inside of Artoria with a holler, and the sensation of his seed painting her womb white and filling it to the brim sends the blonde right over the edge into her own orgasm.

Artoria's loud moans and cries of pleasure vibrate up through Moedred's sopping wet cunt, and the petite girl gasps as she ends the orgasm chain, her pussy juices spraying out all over her mother's face, right then and there. For a moment, the trio are all stiff, Shigure's cock buried in Artoria, Artoria's back arched from the pleasure, and Moedred's ass off the bed and ground into Artoria's face. Then, they all collapse, having finished their respective releases, exhaustion taking them all.

An unspoken decision to rest follows, but it's not long before they're all up and moving again, recovering swiftly. Artoria ends up off of the bed and on her knees as Shigure sits on the edge of the mattress with Moedred hanging off of him. The stacked fat-tittied blonde blushes as she ducks her head.

"I apologize, Master… Moedred. I was wrong, and I humbly submit to your will. Command me, and I will serve… in all ways."

Moedred pipes up at that.

"Her tits! Make her fuck your cock with her tits, Master!"

That gets a surprised blink from Artoria and an amused look on Shigure's face.

"Go on then. Do it. Wrap them around my dick and slide them back and forth."

She… was that really a thing? Artoria had had no idea, but as she obeys, she can't deny that it feels good. Not only the sensation of his throbbing erection in between her sensitive tits, but just the knowledge that she's pleasing a man… no, not just any man, her Master. Shigure is special, and she was foolish not to see that before. But then, Artoria is starting to realize she didn't know a lot of things before this.

"Master… I had no idea that these overly cumbersome mammaries could be of such use to you! I've never had cause to appreciate my massive chest before now!"

Moedred's grin dies a little at that, and she suddenly looks very jealous of the other blonde. Shigure on the other hand, laughs and settles into an easy grin.

"Your breasts are undoubtedly your best feature if we're being honest. Maybe your name should be Boobturia instead!"

Ah, like how Mordred had become Moedred? Yes, this made sense to her. If her Master willed it…

"By your command, Master! From this moment on, I shall be Boobturia!"

That takes Moedred out of her funk, as even the flat-chested Knight of Betrayal can't help but laugh along with their Master at just how deadly serious 'Boobturia' is. A moment later, Shigure grunts and begins to cum, and Boobturia tilts her head back as her Master's seed paints her face and her massive mammaries.

A blissful smile stretches from ear to ear across the Servant's face as she finally accepts the truth. She's a woman first, and she always will be now that her Master has shown her, her place.


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