
Gareth, Knight of the Round Table, had a problem. Or perhaps it would be best to call herself a Lady Knight now, like the other Knights of the Round Table had taken to doing…

Being summoned into Chaldea was not at all a bad thing, that much Gareth had decided rather quickly. It had definitely taken it's own sort of acclimation though, that was for sure. She'd needed to properly get used to the place, and the quirks of the individuals within it. Especially her new Master. The Master of Chaldea was an interesting man… and also the sort of man that chivalry would have dictated Gareth needed to bring to justice or something, back when she'd been alive.

And yet, her King and all of her fellow Knights had ultimately submitted to the Master of Chaldea. Not only that, but the Knights of the Round Table… they were all women like she was now. That was a bit strange, but once she'd heard that it was the result of some tomfoolery on Merlin's part, well, it'd begun to make a whole lot more sense, hadn't it?

In the end, Merlin had messed with everyone, and now apparently their Master was the only male left in the entirety of Chaldea. That was pretty wild… but not nearly as wild as finding out that every other Knight of the Round Table had gotten with the young Master of Chaldea before Gareth had even arrived. She was… she wasn't supposed to be a sexual being. Being a Knight as she was, she was supposed to be above such things. She was supposed to be the epitome of the Knightly ideals, and despite what some piss poor knights might have done back in her time, having a lot of sex, both consensual and otherwise, was not part of the Knightly ideals.

And yet… and yet, Gareth was jealous. She was jealous of her fellow Knights, of those Lady Knights who had slept with the Master of Chaldea, with HER Master. She wondered at times what it would be like. She wondered what it would feel like to submit to him and let him have his way with her, to abandon her Knightly ideals and become yet another one of his Lady Knights.

Even her siblings, Gawain and Mordred, have gotten to sleep with the young Master. More than that, much to Gareth's shock, Mordred was actually heavily pregnant with the Master of Chaldea's child when Gareth was first summoned a week ago! She's probably going to be due any day now! That… well, the impending motherhood at least hasn't changed Mordred very much. She's still as tomboyish as ever. But even still, it's rather shocking, isn't it?

The one thing that Gareth finds herself truly, heavily conflicted about is Lancelot's genderbending and subsequent laying. On one hand, her hero worship of the older Knight compels her to want to defend Lancelot's honor… and boy does she need a lot of defending THESE days. On the other hand, Gareth sees the way Lancelot looks to the Master of Chaldea, and she finds herself unbelievably jealous at the obvious affection in the Lady Knight's gaze.

It just wasn't fair. It felt like she was so late to the damn party. It felt like she had missed out on basically everything. What was she supposed to do now? What was-

In the midst of losing herself in her thoughts, Gareth completely fails to notice Gawain approaching her from behind, right up until a poke to the small of her back sends a shock up the short-haired blonde's spine and causes Gareth to yelp cutely in surprise as she nearly leaps three feet into the air. Spinning around, Gareth puffs out her cheeks at realizing who it is.

Meanwhile, Gawain just grins, greeting her cute little pink-cheeked sister cheerfully, her large breasts jiggling as she bounces on the balls of her feet.

"Gareth, hey! There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you~"

Gareth blinks at that, and lets out a slightly shaky laugh, her previous thoughts still swirling around her head and leaving her a little bit dazed by the sudden change of pace.

"O-Oh, hey Gawain, I-mmph!"

But before she can even fully return her big sister's greeting, she finds herself pulled into a hug that buries her face in her sister's giant tits, causing her pink cheeks to pinken even further in embarrassment and cutting her off before she can even finish her sentence. With her face buried in Gawain's cleavage, Gareth has no way of noticing the sly grin that develops across Gawain's face, even as the Lady Knight smothers her little sister for just a teensy tiny bit before letting her out of her cleavage.

As Gareth takes in deep breathes of air, distinctly ruffled by the lack of oxygen and quite flustered at this point, Gawain just giggles and grabs her by the hand.

"Come with me, I have something super fun to show you!"

Suddenly, Gareth finds herself nearly dragged right off her feet as her big sister begins to pull her along, tugging very insistently. Yelping, the less-stacked Knight whines a little, though she can't escape Gawain's grasp.

"Gawain, you don't have to pull so hard! A-And besides, where are we even going?!"

"You'll see~"


They soon enough reach their destination, or so it would seem when Gawain arrives in front of a door and slams it open with all the exuberant force that Gareth is used to seeing from her big sister. The fat-chested Lady Knight pulls Gareth inside, where the short-haired blonde is greeted by a sight that sees her stopping dead in her tracks.

Within the room is the heavily pregnant form of the Knight of Betrayal herself, sitting on the Master of Chaldea's lap and bouncing up and down on his cock. Mordred looks quite happy with herself as she rides their Master to kingdom cum, while their Master seems pleased as well, holding her swollen pregnant belly with both hands and leaving a string of bright red hickeys along her pale neck.

Even as Gareth stands there in a stupor, both look up and seem just as surprised by her and Gawain's arrival. They quickly get over that surprise though, with Mordred looking angry at the interruption, and the Master of Chaldea grinning wickedly. Then, Gawain shocks all three of them again with a loud, over the top proclamation.

"Master! Gareth here very greatly desires your cock, and after everything else, it only seems fair that you should 'knight' her like you did the rest of the Round Table, if you know what I mean!"

Gareth whips her head towards her big sister in sheer disbelief, even as Gawain stands there, head held high and chest puffed up, as if she's PROUD that she just threw her sister under the wagon like she did, while at the same time effectively pimping Gareth out without her say so! Gareth sputters and stammers, unable to put together the words to censure Gawain for her insensitive actions. After all, she DID want their Master to 'knight' her and she DID greatly desire his cock (which was currently buried ball's deep inside of Mordred, it seemed) but that didn't mean Gawain was supposed to just come out and SAY it like she had!

A low growl sounds out from across the room, coming from a heavily pregnant Knight of Betrayal, who's eyes at this point have narrowed into slits. She's looking between Gawain and Gareth like she's not sure which one she wants to kill first.

"You interrupted my time with Master for this, Gawain? And you, Gareth… you allowed her to do so?!"

Gareth is a Knight of the Round Table and has fought many a foe. She lived every moment of her original life like it would be the last, ready to lay down her life in service to Camelot, ready to die for her King, if need be. She'd even been ready to face down Mordred on the battlefield, though she'd never gotten the chance. And yet… and yet, Gareth decides right then and there, even as she trembles in her armor, that there's not much scarier then a pregnant Mordred angry at her.

However, before she can apologize and hastily pull Gawain from the room to escape the pregnant pint-sized blonde's wrath, the Master of Chaldea himself steps in, chuckling in amusement as he leans in and kisses Mordred's neck before speaking up, his very tone seeming to calm the Knight of Betrayal down as it washes over her.

"Come now, my cute little Moedred. Gawain has a good point; Gareth doesn't deserve to be left out in the cold. And we might as well take care of things here and now, now that they're here, hm? How about this… if you can share now, I'll allow you to share my bed alone later tonight, just the two of us."

Gareth flicks her gaze between Mordred (Why did the Master call her MOEdred?) and the Master of Chaldea, her respect for him growing somewhat reluctantly as she watches him tame the heavily pregnant beast that is her sister. Slowly, Mordred relaxes, before ultimately her shoulders slump and she gives a nod, languidly climbing her way bit by bit off of his cock.

"Ugh, very well. I'm still annoyed, but I suppose I can accept such a compromise just this once, for Gareth's sake. Come over here and hop aboard, Gareth!"

What… how… she couldn't! Gareth flushes, going as red as a tomato as she stares at Mordred in wide-eyed disbelief, before looking to the Master and his cock, and then looking over to Gawain as well, who was daring to give her an encouraging smile and nod, like ANY of this was normal. This was not normal! Sure, she might have fantasized about doing it with their Master, but NOT with her sisters present, d-damn it all!


The Master's voice, calm and gentle and kind, sounds through the air. It's like silken chocolate against her ears, even though she knows from all of the rumors and the stories that he can be just as brutal as he can be gentle, just as cruel as he is kind. The Master of Chaldea is not always a nice man. At best, you could say he was complicated in the extreme.

Still, he's looking at her now, and more than that, he's holding a handout to her. He's sitting there, with his cock out of his pants and fully erect, and he's holding out his hand to her. THIS, minus her sisters, feels a lot like one of her fantasies, truth be told.

"Come here, dear Knight. Remove your armor and your garments and come sit with me."

Sit on him, he meant. Gareth had no illusions about what would happen to her if she walked over there. And yet… and yet, he was just so charming. And she'd already been lusting after him for a while. Highly embarrassed and incredibly flustered, the young Knight nonetheless reaches down and begins to undo the straps on her armor, letting it fall to floor piece by piece.

As she does so, as she strips herself of her armor and the clothes, she's wearing underneath, Gareth walks forward. Each step she takes feels like she's walking towards an execution… but also her destiny. Her heart is rapidly beating in her chest by the time she reaches her Master, by the time she's close enough that he can reach for her.

His hands fall on her hips and he turns her around, facing her away from him. Gareth tenses at this, because it leaves her staring at her sisters, who she'd almost, very nearly, managed to forget were there. Both of them are watching, and she can't stop herself from ducking her head, averting her gaze, and then covering her face with her hands for good measure.

As a result, she's unresistant when the Master of Chaldea pulls her back onto his lap right in front of Mordred and Gawain, and ultimately onto his cock as well. The short-haired blonde can only eep as she ends up impaled on his shaft, her tight little cunt clenching around his cock as his length sinks deeper and deeper into her. As he bounces her up and down on his cock, she yelps and squeaks and ultimately moans… she does a LOT of that last one, moaning up a storm as she finally gets to feel what it's like to be a woman.

Meanwhile, while Mordred has accepted that her turn with her Master is done for now, that doesn't mean the pregnant Knight of Betrayal has forgiven Gawain for engineering the interruption in the first place. Horny, and still quite irate with her sister, Mordred stalks over to Gawain and grabs her by her hair, forcing her to her knees.

"I deserve an apology for interrupting my time with Master, Gawain."

Gawain gulps at that, knowing better than to argue with the heavily pregnant knight. Seeing the submission in Gawain's eyes, Mordred smirks and plants her sister's face right into her cunt, forcing Gawain to eat her out as she grinds her wet pussy all over the other Knight's mouth.

"Yesss, that's better…"

Turning them both, Mordred positions herself so that she can better watch as Gareth gets fucked by the Master of Chaldea. This, of course, causes Gareth to flush in further embarrassment, making her duck her head once more. Even still, as Gareth gets pounded by their Master, Mordred watches, her eyes focusing on Gareth's cute, plump cheek and the perpetual blush upon them, and her large (doubly so given her small, five-foot stature) bouncing breasts.

As Mordred stares, she finds herself scooting forward, dragging a protesting Gawain with her across the room, though she pays Gawain no mind, continuing to force the other Lady Knight to eat her out. Closer and closer Mordred gets, until she finds herself so close that Gareth can no longer truly avert her gaze. Instead, the other blonde finds herself forced to stare into Mordred's eyes, until their faces are mere centimeters apart.

The two of them stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, even as Shigure continues to fuck Gareth from below, even as Gawain continues to dutifully eat out Mordred. Finally, the pregnant Knight blushes slightly herself, stuttering a bit as she speaks.

"A-Ah… I s-should be honest… I kind of, sorta… had feelings for you back when we were still alive, Gareth. And now…"

Gareth barely has time to process what Mordred is saying and what it means, before the heavily pregnant Knight of Betrayal shoves her lips up against her sister's, her tongue plunging into Gareth's mouth. Too shocked by the sudden confession to react until it's a wee bit too late, in the end all Gareth can do is squirm a bit more before ultimately relaxing into the moment and letting Mordred kiss her.

It's in that moment that she has a bit of an epiphany. This… this is what it means to be a Lady Knight, isn't it? It's not about being both a woman and a knight, no. That isn't what makes one a Lady Knight. Lady Knights and actual Knights… they're two different things. They live by two different sets of Knightly ideals.

As Gareth has her pussy pounded by her Master and her mouth plundered by her sister, she realizes that this must be what her fellow Knights as well as her King all felt… and she loves it, every last bit of it. Moaning wantonly, finding herself getting into it more and more, Gareth's tongue begins to wrestle with Mordred, and she kisses the heavily pregnant girl right back.

They makeout with one another, even as their Master fucks Gareth from below, getting ever closer to filling her with his seed. He was going to breed her just like he had Mordred, wasn't he? He was going to fuck her until he came, at which point he was going to knock her up. Had he knocked up the other Lady Knights of Chaldea as well? Were they just not as far along yet as Mordred, and thus more capable of showing it?

Who could say for sure? Not Gareth, she had no clue. But in the end, it didn't matter. All that mattered was being the best Lady Knight she could be, of emulating her idols and her fellow Knights in their path towards true nirvana. This was exactly where she belonged, wasn't it?

Eventually, things do come to a close, with quite the climatic finish. Gareth gets a wombful of seed that sends her right over the edge into an explosive orgasm, and her moans into Mordred's mouth prove to be a trigger that causes her to squirt her pussy juices all over Gawain's face. As Mordred pulls back from Gareth's lips finally, a thick string of saliva connects the two girls together, even as they stare into one another's eyes with dazed looks on their faces, both of them knowing deep down inside that things will never be the same after this. And maybe that's a good thing.

As their Master lifts Gareth off of his cock, Mordred is quick to act, and before anyone even realizes what's happening, the heavily pregnant young woman reminds everyone of the fact that she IS still a Servant, with all the strength that entails. Sweeping Gareth up into a bridal-style carry, Mordred looks at Shigure and gives a declaration.

"Gareth will be joining you and I in bed tonight, Master. And you're going to pound her until she's good and pregnant!"

Gareth's eyes go wide at that, and she blushes like mad, despite the fact that she'd been thinking about him breeding her just a few moments before. Mostly, she's embarrassed because… well, tonight was supposed to be Mordred's, in exchange for letting Gareth interrupt like she had, oh so rudely. She tries to say as much, of course.

"B-But Mordred, tonight-mmph!"

However, before she can get more than three words out, Mordred is silencing her with another deep, passionate kiss that Gareth finds herself melting into quite happily.

Meanwhile, Shigure watches all of this happen with the same level of amusement that he's honestly been feeling since the whole situation first developed. His gaze is soon drawn downwards however, to where a certain Lady Knight who made all of this happen is gazing at his cock quite longingly, Mordred's movement during the entire exchange leading Gawain to kneeling right between Shigure's legs.

Making eye contact with Gawain, Shigure just grins and gives his cock a wave. That's all the Lady Knight needs to push forward, eagerly wrapping her tits around his messy prick and beginning to suck at the head. Shigure just chuckles and leans back, rewarding Gawain for her efforts by letting her give him a titfuck. He truly was a magnanimous Master, wasn't he?


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