
When Ciel walks into Ahnenerbe, the young woman does so with two goals in mind. One, to get a nice cup of tea, and two, to get a nice plate of curry. Only, as she steps in through the door of the interdimensional hub of parallel universes, she finds herself facing far more than she bargained for. Rather than the quaint coffee shop that Ciel is used to, the undercover student finds herself in what can only be described as… as a Strip Club!

The place is a paradox of dark walls and dim light combined with flashing colors and a barrage of sounds. Meanwhile, it's also filled with a variety of sexy women, all of different body shapes, ages, and states of undress. In fact, each of the Strip Club's girls are so unique and so… special that Ciel can only see one thing they all have in common… namely, they're all EXTREMELY powerful entities, each in their own right.

Unbeknownst to Ciel, this is not the Ahnenerbe she's used to. Rather, this is an Ahnenerbe that Neco-Arc set up in Shigure's Chaldea specifically for this purpose… luring in sexy women for the Chaldean Master to have his way with. She would be well-served to turn and flee right back the way she came… and every instinct in her was screaming for her to do so. After all, whatever was able to turn all of these powerful girls into strippers… she would likely be no match for it.

And yet, Ciel had had a long day. Undercover at a high school, acting as a senior while she worked on behalf of the Burial Agency of the Holy Church, Ciel had to admit, she needed this… she needed to be able to take a load off. Clad in her schoolgirl attire, the blue-haired young woman really, really wanted that cup of tea. And, as she looks to the bar… she sees a familiar face.

For a moment, it looks odd, like she's seeing Neco-Arc, or some strange 'powered up' version of the cat girl, over behind the bar. But then the world shifts and rather than that irritating Neco Spirit, it's Arcueid that's behind the bar. Seeing as Arcueid isn't in some state of undress or being particularly whorish, Ciel moves deeper into the… establishment, seeking refuge at the bar with her.

"This… this is all a bit much, don't you think?"

Cocking her head to the side in a cat-like manner 'Arcueid' just smiles.

"Whatever do you mean, Ciel-Sensei?"

Her mind skips again, as she somehow fails to miss the all of the warning signs. Waving a hand dismissively, Ciel groans, rubbing her face with her other palm under her glasses.

"Just… can I get a cup of tea and a plate of curry?"

"Sure! Coming right up!"

Her shoulders slump in sheer relief that her order was accepted despite the… strangeness of the establishment. So long as she could get her favorite meal, then maybe this day wasn't so unsalvageable after all. Still, first she had to wait for the food to come out. The cup of tea arrived first, and as Ciel sipped from it, she turned slowly in her chair, despite knowing what she'd find.

Her eyes slide over the lewdly gyrating girls all across the strip club, her face heating up a bit as she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. These women… these absurdly powerful women… they were all so eager, so enthusiastic. Why? Who were they trying to impress? Who was it that had their attention?

It certainly wasn't Ciel. Not a single one of the incredibly powerful entities in various states of undress across the Interdimensional Strip Club were paying HER even the slightest bit of attention. Not that Ciel minded that one bit. She was perfectly happy to fly under the radar. She'd have her meal and get out. So far so good on that front, this cuppa was as phenomenal as ever, truly.

"Here's your Curry!"


Giving 'Arcueid' a smile and a nod, Ciel turns back to the bar and begins to eat. However, while the curry is delicious, as good as ever, Ciel finds herself… increasingly distracted. There is, of course, the obvious burn that comes from a hot plate of curry. After a long day pretending to be a student like the rest of the people over at the high school, Ciel really needs that feeling, that burning sensation of warmth suffusing her entire body.

However, there's something else along with it this time around. There's something… different about this plate of curry that she can't quite put her hand on. It's not… it's not a bad different, necessarily. In fact, Ciel quite enjoys it. Still, even as she continues to make her way through her meal, her eyes wander more and more back to the greater strip club, where she finds herself staring and studying the beautiful women and their beautiful body types in greater and greater detail.

They really are quite lewd… but also quite gorgeous. They-

"Hey there. Come here often?"

Blinking, Ciel is pulled out of her inner thoughts by a man that suddenly sits down on the barstool next to her. Her initial instinct is to shut him down and blow him off, but then she gets a look at his face. He's… quite the handsome sort. And that smile of his… it produces butterflies in her stomach that have nothing to do with the curry she's already consumed, or so she thinks.

Finding herself offering the stranger a smile back, she shakes her head, taking another bite of curry before answering properly.

"N-No… first time."

He grins, glancing at her cup of tea and plate of curry, which now that Ciel thinks about it, look a little out of place in an establishment like this one.

"Huh, figured you knew something I didn't. You seemed so sure about what you wanted to order. I'm Shigure, by the by."

When he offers her his hand, Ciel can't help but take it and give it a good shake as she continues smiling at him, feeling a strange heat as he gazes upon her.

"C-Ciel. And… well, I'm used to a p-place similar to this one, I think… I just got lost on the way, from the look of things."

Shigure nods slowly and continues to chat her up. He's very clearly flirting with her, and while Ciel is normally much more professional than this… she finds herself reacting to his flirtatious attitude all the same, and in a positive manner at that. The more he talks to her, the hotter she starts to feel, until inevitably, that heat begins to pool in her loins.

She should have realized what was going on before now… but it's only when Shigure looks to her plate of curry and chuckles that she finally gets what's happening.

"You went through that fast, love. Would you like some more?"

Looking between his wicked grin and the plate of too-delicious curry, Ciel jolts as the handsome man suddenly slips a hand down her back, up under her skirt, and palms her ass. As he gives her buttocks a good, solid squeeze, Ciel finds herself whimpering in a rather uncharacteristic manner, blushing harder than ever before as she squirms in his grasp.

"Y-You… you drugged me! There was… there were aphrodisiacs in the curry!"

Simply raising an eyebrow, Shigure nods casually, not even trying to deny it.

"It's that kind of place, sweetheart."

He doesn't take his hand off of her ass, and in that moment, Ciel knows she has a choice to make. She knows she's been drugged now… but knowing is ONLY half the battle. As much as the young woman has a strong will, there are limits to everyone… and she really, honestly and truly, can't bring herself to care that she's been drugged, not at this point.

Her control snaps and with a frankly manic energy, Ciel proceeds to shovel the last of her curry into her mouth, chasing it down with her tea, before pouncing on Shigure right there at the bar. Of course, in this instance, 'pouncing' takes the form of sliding down off of her bar stool, dropping to her knees right in front of him. Shucking off her jacket, Ciel proceeds to pull her sweater up to her neck and yank her white collar shirt open, the blouse's buttons popping off in the process from how much of a hurry the bespectacled young woman is in.

Shigure, with a grin of amusement on his face and dancing mirth in his eyes, proceeds to pull his cock out while she's exposing herself to him. By the time Ciel has pulled her bra up to where her sweater is bunched between her neck and chest, Shigure's rock hard cock is staring her right in the face, making the blue-haired woman go cross-eyed just staring at is as she starts to salivate at the prospect of his dick.

Without further ado, Ciel rises up to her full kneeling height and wraps her large breasts around his dick. While they'd been pushed down a bit up until now by her layers of clothing, they're fully exposed at this point, and her soft mammaries are, to Shigure's mild surprise, actually up to the task of enveloping his thick, large cock entirely… well, almost entirely.

As the head of his sizable member pushes up from between her tits, exiting the top of her cleavage, Ciel doesn't hesitate to take it into her mouth, sucking and slurping at his dick tip and even giving him a salacious wink as she does so.

With an almost frantic energy that is DECIDEDLY brought on by the large amount of aphrodisiacs slipped into her meal, Ciel begins to slide her tits up and down the handsome man's cock at a breakneck pace. Bobbing her head up and down his cockhead as she does so with the same speed quickly causes her glasses to come askew, but Ciel is too lost in the lust and arousal that's at least partially artificial to care.

Shigure, however, notices her glasses are about to fall from her face and potentially shatter on the floor and with a chuckle, gently reaches out to pluck them from the bridge of her nose, pulling her spectacles off of her face with one hand while the other comes down atop her head, his fingers sliding through her short blue locks as he gives her a soft grin.

"Not to worry, sweetheart. I'll keep these safe for you."

Folding them with one hand, Shigure puts the glasses down on the bar off to the side, before returning to enjoying his blowjob-titjob combo from the unsuspecting young woman who walked right into his new mascot's honeypot trap. While he didn't necessarily know everything there was to know about this Ciel woman like he would from any Servant he summoned… honestly, not knowing was part of the fun.

It had been a while since he'd had an actual mortal woman enter his thrall, hadn't it? Shigure couldn't remember the last one… was it Olga, perhaps? Or someone else? In the end, it didn't matter. Focusing on the task at hand, Shigure smiles down at Ciel as the drugged girl gurgles along his cockhead, her soft breasts getting slicker and slicker as her drool and saliva drip down into the valley between them, giving more and more pleasure to their passage up and down his thick cock.

Eventually, her enthusiasm gets Ciel what she's after, as Shigure tosses his head back and groans, beginning to cum. She gets no further warning than that, but the blue-haired woman doesn't mind, happily swallowing his seed as it fills her mouth and then some. Her cheeks balloon outwards a little bit, but she eventually gets it all down, drinking Shigure's cum without missing a beat.

As she pulls back, face flushed, lips still parted with panting breaths exiting them, and eyes glazed over with abject lust, Ciel speaks without thinking, a breathy moan heralding her words.

"A-Almost… almost as good as curry… but not enough…"

As Shigure raises an eyebrow and smirks at her in amusement, Ciel knows she needs more. Otherwise, the aphrodisiac in her system might drive her insane. Yes, that's why she has to give in. That's why she stands up and pulls down her skirt and panties, not even bothering to fully remove them. Letting them pool at her feet, she bends over right there in front of the only man in the entire place, her hands on her knees as she looks back at him, her glistening, gushing pussy on full display and perfectly framed between her thighs.

She NEEDS this… and luckily for her, Shigure is more than willing to give it to her. As he steps off the stool and grabs her by her hips, Ciel turns back around… only to realize what a monumental mistake she's made in her positioning. By facing AWAY from Shigure and offering herself up like this, she's inadvertently faced TOWARDS the rest of the Interdimensional Strip Club.

And really, that was FINE when they were still maintaining the status quo and all ignoring her… but suddenly, that was no longer the case. Ciel's eyes go wide as she realizes EVERY woman in the strip club, no matter their state of undress, are staring in her direction. Every single one of those incredibly powerful entities are watching her about to get fucked by Shigure.

A moment later, and they're watching her actually get fucked, as Shigure rams into her needy pussy before Ciel can even try to change up the position at the last second. Oh fuck, oh god, he's so big and her cunt is so desperate for cock. It's all the aphrodisiac, t-truly, but just because she's been drugged doesn't change the fact that she's enjoying this more than she ever could have possibly imagined.

As her eyes go crossed, her hands clinging down hard on her knees, Ciel yelps and moans and squeaks as Shigure drills into her from behind, fucking her fast and hard. Her saliva-coated tits are bouncing all over the place, what with her sweater and bra still pulled up to her neck. And her entire body is shuddering and shaking and quivering with the pleasure being visited upon her by the big fat cock she'd just had in her mouth.

Some of the other women in the club are glaring at her with clear looks of jealousy that make it abundantly obvious just who's in charge around here. Others are giggling at her expense, watching as their Master adds another girl to his collection. Either way, Ciel is absolutely mortified, horribly embarrassed by all the attention, and blushing up a damn storm.

Unfortunately for her, she's just now discovering she has something of a public sex kink, or maybe a humiliation fetish, because as she tries to avert her gaze, her pussy tightens up even harder around Shigure's cock. And as she finds herself quite literally unable to look in a direction that doesn't have a powerful female entity staring at her with some combination of amusement, lust, or jealousy in their eyes, Ciel gets even tighter.

Everyone is watching her and Shigure go at it. Everyone is watching him claim her right there at the bar like… like some lust-drunk hussy. It's too much for poor Ciel. It's just too much. With a gurgle, Ciel finally manages to find a way to not see any of the numerous strippers staring at her… namely, her eyes roll back in her head and her vision goes white as she orgasms HARD around Shigure's cock, a sharp cry leaving her lips.

Grunting, Shigure thrusts forward into her clenching, climaxing cunt a handful more times before giving in and letting her pussy milk him as well. He cums and cums it feels like, and Ciel shudders and shakes in his grasp as he fills her up to the brim with his seed. There's no doubt in her mind that she would have fallen forward and faceplanted on the ground if not for his hold on her…

But Shigure is a gentleman, and after finishing filling her, he pulls her up, bringing her back against his chest with one arm around her waist and a hand lightly holding her by the neck. Gently, but firmly, as he walks them back to the bar, Ciel still too out of it to do much more than shuffle back with him.


"Mmph… nngh!"

In the aftermath if her… very public claiming, Ciel finds herself sitting on Shigure's lap and trying very, very hard not to react to the fact that his cock, at least lubricated by their coupling, is buried DEEP in her poor, virgin ass. Having never had anal sex before, Ciel is still adjusting to the intrusion in her back door. Thankfully, Shigure is giving her all the time in the world to get used to it, casually groping one of her tits with one hand while nursing a drink in the other as he lets her adjust to his size.

Meanwhile, still affected by the aphrodisiacs (or at least that's what she's telling herself) but also much more in her right mind, Ciel glares daggers across the bar at Neco-Arc, who she can now actually perceive.

"N-Neco-Arc you-!"

"Ah-ah! It's Mysterious Neco XXX now! I've Ascended, silly!"

"Shut up! I don't care! I know this was you're doing!"

Not even denying it, Mysterious Neco XXX strikes a pose, her ball-hand-thing raised as if doing a peace sign as she giggles shamelessly.

"Just so you know, Ciel-Sensei… you'll be stuck here for a while. Muwahaha, the student has become the master!"

Ciel… Ciel knows she should be more upset than she is. But after glaring daggers at the cat spirit, she sighs and leans back into Shigure's broad chest, shifting a bit to get more comfortable against the handsome man's pectorals, before glancing back at him and blushing shyly.

"M-Maybe it won't be so bad… especially if I can get more of that curry…"

Palming her tit still, giving it a good grope as he bounces his knee which in turn causes Ciel to bounce on the fat meat rod impaled in her behind and yelp, Shigure gives her a salacious grin that makes her duck her head in response.

"That can be arranged."


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