Chapter: 26


In the end, I found a chest inside of the tower containing a stone tablet that seemed to point that the thing used to be a first-aid container (I couldn't read the words, but there were clear illustrated instructions). While 99% of the content of the chest seemed to have been destroyed or lost, a single red potion remained, and I didn't need to be a genius to connect the dots with the info my sister gave me while we were entering the abandoned village, so I brought to item back to Hunah. I tried to explain that I didn't really know if the thing had expired, or even if it had any real healing power at all, but she simply plucked the potion off my hands, ignoring me, and drank from it.

Thankfully, it worked, or I'd have to carry her back to Taffy; not long after drinking the red liquid, Hunah's body started to glow in a green light, and her wounds closed, dead burned flesh fell off, and new tissue grew to cover the hurt parts. It wasn't as good as Taffy's magic, not doing a thing for the lost [SP], and left a bunch of scars behind, but it still was orders of magnitude better than anything our old village had to offer.

"…How did these guys' society collapse if they were so great?", Hunah asked, looking suddenly alleviated while laying on the ground.

"Hu? You answer me, item-woman", I replied, smiling, as I sat by her side.

Laughing, Hunah continued the theater, seating up:

"Come on, I know about artifacts, not societal problems~"

Still smiling, I crawled towards my twin sister, resting my hands on her shoulders, and pushing her back down, when we kissed. Her tongue, lips, cheeks, and saliva were just as tasty as ever, if they weren't getting even more irresistible by the day.

"Wait, right here?", she asked, as I started to denude. Looking around, Hunah added: "All these houses, there could be someone looking", even if the piece that decorated the very center of the village had been destroyed, she was right in pointing that the houses were quite livable yet.

"What? Don't worry, no one showed up during or after the fight, there's no one here beside us", approaching my mouth to Hunah's ear, I added: "Besides, when will we have the chance to do it in a city square again, sis?"

Then, I didn't bother taking all her clothes off, but just pulled her pants and underwear down to her knees. And there was also something special in doing it in her adventuring outfit.

[Name: Ank

Race: Half (Messenger + Filled Teeth)


Level: 81

Class: Summoner

HP: 113/810

MP: 91/2010

SP: 77/ 410


Strength: 82

Resistance: 162

Magic: 402

Perception: 162]

[Name: Hunah

Race: Half (Messenger + Filled Teeth)


Level: 81

Class: Multi Warrior

HP: 109/810

MP: 410/410

SP: 45/2010


Strength: 402

Resistance: 103

Magic: 82


My new skills, by the way, though I tried to level every branch of summoning even if just a bit, were mostly focused on necromancy, and flying creatures; I brought the [Dissection] spell up to 50% chances of success, spent a point to learn the summoning of the 3rd layer king, [Proto-Human Mummy, Thunder Idolater, Level: 88], and bumped my flying creatures quite a few levels up, when I received a message from the system, noticing me that, because I had the dinosaur branch unlocked, I could then summon [Bennettazhia], a 1-meter long flying reptile with 4 meters of wingspan. That wasn't the main dish, however. For, once I unlocked the [Thunder Idolater] summoning, even if I couldn't call for the undead just yet, it unlocked an entirely new branch of summons to me, [Lightning Elemental Summoning]; [Summon: Electric Item] allowed me to add the element to any summoned item, and [Summon: Electricity Resistance], and would give elemental resistance to any summoned thing buffed by it.

Hunah, on the other hand, brought her general efficiency to 35% with basically everything. Well, while her class tree seemed frozen, at least she didn't need to spend dozens of points in spells she knew she would never use (like I could already summon half a dozen types of weak-ass fishes).

"…That's it, then", I said, as my sister snuggled with my, using my arm as a pillow. "There's nothing between us and the Adventurer's Guild now", I continued, petting her head with my free hand.

"That's it. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, we will take this road we've been looking for such a long time", Hunah agreed.

"Then we will enter the guild, complete quest, gain lots of EXP, buy items…", I added.

"And attain our revenge", Hunah completed.