Chapter: 31


While my sister and I couldn't keep our mouths closed, and stop to look around like the easily impressionable bumpkin-heads we were, staring and going "oooh!" at every weird store and pretty place we saw, and even the hundreds of species of people we never we knew existed – from a variety of animal-man to plant-man, and everything in between -, the retired adventurer moved around and navigated the confusing corridors-made-roads of the palace with the ease of someone who visited the city a thousand times before, and guided us straight to a large and fancy room overlooking the lake in the west part of the building; apparently, it once was a single bedroom of the palace, but them it accommodated fifteen rooms, including a kitchen and a dining room/bar.

After a quick talk with the attendant, Taffy pulled out almost half the amount of money my village yearly, a stack of small ax-blade-shaped metal coins. Maybe that amount wasn't much after all? Maybe our village was just incredibly poor? Either way, we all sit on a small circular table just beside the surprisingly large window of the majestic view.

"I paid in advance for 3 days and nights here, plus 2 meals a day", the older adventurer explained, and surely, not long after, an attendant came for us with a tray filled with birds, fish, mollusks, flatbreads, sauces, and even alcohol and juice and fruits and sweet desserts. It was more food in one meal, than I used to eat in an entire day back home, and fancier food than the one we had even during festivals. "And after this lunch, I will go get your appointment to become adventurers, but consider this the last favor mommy can do for you, okay?"

A bald, tall and muscular man and his friends on another table laughed at Taffy's words, and while Hunah hid her face with the hood of her cape, I answered, feeling my cheeks burn, and trying to conceal my face with a hand:

"T- thank you, Taffy."

"Oh, my! I'm serious! There won't be any more healing from here on, okay?", the older woman provoked even more muffled laughs.

"We understand; you already have done too much for us, Taffy…", I replied, shrinking on my seat.

After this, we ate in silence, and neither my sister nor I dared to take our eyes from our plates.

The food had been delicious, and before we realized it, there was none left, and the three of us stared out of the window, and to the natural beauty all around the city.

"…Isn't rain and wind a problem here? I see no shutters nor anything", I pointed, feeling already a little sleepy after eating.

"Hm~ maybe…", Hunah threw a glance at Taffy, but the older adventurer stood quiet, replying with only a smile. "Maybe this is the ruin of a Lost Age Civilization palace? If this is the case, I wouldn't be surprised if there were magical gadgets all around."

"Yes, you're right", the retired adventurer congratulated, nodding. "This is also why this place was chosen to be the largest city under the Adventurer's Guild control, to contain almost 3% of all the newbies in the world. Because, they are precisely the ones who need the most protection and help, so there is way more magic infused in this building than in any other guild's site", finally, the older woman stretched, got up, and said: "I'm going to get you two an appointment now, but I doubt you will need to be in the guild building today, so feel free to explore the city."

After my sister and I saw the older adventurer left the inn, we looked to one another and I added, smiling:

"So, do you wanna go on a date?"

It was incredible how the big city allowed shops to have such niche specialization: we passed through a store that sold nothing but desserts, another one filled with just underwear, and even one which sold non-magical/sciency books, but works of fiction, entertainment! My mind was blown up when I discovered that people actually could use books that way, that someone had paper to "waste", and that people would buy it.

Needless to say, we were dedicated to visiting each and every one of these shops, and more:

"Good day! First time in the 'Mouthful Desserts'? Try our ice cream beans! Deliciously sweet!", an attendant suggested to us as soon as we stepped inside another room inside the palace, and looked around the aisles stocked with all kinds of colorful foods.

"Uh, sure?", I agreed; not knowing anything inside the shop, whatever thing would be equally interesting to try.

In just a few instants, the welcoming assistant came back with a weird-looking green and long pod, opened it to us, and presented us the fruit:

"Here is your sample, it's on the house!"

The fruit didn't look quite appetizing, but once I bit into its flesh, my eyes went wide, as my mouth was filled with flavor. As I noticed the assistant looking at me, full of expectation, I gulped, and complimented:

"It's quite good."

"Right? It isn't called ice cream beam for no reason!"

"What is 'ice cream' though?", Hunah asked the assistant back.

"Oh, it is…" he froze midway his explanation, mouth half open and an index finger raised. Then, his expression changed for one of bother, concluding: "Look, will you buy it or not?", he didn't know it either, hu?

We bought one. Because, back in the [Dungeon], almost all of the secret rewards were "come back tickets", but sometimes we were paid in cash. Plus, there was the small fortune we received for killing the last [Dungeon] boss.

After that, my twin sister and I continue to move from shop to shop, so much that our stamina started to decrease, and the incredibly expansive items we bought lightened our coin purses quite a lot: we came out of a store wearing new clothing, for while our armor was still kinda okay, the cotton underneath was tattered, disintegrating on our bodies, from another with new shoes, and from yet another with a basket filled with personal hygiene things, and from a couple of other stores, we bought some little less utilitarian things, but holding just as much value for us, such as fantasy books, perfumes, and even a pretty stone with illusion magic infused in it, which projected a two-hour-long theater presentation.

When we reached the other side of the palace-city, and the section that actually sold adventuring related things, we had already spent most of our money, and as I stared at a bookshelf tagged as "SUMMON SPELLS AND RELATED", drooling, I asked myself: did I really need a new underwear?

Hunah punched me strong enough to chip away 5 full [Health Points] when I voiced this doubt. Unfortunately, there I wouldn't buy any summoning book that day.

Only when the sun was already setting, we came back to the inn we were standing in. We still had one hour before the dinner, so we tiredly entered the bedroom we were standing in, and as I threw myself on the large and comfortable bed, I noticed Hunah walking to the bathroom with a bag in her hands.

Did she wanted to try her new things already, or take bathe perhaps? Well, whatever: I opened my class tree menu, and navigated the many new options available to me.

It was a happy surprise when I saw that the [Summon Fake Set] spell allowed me to evolve all the armor pieces summoning at once, and I unlocked with a single point the [Summon Copper Set], though I still would need to evolve the weapons independently. I asked myself if there was a way to change them all to a better material at once? Maybe I should try to unlock all the summonable weapons?

"I really needed a book to help me with this~"

While, as expected, I was finally able to lift most of my class branches to summons of around [Level: 40] in a quite linear progression. How I upgraded my branches this much? Well, I admit I left the aquatic summons fall a little behind at the moment, but I swore I'd come back for them later, plus, once I became able to actually summon the [Thunder Idolater], I unlocked [Summon Proto-Human Mummy], and that was the only point I invested in the humanoid branch, so the other summoning types wouldn't fall too much behind.

There was one class branch, however, that I didn't leave behind on purpose.

The necromancer branch, I noticed, had been stagnated for some time already, and no new spells had shown up since [Dissection] (which I only managed to raise to 75% of efficiency), and there was no way that there were so few spells for that specialization. There must have been a hidden requirement that I was missing somewhere, just like I needed to learn how to summon a magic-user monster, to unlock the summons related to the magical specialization of this monster…

"Oh, talking about stagnated [spells]~", I taped onto the right spots, and the green screen passed to display the passive [spells] section; the same one which contained the [Summoner Control] passive [spell] and nothing else.

There was only a single new spell there. Still, I must have spent minutes on end reading and re-reading its description, almost not believing in my own eyes.

[Ruler Bender: Allows summoner to ignore the restriction which says that the added [Level] of the summons can't surpass the one of the summoner, as long as the summoner is 10 times stronger than the summons chosen.]

As soon as I unlocked the incredible new passive [spell], Hunah came out of the bathroom. Wearing a simple white summer dress.

I must have died and gone to some kind of paradise; that was the best day of my life.

"So… Does it fit me?", my twin sister said, her hands on her back, as she spun before me, the ham of the dress teasing. She must have bought it while I was distracted sooner that day.

I got up from the bed, walked to Hunah, felt her face, with my right hand; my thumb outlined her jaw, and lips before we kissed; and my left hand rested on her waist. Not for long, however, for as I heated up, and our mouths connected, I moved my fingers to her back, and, later, a little bellow, gripping firmly onto her bottom.

My fingers slipped under her dress hem, and I reached for her underwear, pulling it into a wedgy, Hunah gasping and raised her butt.

"Turn around", were all the words I could come up with as my rational self vanished as soon as I let my eyes on her perfect form.

My twin sister did as I said, and as I raised the skirt so to have an unimpeded view of her mounds split by the underwear, perfectly shaven, I grasped her hair and pressed her face against the wall.

I always fantasized about that when we were younger, to make her mine and force her to hold her voice while our parents were still at home… The fact that clients were still eating just outside our room should then be enough, however.

I pulled the tight piece of clothing over Hunah's genital to the side, and after feeling her wetness, and readiness, and invaded the body of my blood-related.

The hand that wasn't holding my twin sister's hair moved to her arm, and I locked it over her own back; bent down, she took me in on the tip of her toes,

We missed the dinner entirely.