Chapter: 62


[Secret Spell Unlocked: Summon Embodiment

Description: Allows the user to temporarily embody one of the characteristics of any of the summons it possesses; the user can temporarily add half of one of the [Attributes] of one of its summons to its own, and use temporarily a weakened version of of the chosen summon's spells/skills.]

So, yeah, it was a strong spell I unlocked by "turning part of myself into my own summon"…

"Wha- Mortal!", the floating stone head screamed, as I easily dodged all of its big rock spheres, its magical projectiles; I had added more than a hundred points to my [Strength] [Attribute] from my summonable [Stelae] deity.

"[Stone Skin]", I conjured, jumping over one of the enemy's attacks, and the skill of the last deity I killed covered one of my arms with a thick layer of rock, my punch shaking its target to its very core.

Yeah, it was a strong spell, but there was just something off about it.

"[Weapon Touch, Weapon Soul]", Hunah used two of her own secret skills, and kicked rocks from the ground against the flying head, and each of the pebbles caused just as much damage as the arrows of a lower leveled archer.

"That's enough!" The dying deity flew upwards, and used, apparently, all of the power it had gathered through sacrifices, a +100 appearing right beside its [Level].

It was that damn feeling that I forgot something yet again. It definitely was something related to a secret spell, but there was… there should be something more.

"What, still disappointed with your [secret spell]?", Hunah asked, shooting with a bow I conjured to her. "They're not out-off-this-world powers like we read on stories, you know? Look and mine, they're good, but pretty boring, if you ask me."

"That's not it", I said, ignoring the outraged [God], and pulling back my strengthened arm and my conjured spear back. "I just feel… that, once, I was promised something different", I concluded, and hurled my spear, not too differently from when the [Stelae] of the Cloud Fortress City brought us down the cliff with itself.

The flying item I conjured pierced straight through one of the eyes of the enemy, and as this one fell down to the ground, Hunah moved in and finished our opponent with a deadly slash, splitting the thing in half; not a single drop of blood touched her, as my twin sister's blade froze it all.

For a [Level: 400] enemy, it was a surprisingly easy kill. Granted, once we found it inside a cave, we collapsed all those tons of rock over it, causing massive damage, and we had pretty useful titles against stone-enemies, and there were the secret skills and spells, but… Well, maybe it wasn't "surprisingly" easy, after all.

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

Well, we got the EXP in the end, so whatever.

"Hunah, come here", I called, seating over one of the halves of the dead deity.

"Hm? What's up?", she asked, for what I tapped onto my lap. Some color appeared in my twin sister's cheeks, but she complied anyway.

We've been in all of this revenge journey for about 1 and a half years, more or less. She grew up... well, her hair did, then her locks reached just a little under her shoulders, and her body was quite fit with a solid abdomen, and her ass perfectly round and soft. Her breasts were just as minute as ever, but whatever, I preferred when I could hold them completely with one hand, and they looked cute that way.

On the other side, my hair had also grown a bit longer, but I hadn't really gone with locks to dance in the wind, like my twin sister, and apart from that, my muscles had grown quite visible and solid, but that was it for me.

I felt I needed to relax a little, after all the paranoid intrusive thoughts that kept coming into my mind, telling me that Jao's little brother would die, and it would be my fault all over again; after finally getting a [secret spell], and be slightly disappointed, not losing the itching feeling that I was forgetting something… Plus, I was already reaching my limit of days that I could go without playing with my twin sister.

So, as Hunah sat on my lap, I smelled her hair, I kissed her neck, and I felt her body and warmth: my left hand moved up, from her waist, to her face and mouth, and she bit, licked and sucked my thumb; while my right hand grasped her thigh, played with it, with its softness.

To touch Hunah's legs over her pants, however, wasn't enough, so I exposed her lower half, her clothing falling to her ankles.

My left hand fell from my twin sister's mouth to her breasts, I slipped under her armor and shirt, and groped her flesh, and my fingers moved around her nipples until they became fully hardened, when I started to lightly squeeze and twist them.

Her face, fully red, turned to mine, and our mouths connected; our tongues intertwined, and her taste was intoxicating. We only momentarily stopped kissing, a bridge of saliva forming between us, when my twin sister gasped for air once my right hand passed to play with her clit instead of her thighs.

I inserted my fingers inside her, and not long after, my fully erect male member; Hunah's hands rested on my knees, as she went up and down.

"Brother! Brother!", She moaned. Loud.

As I approached the climax, I changed our position, and finally released all I had accumulated over the past few days right over my twin sister's face.

For a long minute, only our accelerated and craving breaths were made heard in the woods.

After a quick bath, and yet another round of siblings fun, Hunah and I went back to the town, and, on our way, we distributed our points, our status ending like this:

[Name: Ank

Race: Half (Messenger + Filled Teeth)


Level: 400

Class: Master Summoner

HP: 3990 / 3990

MP: 9975 / 9975

SP: 2005 / 2005


Strength: 401

Resistance: 798

Magic: 1995

Perception: 798]

[Name: Hunah

Race: Half (Messenger + Filled Teeth)


Level: 400

Class: Army of One Woman

HP: 3990 / 3990

MP: 2005 / 2005

SP: 9975 / 9975


Strength: 1995

Resistance: 798

Magic: 401

Perception: 798]

After lunch, with everyone, the town people preparing the best banquet they could at the moment for us, we discovered the recently arrived ship had also brought some good items: Hunah bought a bow and arrow, and a long axe, a spear, a dagger, plus a hatchet of skiron, and we both bought a pair of simple capes, to hide our identity, plus new and more resistant adventuring clothes, made off the threads of some kind of spider monster. Finally, we said our goodbyes to the thankful people of the town, and got back on the road. On our way to the Beginner's City, however, we stopped to show the blue-haired kid to the place we killed the flying rock head.

Ao, fell to his knees before the giant rock-sculpted head, which laid on the ground, split in half, expression frozen in terror, one of its eyes exploded. The ice had already melted away, and a pool of blood-drenched the earth around the deity corpse, and all of its internal organs were scattered.

"Big brother…", the blue-haired kid called his family. And started to cry, rivers of tears rolling down his cheeks, sobbing loudly. "Mom, dad, everyone…", he said, wiping away the conflicting emotions. "They were avenged, big brother", finally, the little kid looked at Hunah and I, and concluded: "Thank you."