Chapter: 85

Thank you to my P4tr0ns: Morpheaus, and RTB!

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As Hunah and I were about to fall into the ocean, the maws of the massive sea monster approached from above, falling after us. Perfect.

"[Summon: Lily-Monster]", as the [Zemis] I left behind in the continent should have disappeared already, I created three masses off vines, which were very comfortable in water to fight the incoming monster.

The [Lily-Monsters] threw their vine-tentacles into the mouth of the [Proto-God], and made sure to keep it open, as my twin sister reached into her [Inventory], and pulled out a bow and a quiver full of arrows. She pulled the string of her weapon back, and released the projectile, right into the mouth of the monster.

But while I managed to make my summons keep the mouth of the [Proto-God] open, I'd need hundreds of more monsters to keep the entire body of the creature still; it moved one of its leathery wings to the front of its face, and avoided a certain [critical hit], by allowing itself to have the limb wounded.

Then, my twin sister and I fell into the water, and the enormous monster was just a second from biting the two of us in half.

"SPLAAASH!", the [Proto-God] dived back into the sea, right after the two of us, twins.

Though, not before I gripped onto Hunah, and hurled her inside the mouth of the creature, this way, at least avoiding the certain death that was those teeth; and she used a whip to lace me, and bring me with her down the throat of the monster.

Once my summons were already in the mouth of the [Proto-God], I made them follow after me, and keep Hunah and I safe, by intertwining their vine bodies into a nest, anchoring their tentacles in the flesh of the throat of the giant creature.

"[Inventory]", Hunah used her skill, and took from the extra-dimensional space a grenade; and also to illuminate the pitch-black surroundings a little from the green light of the dimensional window.

"You had one of those? Why did you try to shoot this thing with an arrow then? And, why haven't you used one of your [God] weapons?", I asked, frowning.

"I looted them from the army we destroyed, but grenades are consumables, Ank, consumables. I already told you the deal with them; and this is the ocean, I won't be able to retrieve my [God] weapons if I hurl them here", she frowned back at me.

As sighed, I heard a skittering. Not long after, a bunch of dog-sized crustaceans started to climb up the fleshy throat of the monster:

[Species: Proto-God Parasite (Infant), Level: 30

HP: 6.000/6.000]

I used my [Title: Godslayer] to instantly kill them with just my aura, and Hunah, finally, after much pondering, threw her grenade down the gullet of the enemy.

"BOOM!", it exploded, and I was notified by messages of [critical damage]. Not that I wouldn't notice, after the gurgle filled with pain that came from deeper down the monster; it was so loud, it literally caused damage to us, twins.

"If you're not liking it, then spit us already, you sea-shit", I complained, the oxygen already running low inside the monster's mouth.

Then I heard the skittering from before again, but this time, when the culprit revealed itself, it wasn't just dog-sized, [Level: 30] monster anymore, but about thirty house-sized white crustaceans ran after Hunah and I, clicking their pincers:

[Species: Proto-God Parasite, Level: 300]

My three [Lily-Monsters] disentangled a few of their tentacles from the net they made for us, twins, and pierced and attacked the incoming monsters, but they were only managing to slow the wave of monsters down.

"[Summon Embodiment: Intermediate God]", I used my secret spell, and immediately made use of one of the embodied deity's skills: "[Fur-y]", my right arm, then, was covered in yellow fur, and huge claws substituted my nails.

Empowered, also, by the extra [Strength] of an intermediate [God], I slashed the fleshy walls around me, and Hunah also started to stab and cut with a spear. My summons wouldn't be able to keep the parasites away for long, and my twin sister and I wouldn't be able to stay conscious for long, as there wasn't any air anymore, but could that [Proto-God] keep its mouth closed as we trashed its throat and mouth?

The answer was: no.

"Guh guh guh… GUOOOOH!", the enemy opened its mouth, and water rushed in; but if it was trying to drown us, or push us deeper inside its digestive system, the stupid thing must have forgotten about my [Lily-Monsters].

My summons involved Hunah and I with their tentacles, and moved outside the huge monster's mouth by piercing the flesh with their vines to stay stable.

Even as we, twins, broke the surface of the ocean, and gasped for air, however, there was no time to rest: the [Proto-God] made a U-turn, and was already about to chomp us in half again.

My summons, then, grasped Hunah and I, and hurled us over the mouth of the creature; having so many eyes around its body may have cut off any blind spots of the creature, but also meant that it gave it a lot of weak spots.

And, just like when Hunah shot an arrow into one of the monster's weak spots, it tries to defend itself with a wing. But, then it wasn't a mere arrow: my twin sister slashed with her spear, and I with my claws, and we easily cut through the leathery wing, and fell over the proto-deity's long body.

We immediately started hitting down, popping the thing's eyes out; the multiple leather wings marking the entire body of the creature tried to push us out, but my three summons, still living and kicking, even if they had lost a few meters of vines already, kept Hunah and I safe.

[Species: Proto-God, Level: 701

HP: 41.512/60.000]

"GUOOOOH!", the enemy roared, its body arching and twisting, the water around it turning red with its own blood.

Then, it dived. The monster moved quickly underwater, lowering itself tens of meters in mere seconds; the pressure increased, the light faded away, and the water current forced my twin sister and I to hold firmly onto the [Proto-God]. We slowed down the killing process, but never stopped, and once the wings were all concentrated in swimming, my summons joined in, and the beast bled even more:

[Species: Proto-God, Level: 701

HP: 35.126/60.000]

Seeing its strategy failing miserably, the proto-deity decided to give us a spin. Literally.

Suddenly turning upwards, moving even faster than before, it breached the ocean surface, and flew upwards; like when it killed my flying summon- No! It went even higher once we were holding on to its back; and reached hundreds of meters high in the skies. And proceeded to turn its body upside down, in a way that we'd be crushed beneath it and the water (which should give enough resistance from that height) unless we jumped away.

The [Proto-God] didn't even consider that we could use the same strategy against itself:

"[Summon Embodiment: Ice Mage]", I changed the summon I was embodying to one of the thousands of soldiers I killed in the battle with Aipaec, one of the spoils of the war, just like Hunah's grenade. "[Freeze!]", I froze a relatively small section of the ocean's surface in a blocky iceberg.

"[Allied Weapon]", Hunah empowered my ice construct, making it shine red, and, at the same time, I de-summoned my [Lily-Monsters], and re-summoned my flying beast:

"[Summon: Cryodrakon Boreas]", as Hunah and I jumped away from the falling [Proto-God], my winged creature quickly and smoothly caught us in the air, and just in time to see the impact:

"CRACK!", the tree-sized bones of the enemy broke on impact, and as the body of the [Proto-God] bent way further than it was supposed to, its spine and ribs pierced, torn, and split the things flash, breaking free from the insides of the enemy, and its entrails were ejected dozens of meters into the air.

It rained [Proto-God]'s blood, and entrails, and kilometers of ocean were tainted red.

[Critical hit!]

[You Leveled up!]

[You Leveled up!]

[You Leveled up!]


"[Dissection]", no fucking way I'd let that opportunity pass