Chapter: 93

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"VUUUSH!", two enormous fists passed by, and the generated air pressure was enough to tear a dozen of my summons apart.

Part of the summoned flock landed on the arm of the enemy, and started biting and scratching, and the fire all-consuming; and even I slid a summoned blade along the creature's arm; but it was all useless: even my greatly empowered creatures couldn't put a dent in the bone of the [God] killing heroes. The monster not only had an immense pool of [Health Points], its [Resistance] was comically insuperable. And so I changed my strategy:

"[Fiery Sacrifice]", With a command from the fire-mage I was embodying, the burning flying creatures stationed on the overly-sized combined skeleton of Dean and Don, exploded.

A series of fiery spheres the size of entire houses involved the arm of the enemy up to its shoulders, and covered the thing's deformed cranium in smoke. Just so it could break through the smog, again unharmed, and with all its eyes on me, ready to bite me in half.

[Name: Deon, Species: (Dean and Don Abomination) Undead Aberration, Level: 1312

HP: 200.043/200.173]

I tried to make my mount fly away faster, but it was too late, I had been too close to attack the giant, it would catch me in no time.

When, suddenly, an entire hill rained from the skies right above Deon's skull; thousands of tons of earth and rock, smashing onto the bone not only forcefully closing thing's mouth, and nail the giant up to its shins in the ground, and also, finally, put on some cracks on the giant skeleton:

[Name: Deon, Species: (Dean and Don Abomination) Undead Aberration, Level: 1312

HP: 199.917/200.173]

"What the fuck, if a falling hill can barely hurt this monster, there's no way I can do it…", I whispered, knowing very well that even my [Perfect Summon Embodiment] [Spell] wouldn't be of much help there (not that I was in any condition of using it).

As the multiple blue flaming dots that made up the eyes of Deon moved around, they focused on Hunah; who had shot something up one of the many flying islands above, collapsing it right over the enemy.

As the enormous skeletal arms started to move their hands towards her, she dashed, but the monster was just too big, and even with her speed, my twin sister wouldn't make it: I controlled my mount, and we dived down, after Hunah.

The wind howled in my ears, and my burning armor and summon left a trail of red flames behind us, turning into a blur as we made our way through inside the enemy's exposed rib cage. Still, I wouldn't make it in time.

"[Fiery Sacrifice]", I jumped ahead of my summon, and let it explode behind me, shooting me forward, and allowing me to get to my twin sister, and pull her away from the deadly skeletal hands, which flattened the wavy landscape at once. "Jump", I told Hunah, holding her tight as we stared at an incoming following attack; and so we did, at the same time.

In the air, extending my hand outwards, I caught onto another one of my summons, and we escaped the second hand which split from the same arm Deon used to attack. Getting on top of my flying summon, she asked:

"Yep, aiming at its knees didn't work, neither did burning it down, or throwing a shit-ton of rock at its head. Are we dead?"

While I kept the monster distracted with a flock of monsters blinding it, Hunah and I put some more distance between us and the enemy. I looked around, and searched for any hope of victory.

"…Not yet", Quickly, I changed the direction my summon was flying to, and brought us all to right atop the creature's skull. Commanding all my remaining 800 summons to follow me, I concluded: "We will put everything we have in one more punch", then, I jumped from my mount.

Falling quickly towards the skull staring upwards, I pulled a fist backward, twisted my body, and when I threw the punch forward, hundreds of burning summons bypassed me hurling themselves against the enemy in a suicidal bombarding. And with a sparkle of the remaining intelligence the giant skeleton still had, it noticed its own vulnerability somehow, and used two of its four hands to stop my attacks to getting to its cracked skull: hundreds and hundreds of huge explosions covered Deons's bones in red flames, and though they didn't manage to cause much damage, still shocked the giant to its core, and reverberated in the earth bellow in a tremendous earthquake.

[Name: Deon, Species: (Dean and Don Abomination) Undead Aberration, Level: 1312]

HP: 198.997/200.173]

"Like my brother said, I'm gonna go all out, so you better pay me back tenfold!", Hunah, screamed both hands inside her [Inventory], and I could swear she cried a little when she pulled both of them back with a bunch of improvised throwing spears made off the bones of the [Proto-God] we killed (why the drama, you have, like, a thousand of them…?).

Gritting her teeth, my twin sister threw a dozen of the spears at the same time, and all of them moved much faster than Umi's emerald head, and with much more power; it was one of those spears that destroyed the flying island and brought it down the giant skeleton's head. Deon had to move its remaining two hands to block the spears too, and the resulting impacts didn't stay even a bit behind my summons bombing; the high-speed winds generated by the hit alone was like a massive hurricane.

[Name: Deon, Species: (Dean and Don Abomination) Undead Aberration, Level: 1312]

HP: 197.899/200.173]

"Hu… Hu… Hu…", cold laughs escaped the lipless mouth of the enormous enemy.

It wasn't enough.

But I wasn't done yet either:

"[Laser Compression!]"

Yes, I was embodying merely a [Level: 43] fire magician, with [Spells] quite balanced for its power. But this didn't mean I, a summoner, got weakened whenever I used [Summon Embodiment]. No. Instead, it meant that a [Level: 43] fire magician with [Spells] balanced for its [Level] suddenly became multiple times stronger, with a build that should be impossible for him. And, just like that, his "balanced" [Spells] weren't as balanced anymore.

For example, that [Laser Compression] was meant to be used only "on the magician's own weapons", and just like our so missed fox-girl friend, Tapa, explained in the past, it should be impossible for this [Level: 43] magician to hold more than 800 "weapons"… just like I was.

All of those hundreds of red fiery explosions which shocked that world itself, then, stopped expanding. Instead, the red spheres started to shrink, quickly becoming one long bright white flux that returned straight to my opened hand, and focused on a single ball the size of an eyeball.

As the fused skeleton of Dean and Don stared with renewed horror at me, I closed my fingers over the bright white ball. Then I re-released it: in the blink of an eye, a cone made of pure plasma, so huge it covered the enormous enemy almost completely, was shot down. Electric arcs hundreds of meters long extended themselves from the cone, and pulverized everything they touched, and the light coming from the attack alone, set all the dead vegetation and remaining inhabitants of that fake world alight; cracks even bigger, deeper than the ones caused by the enemy's punches spread through the ground for kilometers.

"More!", I screamed, and Hunah complied.

Instead of throwing her hands into her inventory again, my twin sister spread her arms wide, and before her and above the burning enemy, a huge system-like box appeared. And, from it, her [God]-made weapons rained, dozens, hundreds of spears just like the ones from before.

And the cataclysm-level earthquake and hurricane became, world-ending: the spike-towers came down all around, and were shredded to pieces and blown away, the hills disappeared as dust in the wind, and even the thousands of meters tall bone-mountains were not getting out of that unharmed.

[Name: Deon, Species: (Dean and Don Abomination) Undead Aberration, Level: 1312

HP: 136.684/200.173]

"Hu!", the giant monster laughed, loud, as the smoke started to dissipate; it had lost two hands and all of its fingers, but was very well capable of fighting still.

Differently from us:

[Name: Ank

MP: 00014/18725]

[Name: Hunah

SP: 00008/18725]

But, still:

"No, buddy…", I muttered, feeling more exhausted than ever, 100% unable to continue to fight, my [Summon Embodiment] leaving my body. "It's our win."

The apocalyptic nature of our combined attack was quite literal, after all: combined with the cracks Deon had already put into the ground before, all the subsequent explosions Hunah and I caused the land beneath to split apart, and come loose from the rest of the already shattered artificial planet around.

The cracked skull of Deon had never been our target, but the more fragile ground beneath the giant skeleton.

Once the enormous bony feet of our enemy sunk down the destroyed earth, revealing the abyss below, all the way through the core of the already shattered made-up planet, Deon tried to reach out for the cliffs around itself, but no piece of earth was capable of holding the immeasurable weight of the huge skeleton, and this one fell on its back, letting a guttural scram escape its lipless mouth. Even its colossal form turned tiny as it plummeted kilometers down the abyss. Until, finally, Deon shocked itself against the edge of the fake world beneath, and immediately upon contact, vanished in a blue storm of magic, consumed by the broken pocket dimension.