Chapter: 96

Thank you to my P4tr0ns: Morpheaus, and RTB!

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[Name: Ank

Race: Half (Messenger + Filled Teeth)


Level: 1100

Class: Peak of Summoning

HP: 10990/10990

MP: 27475/27475

SP: 5505/5505


Strength: 1101

Resistance: 2198

Magic: 5495

Perception: 2198]

[Name: Hunah

Race: Half (Messenger + Filled Teeth)


Level: 1100

Class: Peak of the Battlefield

HP: 10990/ 10990

MP: 5505/5505

SP: 27475/ 27475


Strength: 5495

Resistance: 2198

Magic: 1101

Perception: 2198]

"[Level: 1100]", I read out loud. It was… weird. "Which was the highest level you thought it was achievable?", I asked my twin sister, who was seated on the bed just beside me.

"When we first started? Well, the strongest 'masters' we saw in our small village were at best around [Level: 40], so I thought 100 was, like, the limit, that you couldn't keep leveling up after that."

"Yeah, but now we know that some of our enemies grow to attain ridiculous power", I remembered the weakened death [God] from before. "Anyway, better we start to invest our points already."

First things first: both Hunah and I unlocked [Pocket Dimension]. The rule Kon told us was still an enigmatic one to us, but the 1st Guild Master Made pretty clear that if we didn't follow it, we'd die for sure, so, better safe than sorry, right? Plus, it would be nice to have a comfortable and safe house available at any time, in any place, like Kon and his older sister had.

Hunah quickly dumped a bunch of points in weapons and armor proficiency, to the point that, in her hands, any weapon would inflict base damage 350% higher, and if she equipped any protective piece, it would instantly become 300% more resistant. Plus, she also gained the "Army Breaker" [Title], like I said she would.

Then, after I spend some good half an hour unlocking a variety of new creatures to summon, and better surmountable equipment material, I noticed I had unlocked a couple of secret spells [Fire Summon: creates the fiery elemental version of any of your available summons], and [Summon: Fire Resistance: summoned things are more resistant to flames] (hey, hadn't I unlocked an "electricity resistance" waaay back then?); I must have unlocked it those things when I embodied the fire mage… Plus, I became able to mash together elemental powers with my [Perfect Summon Embodiment] spell, making it even stronger!

Time to embody all the other mages I had used [Dissection] on, and unlock a bunch of new secret spells!

"Tch, show-off…", Hunah clicked her tongue annoyed.

But I hadn't yet forgotten how she soooo proudly displayed her collection of secret spells to me whenever she could, so I didn't care, and told her loud and clear, with a large smile on my face:

"Aaand with this, I have all types of elemental resistance and elemental summon… all secret spells."

Still, I hadn't finished yet!

While I still couldn't unlock [Make: King], I still got one of those rare opportunities to put a point in [Summon Longevity].

And when I did so, I saw my consciousness being immediately teleported to somewhere far, far away… or maybe in the past? Future? I didn't know, but I instinctively knew that I had seen that same scenery before.

I was in… a tower? I couldn't really see any walls, or stairs, but there were thousands, millions, billions, trillions or more lights that spontaneously appeared and disappeared, and moved in spirals all around me served as points of reference, and clearly showed some kind of ascension pattern; the absolute vast majority of lights existed in the lower levels of such a tower, and the higher I looked up, less of their numbers. And, high above my head, though I couldn't really tell how far from me it really was, a far larger, brighter, and hotter light than any other, and no other luminescence spiraled even close to it. It shone and pulsated like a heart, and the spiraling lights seemed to sprung into existence in the same rhythm, though in varying levels of that glowing tower.

"…k! Ank! Ank!", I heard my twin sister calling me, first from somewhere distant, but then right by from my side. Before I could even realize what had happened, I was staring at a concerned Hunah in a simple inn in a fishing village in the Nalatza Empire.

"Y- Yeah?", I answered.

"Are you okay? You suddenly went all stiff, eyes wide, and stopped responding to anything…", Hunah held my hand, worried.

"Yes I am. It's just- I had some kind of vision after I put a point in this [Spell] that allow my summons to exist for a longer amount of time", I explained, massaging my temples with my free hand; I didn't really felt any pain, but… it had been a weird experience. "I had already felt something similar before, but nothing like this."

"…Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, yes I am", I replied after checking my stats, and looking for any kind of debuff or damage.

It took some more time to convince my twin sister that I was okay, but once I did, there was nothing else to wait for there in our bedroom, and so we went down to the dining room below; it was time for dinner.

"You coward! How can you say this after all we went through?!", Kon screamed at his father, who was simply staring at the wine mug he held.

"So, after all you went through, you have defeated the cult, right?", Replied the older man; who, once I looked closer, looked awfully similar to the 1st Guild Master, if a little aged, more tired, and with a scruffy beard.

"Guh?!", The 1st Guild Master recoiled.

"After all the pain, and suffering you went through, you must have achieved something other than some scrap of fame and money from mortals, right?", Kon's father insisted, taking another sip of his drink immediately after.

"…At least we're trying, which is infinitely better than jumping from bar to bar, slowly rotting away", Kon closed his fists, his immensely powerful aura slipping away in random directions, crushing the wood that made up the ceiling, walls, and floor around him.

"Trying", the older man repeated, a bitter smile appearing on his lips. "A pretty synonym for failing."

With eyes leaking killing intent, Kon pulled back his fist and prepared himself to throw a punch.

…Things were getting complicated.

"KON!", Ur stopped her brother, putting herself between him and his father; the 1st Guild Master's fist stopped just a centimeter away from her face. "We have other things to worry about now, right?", His older sister tried to de-escalate the situation, and put on a fake smile. "Let's just focus on our quest and forget about…", Ur threw a disdainful glance at her father, before concluding: "the rest."

Once the 1st Guild Master and his older sister started to walk away from their father and noticed us, Hunah and I immediately looked away, fidgeting our fingers as sweat dripped from our noses.

"Uw- Uwa~ Isn't this floor so clean?", I asked my twin sister, trying to sound natural, as if we hadn't just seen the family troubles… And failing.

"Ye- Yeah~ Right? I mean, with so many people coming and going, it's really impressive they manage to keep this place so clean~", Hunah agreed, nodding a little too vigorously for such a mundane topic.

"Sorry, we showed you something embarrassing…", Ur excused herself, forcing a smile. Her younger brother simply looked away, and didn't seem any less enraged as he stared into nothingness.

"Nah, everyone has their problems", I dismissed her apologies.

"Oh, my, that's right! The twins also have their problems, like how they are so embarrassed to call me mommy…", Taffy jumped into the conversation from one of the tables behind us, already eating, and drinking, and taking notes of the food.

"Hey!", I barked at her, blushing just a little.

"Actually, sorry for peeking on you…", Hunah complimented, ignoring Taffy. Ur shook her head in negative, showing that she didn't bother.

"Uh- Then, shall we eat something and discuss what is our next stop?", I suggested.

"Oh, that won't be necessary", A fifth voice made itself be heard, coming right from my side. As I looked in its direction, confused, I noticed that, while we all were in the same in, there was nobody else around anymore. But another strange man, one covered in tattooed words, so many of them that his entire body was almost completely black. He had an arrogant smile on his face, as he continued: "You won't be going nowhere from here, after all."

I looked over his head, and focused on the information that should float there:

[Name: Tezmont, Ruler of the Ethereal

Race: God

Level: 112.082]