Chapter 6:


Silence filled the room. A man over 175cm tall was sitting on my study table reading my manga while holding a glass of champagne in his left hand.

"..." The room went silent. The wind was the only sound that can be heard from outside the open window. That is when it hits me.

"Who the heck are you!?" I screamed pointing at him.

"How did you get in?! Why are you here?! What's your motive?!" I ranted angrily at the boy comfortably sitting on my bed, he even brought food to MY room.

"Nice to meet you my name's Aniel, Arien's twin," he said with a non-bothered face. Did he just say Arien's twin? I looked at Arien as she was smiling towards her 'brother'.


"Navi, he is Arien's twin!" I looked back at him and now that I have calmly observed his face, I now see their resemblance.

He has a kind of messy but not too much, curly dirty blond hair, not a crazy defined jaw, but it's still enough to make you wanna softly caress his face and just admire him. He now had let go of the manga as his elbows popped on the table, hands pressed up under his chin.

The moonlight coming out from the window going to his face made him more attractive and glowing. Arien ran towards him and he offered a snack to her. Arien then sat on my bed.

His hair flopped over his forehead as he tried to blow it away as to not cover his eyes. His white-toned skin is similar to Arien as well. He has an adorable face... but unique eyes.

My mouth left a gap as I witnessed his eyes who were trying it's best not to look straight at me.

Unlike Arien who has clear and readable eyes, his, tells multiple stories, layers, and clouds before seeing through his clear and real eyes. I wonder what happened to make his eyes look like he's in despair, regret, and slight happiness.

He has a different kind of eye, his eyes have a mixture of color. He's partial heterochromia. His eye colors are both green and turquoise. With the top being green and below being turquoise on both eyes, it was a bit cloudy too. His eyes are really different.

I am guessing he's a Star Spirit since he is glowing under the moon too. Maybe they both perished at the same time... I was just thinking about things when he asked.

"So what movie are we going to watch today?" He said as he popped a snack. Where did that come from? Is that a snack from the fridge?

"What? What movie?" I asked slowly walking towards them still keeping my guard up.

"Are you guys in the mood for horror or like the usual where we just pick what pops up in the recommendation?" he said still lacking emotions.

"Usual? Excuse me? Do I know you?" I asked frowning at him a little since he's feeling at home.

I noticed him frozen up then looked at the ground.

"Oh yeah, you don't remember," he silently said but also enough to be heard.

"Huh?" I asked. He looked at me straight in the eyes, his eyes were very peculiar, looking directly at it makes me feel like it's sucking me in.

He was about to take a step forward but then Arien jumped and clung to his back making him stumble he then carried his sister properly in his back enough to not fall.

"Aniel! Movies!" Arien pleaded as she kissed his cheeks.

"Aniel can't, it won't work she'll faint if Aniel does that. Aniel's gonna receive punishment by the limitations too. Brother control yourself."

Aniel suddenly realized what he was doing and looked back at me. He was looking at my face but not straight to my eyes anymore. Then he innocently asked for movies.

"Let's watch movies, I want to watch movies, let's make it a hobby to watch movies," Aniel said with an innocently stoic face as he moved closer and poke my forehead, "EH?!"

I touched the spot he just taps. After he did that I felt unnaturally calm. Once I got past the point of shock, my mind calmed down.

"Umm, we can make a tent-house in the living room using blankets, pillows, cushions, some clips, and stands," I suggested. I have really wanted to do this my entire life!

I mean I have a spacious living room with a large tv but when I watched movies one pillow and a blanket are enough for me. But since I have people to watch with I think it'll be fun!

"ALRIGHT! Arien is very happy!" Arien said and jumped down from his brother's back. She went to my door and opened it excitedly.

"Oh the stands and clips are located at-"

Before I could even finish she looks back at me and smiled.

"At the entryway, I know. I'm your best friend."

She left and I could hear her light footsteps going down the stairs. I looked at Aniel and he shrugged. Maybe she used her skills to me unknowingly?

"She is your best friend," he nodded with his innocently unbothered face. He then walked outside the door.

"I'm gonna get the blankets," he said.

"Oh the blankets are in the-"

"The laundry area, I know. I'm your friend," Aniel said waving his hand while I can only look at his back.

"I'm your best friend."

"I'm your friend."

Their voices echoed in my head. Unaware a smile appeared on my face. It's my first time hearing that ever in my life but I felt nostalgic. This is weird. I have always been the only child, I don't have any people to hang out with, no cousins, no person with my age to mingle and associate with.

"NAVI!" They both shouted from downstairs making me snapped out of it.

"Oh yeah?!" I responded.

"The pillows please!" Arien joyfully shouted. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling. I enthusiastically grab bunches of pillows and ran my way out of the door.

I'm with my friends now! I saw them in the living room, they have already finished setting things up, just put some pillows and it's all done. It's like they've already done this multiple times before.

Aniel snatched the pillows from my hands and decorated them around while Arien made sure that the blankets were attached nicely and won't break even if we move around.

They're like professionals doing their jobs. I didn't want to make a mess because I had no idea what they're doing, what's clear is that they're making progress to make the place more comfortable.

I couldn't do anything since they were not even talking to each other it's like one look at each other and then boom they know what the other person is talking or thinking about. I guess it's because they're twins. Are they using twin's telepathy or something?

I didn't bother them and walk into the kitchen got a woven basket and dump some snacks and some drinks, I also prepared some fruits.

I walked back and they seemed to be done with preparing the homemade tent as they were standing near it waiting for me.

"Let's go," I smiled at them. Arien smiled and as usual Aniel has his innocent poker face and both of them nodded.

They must have a fun life before dying. Such cute as Airen who's like an adorable puppy, and Aniel whose eyes are full of mysteries but still knows how to have fun, I won't be shocked if they're party people in their past life. Life must have been fun for them.

We walked in and I opened the smart TV. The three of us laid down inside the tent. I was in the middle and Arien is in my right.

I laid forward, while Aniel sat with his feet crossed. We were about to get comfortable when Arien remembered.

"Oh wait, Arien will call Wade! Brother and Navi can pick movies, Arien will be right back," Arien said and yellow light surrounds her.

"Wait? He's coming?" I had to close my eyes since it was too bright. When I opened my eyes, she was already gone. I looked to my left and saw Aniel holding the remote and reading the recommendation titles.

I think he noticed me staring as he looks at me and purely asked.


"What's your skill?" I asked back. Wade has magic, Arien is a best friend and guardian angel. So he must have one too.

"Comfort, healing, and poker face secret," he casually said and continued scrolling using the remote.

"OH! Wait, when you touch my forehead earlier did you use one of your skills?"

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Then what's poker face secret?"

"It's magic that can hide anything, just like you won't find anything when someone does a poker face, because it doesn't leave any trace of evidence of anything. It means I can hide anything even physical things or murder case... not that I would," Aniel.

"Anyway if Wade is your home, and my sister is your best friend or guardian angel then I'm your diary, you can tell me anything, you can ask for advice, you can say anything to me and I'll listen. If you're angry then pour it out on me to relieve your stress, if you're in pain tell me and I'll comfort you," he added not looking at me as if he's shy talking about this but is sincere.

"Basically I'm that one friend who you go to for advice, for comfort if Wade isn't there, who you can rant to. We may be of different gender but trust me I'll understand you no matter how hard it is to understand."

"I'm your friend to whom you'll speak your secrets to and I'm the diary who'll keep it," he said as he pressed a certain button on the remote.

"So how about this movie?" He quickly said to change the topic.

"Heh," I chuckled a bit.

"What? You don't like this one?"

"No no, it's just funny seeing you flustered and it is quite unexpected for you to say things like that given by your personality this past hour."

"Tsk," he said as he gave me a look saying that I'm unbelievable.

As he looks at me, I had the chance to stare straight into his eyes. His eyes are really unique. I stared at it for a while and then I laid my head on my arms.

"You know you have peculiar eyes," I said admiring his eyes. My eyes are just the typical brown eyes, it's not even shining like Wade's eyes, not colorful as Arien's eyes, and especially not special as his eyes.

He smirked... WOAH! He smirked!

"I know beautiful, has meaning, unique, and special," he bosted. I gave him a jokingly disgusted face and we both laugh.

"I mean it's true but I didn't expect you to be that confident, but it's not like I'm complaining. Being confident has its greatness," I said while shaking my head. I saw him smirk once more.

"I know that's why I'm always confident," he solemnly said.

We looked at the television who was paused.

"The brightest smiles hide the deepest secret, the prettiest eyes cried the most tears," he read.

"What do you think of that statement?" He turned his head towards me. That had me thinking.

"I mean..." I hesitated.

"Come on. Tell me."

I smiled at him before turning back at the television. I kept reading the statement over and over again.

"To be honest, it's true but it's not," I confidently answered.

Confuse, he asked. "What?"

"It's simple. What do you think is the brightest smile?" I asked as he stayed silent waiting for my words.

 "For me... I think the brightest smile is the smiles of cheerful kids who are contended for what they have. Kids who haven't experience hardship yet, who only play and receive love, those who are truly happy and living their life with no worries. Those who never cried because of pain still but instead because of happiness.  Do you know that when we're truly happy and enjoying the moment, our smiles will be the brightest?"

"Think about it. If you hide the deepest secret, you can smile, yes, but it's never gonna be genuine and pure. It's never gonna be the brightest, why? Because you're hiding something you're burdened, you're in pain, you have stories that you are keeping. That smile is only an act, even if it has brightness there will always be darkness and dullness because it's not absolute brightness."

"If you compare the two... The one who smiles because they have no worries and only feels genuine happiness, who influence others to smile because of how pure they are, or the one who smiles thru the pain, to hide the fact that they are hurting and shows a smile only to show assurance to others to lie. Which one do you think is the brightness? I would say the latter because it's not pretty and bright if you're smiling in pain, it's horrible."

I looked at Aniel, he was smiling.

"You're still the Navi we know."

"I'm sorry?"

"I said you're right. It's the same with eyes right?"

"Of course! The prettiest eyes are those who are living in the moment. The one whose eyes are even smiling."

"If that is so. Then you can hardly find the brightest smile and the prettiest eyes these days," he sighed. It is sad but that is how life works. You can't live without feeling burdened.

"Oh hey give me that," he pointed at the manga near me. I reached out for it and gave it to him.

He flipped a page and then in just a second he got absorb into reading it.

I took the chance to look at his eyes. His eyes are really unique, it's like it's hiding something, it's like it's hiding and protecting himself from others.

"But you know those who have the deepest secret and the most mysterious eyes, the one who cried a lot, the one who hides and cries secretly... They're beautiful, they're art themselves. I'm not saying it's great to cry but rather I'm saying that there's nothing wrong with crying and being sad. Sad is still an expression we need to experience as humans."

He stopped reading but he didn't look at me.

"Those who cried and has baffling eyes, their eyes are still pretty, not the prettiest but they're beautiful because they tell stories, that tell that they've been through something," I continued.

"You don't find their eyes annoying? You don't think that they're just overreacting?" He asked still looking at the book.

"No, I'm proud of them. Because they survived through it."

"Stop that. I'm falling for you again. Poof~"

"AH!" I flinched as I felt his breath in my ears. He snapped his finger and before I knew it I was now sitting and he was beside me while his head was resting on my shoulder.

I was about to complain but a bright yellow light appeared beside me, Wade placed his hand to cover my eyes.

"YEY! Movie Time!"

I immediately looked at the other side and saw Arien. I also glanced at Wade and his handsome face came into my vision.

"When did you come?"

'Those who cried and has baffling eyes, their eyes are still pretty, not the prettiest but they're beautiful because they tell stories, that tell that they've been through something.'

"That part?" He answered.

"So did you miss me?" He smirked. I gave him a dumbfounded face as if I'm asking what's he talking about.

"So what's the movie?" He asked looking at Aniel as if he said nothing.

"Gemstone's Secret," Aniel answered putting the manga down with a proud smile.

"Let's watch it already," I spoke and they nodded. Aniel played it because he had the remote.

Aniel sat with his legs cross beside him is Wade who's still leaning on me, then me, and on my right is where Arien is hugging me.

The movie started and we watched it together, we ate the food and drank some collis. We had a wonderful time. Sometimes, we would argue about a certain scene then moved on, inserting some opinions and ideas.

It was a spectacular moment and an incredible experience for me who didn't have time or a chance to play with others or spend time with some friends.

They may not be humans or our kind, but they were once. Even if other people can't associate with them at least I can and that is enough.

I have a feeling that they have been with me for a long long time now. Now that I actually think of it, at first too, I didn't know that Wade has been a part of my life.

If they're not ready to say it yet then I can wait. I just want to focus on the moment.

I may not look like it but I'm the type who would appreciate every little thing as long as it makes me and others happy.

I don't care about anything, I could see they're also having fun, as long as everyone is happy then I'm fine with it. As long as I can smile with them then I'm satisfied.

Trust me if someone's here for me then I'm already complete.

This may be a little thing to be so delighted about but it's my first time with this group of friends so I'm over the moon.


Question: Favorite Song?