Chapter 20: A Plan Stella Can Live With

Stella knocked so loudly on Bennett’s door that her knuckled turned red.

“What do you want?” Scary Wolf barked.

“I’m here to see Bennett.” Stella said. Slinking through the open door. It seemed like a good idea to avoid the woman as best she could.

Bennett was sweeping up broken glass when she found him.

“That was quite a fight.” She said.

He smiled sheepishly. “You heard that?”

Probably the whole neighborhood heard the two of them arguing, breaking furniture. “I’m sorry to be so much trouble.”

“It’s not the first time we’ve had to sort something like this out.” Bennett shrugged.

Stella’s heart sank to her stomach. Maybe she and Bennett didn’t have anything special going on. Maybe life changing realizations for her, learning about shifters, watching a man get killed, being kidnapped, were just another Tuesday for him.

“And what did you figure out?” Stella’s voice was cold. She couldn’t help it. Her feelings were stung.

He looked at her quizzically.