Chapter 2- Awakening

The sharp smell of disinfectant filled the room whilst Alan was still comatose.

And at the same time sounds resonated in his head.

"Bio-electric system starting, seeking integration opportunities..."


"Brain waves normal, attaching to nerve endings..."


"Host brain central nervous system integration is complete..."


"A.I.-1 integration with the host starting..."


"Integration complete, booting up data base..."


"Strengthening host body..."


Alan slowly woke up from his coma, delirious of the state and time, tears filled his face, "MUMMA!" he subconsciously let out a cry. He sat up suddenly, surprised to see the surrounding environment, "mum is this,.. is a hospital? How did I get here?" sitting by the bed, was Alan's mother, Serena Flame .

"ally, you've finally woken up?" Seeing Alan sitting up Serena's eyes welled with care and joy, she quickly grabbed her sons hands and asked "Ally, are you feeling any better?"

Alan subconscious nodded, still oblivious to the situation he asked: "Mum are you okay, what's going on?"

Serena wiped away her tears and said, "My baby, you skipped class on the first day of school, then collapsed on the street with sunstroke, if it hadn't been for the kind pedestrian bringing you here, mum could have lost you..."

Skipping class? Sunstroke?

Alan's face suddenly paled, he recalled why he wanted to skip school it was because he couldn't bare to stay in that place anymore.

He was afraid to hear the word 'bastards' from Roseanne again, the word still resonated in his mind coupled with the trauma from the breakup, he mindlessly left school.

Seeing her sons pale complexion, Serena asked with concern: "ally, why are you so pale, are you not feeling well?"

"Mum, I'm fine!"

Alan hurriedly grabbed his mother, seeing that she was going to call for a doctor, noticing how anxious his mother is, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly guilty "mumma , it's all my fault, I'm sorry for making you worry. I promise you, I will not skip classes anymore, I will study hard and I won't let you worry about me again!"

"Okay okay!" Serena couldn't help but shed tears of joy seeing how responsible her son had become, "Mumma knows now, ally's all grown up now!"

Grown up?

Alan was filled with irony, if I was all grown up then I should not have forgotten the hard times my mother goes through everyday. If I was all grown up then I should not have forgotten how mother spends every day selling vegetables to pay for my education. No. Instead I am an ass who spent all his time on Rosey, why am I calling her rosey still... I am such an asshole!

Alan had never hated himself so much.

Serena's home town was in the countryside that's what she mentioned like Alan, Serena also wanted her past to be a mystery and because she became pregnant before marriage, Serena parents kicked her out of the house, leaving her homeless. Now considered a dirty woman, friends and family ridiculed and outcast her, Serena could not stand it anymore and left the countryside, painstakingly traveling into the city.

Fortunately, with the help of some people she managed to rent a cheap apartment and then Alan was born.

When Alan was just a baby, all she could do was piggy back him whilst trying to earn money through caring for other children,By night, she would go to a nearby dump, scouring for scrapes to sell. And time after time roaming from place to place she found a loving place where she stays now with Alan .

By the time Alan was a bit old, Serena's life became a little easier and with the help of neighbors she managed to buy a small pedaling vendor and started cooking. Though income was low she managed to pay for Alan's tuition and the two scraped by day to day. But now they were not alone.

Alan grew up quickly and was a good boy, after school he would go to the vegetable market and help his mother.

However, since going out with Roseanne, Alan made up excuses every time about how studying was more important, eventually he ended up going to the market to help his mother less and less. He instead spent all his time with Roseanne.

Thinking about it now Alan felt a sharp pain pierce his heart, how was I so blind, leaving mother to work all alone not spending time with her, instead I fell in love with the snobbish but beautiful girl she was, haaah (sigh) but was she wrong?

"Mumma, I'm sorry!" Alan carefully said, "from now on, I will not let you suffer, I must let you live a good life, and to those who laughed at you, despised you, they will from now look at you in awe because you have me as your son."

In this moment, after seeing his mother filled with tears, Alan woke up to reality.

From this moment on he was a new man, and the first promise he made to himself was to care for his mother.

"Good, good!" Serena held Alan in her arms, tears fell to the ground.

All these years of suffering and hardships finally paid off, her son has finally grown up. She was filled with pride, even if life is tough with such a sensible and caring son, she felt everything was worth it.

Nestled in the arms of his mother, Alan firmly said to himself: "Alan, starting from today, forget about Roseanne Whiteman, become a new you because you have a mother to care for!"

The ward was filled with deep warmth and affection and they held each other.

But suddenly there was a bang, the door shoved open.

Mother and son suddenly turned around and saw a fat nurse, face filled with disdain walking in whilst saying: Serena, your three-day period of hospitalization will expire in 20 minutes, if you want to stay longer then go pay more, if not grab your stuff and leave."

Serena quickly got up and said: "Nurse, my son just woke up and is still very weak, could you give us a little bit more time, we'll leave within the hour, is that okay?"

"Hmph!" The fat nurse seemed to be disgusted at the thought of 'a little bit more time', "this is a proper hospital not a small clinic in the countryside, if you want more time then go pay for it? If you can't afford to stay here, don't pretend you can."

Serena flushed with rage and anger, but could not get a word out of her mouth. Remembering how weak her son's body was, she gritted her teeth and said, "I'll pay!"

"Mumma!" Alan quickly called on Serena, whilst giving a cold glare at the nurse, he sharply got down from the bed and asked, "Our ward still has 20 minutes, right?"

"That's right!" The nurse said still filled with disdain.

"Good, very good!" Alan laugh coldly: "since our ward still has 20 minutes, within these 20 minutes this room belongs to us, right?"

"What are you trying to say? I don't have the time to chit chat with you, if you want to leave then le...!" The nurse trying to say impatiently.

"Get out of here!" Alan surely said while cutting out the nurse's words before they came out of her mouth.

"What did you say?" The fat nurse did not react in time.

"I said GET THE F*** OUT!" alan said word for word, "within these 20 minutes this room belongs to us, so I am telling you to get out!"

"…" The nurse stared angrily at Alan stuttering for an answer, because what Alan said was right, he had the power to choose whom he lets in the room, as long as it doesn't breach the hospital's rules!

In the end the nurses could only say "Just wait until 20 minutes are over, because if you don't leave I am getting security to kick you out! Hmph!"

With that, the nurse didn't look back and walked out.