Chapter 6: Sundaes & Secrets

He led her through the back door of the diner. The moonlight poured in spectacularly through every window, throwing Zane’s handsome features into full relief.

Sera spent their walk back examining his straight nose, full lips and perfectly defined cheekbones. She was thankful for the cover of dark, as she recalled that she was unable to stop herself from reaching out and feeling his skin.

Zane pointed towards a booth, muttered something about food and disappeared into the kitchen without another glance in her direction.

Sera sent her mom a quick text letting her know where she was—a late meeting with a client. She then sat perfectly still with her hands clasped in her lap. With Zane finally out of sight, she could allow herself to breathe and consider all that transpired in the last hour. She felt a chill run down her spine that had nothing to do with fear.

She was sure he must have sensed it, felt it as well…the wild fire that he ignited inside of her body. She saw how he looked at her, and she wondered briefly if his inclination to kiss her was greater than it was to kill her.

Sera jumped as Zane slammed through the kitchen doors, his mouth set in a grim line as he placed a gigantic hot fudge sundae on the table. With two spoons. He slid into the booth opposite her and sighed with irritated resignation as his keen eyes gave her an inquisitive stare.

“You must be hungry,” he insisted, lifting the spoon now covered with whip cream into his sensual mouth.

He watched as her eyes slid to his lips. He licked them before gracing her with a devastatingly charming smirk.

He was a deviant. A true devil.

Sera’s gaze darted away as she reached for her own spoon, shoving a mouthful of chocolate ice cream into her mouth. It was ice cold and delicious— she wished it would cool the fire coursing through her blood. She cleared her throat.

“It’s good.”

“Best thing about being human. Actually, the only good thing about being human.”

She raised a questioning brow.

“The food,” he grinned.

Zane wasn’t sure why he was acting so erratically. Perhaps it had been her warm hand in his as they set out across the sleeping city. Maybe it was the hopefulness that came with knowing something had finally changed in his monotonous existence. Or was it that he now had someone he could share his secret with—the relief that he was no longer alone in this. The person sitting across from him might be the one to lead him back to himself.

Zane scoffed. He was daydreaming.

This could be some plot that might once again lead to his downfall. He’d have to be careful with her. He could not allow her beautiful figure to disarm him. No matter how much he desired to feel her naked skin pressed against him… Zane shook his head, his mouth turning into a lazy smile.

“So what is it that you’re so curious about, Sera?”

The way he drew out her name sent a little tingle of pleasure through her chest.

“Is that why you’re a chef?” she asked. He threw her a bored stare. “Because you like human food so much?”

“It’s the only thing that’s kept me going.”

She laughed at how serious he was. He raised an eyebrow in question.

“Anything else?”

“Well…how exactly? I mean…you can’t be both a human and a… ?” she paused, her brow furrowed. “Isn’t there another name you go by? I hate using such a general and tasteless word to describe you.”

Zane couldn’t have been anymore shocked than if she told him she was going to tap dance naked on the counter in nothing but a Fish n Chips hat. He snorted at the visual.

When he looked up again, she was frowning at him.

“The technical term for my species is Findor.”

“Fin…dor.” She rolled the word across her tongue.

Zane bit down on the spoon to keep himself from saying all the wicked things that were racing through his mind. “What does it mean?”

“It means I was once a water dweller. I spent most of my life in the ocean.”

“That explains those slits that appeared on your neck,” she nodded along with understanding.

Zane blanked—she was more perceptive than he originally thought. Before he could tell her so, she opened her mouth again.

“I’ve read about plenty of magical creatures, but I’ve never heard of Findors. Why?”

“We are one of the most ancient of species. It’s been thousands of years since our kind has interacted with humans. We prefer to keep to ourselves, so there is very little knowledge that a human like you would be able to find.”

“What do you mean a human like me?”


“Excuse me?”

“Why do you even care what I am? What’s with you? Are you obsessed with danger? Or are monsters your kink?”

She turned bright red. Zane wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or rage.

“I care because even though you seem to think the worst of me, and judge me based on whatever it is you think you know, I find worth in all creatures. Not just myself. Actually, I think humans are one of the most misunderstood, resilient and capable species to have ever walked this Planet!”

“Then why do you spend so much time helping them?”

Sera felt herself go on the defense.

“It’s who I am. I’m only one person, but I vowed to leave this world a better place than I found it.” She met his eyes with righteous fury. He laughed in her face. “Stop judging me.”

“Make me.”

Sera leaned towards him, the forgotten ice-cream was beginning to melt and pool on the table.

“You sure have a lot to say about humans. Funny, I wonder if you hate us so much because you are one yourself.”

That slapped the look of arrogant satisfaction off of his face. Sera smiled grimly. He leaned even closer, she could see sparks of light deep in his eyes, emotions beckoning to her. His voice was low when he spoke.

“Do not mistake my appearance for what I actually am,” a dangerous note lay hidden beneath his cool demeanor. “I was trapped in this body, cursed by a deranged, sadistic sorceress. I have spent years trying to find a way to escape from this nightmare. It's never-ending, I couldn't die if I wanted to. So don’t presume to know the first thing about me.”

Sera felt a sharp pain slice through her heart. His words held a tone of defeat.

“Why did she curse you?”

“The hell if I know.”

“Did you try to find her?”

“Of course.”


He stared at her as if she were insulting his intelligence. “Obviously I was unsuccessful.”

She opened her mouth to ask, what he was sure, were a thousand more questions but he beat her to the chase.

“What about you? What’s your deal?”

“I’m 26 years old, I was born and raised here-“

He waved her words away with an impatient flick of his wrist. “I already know all about that. Keeli couldn’t stop gushing about you. It was sickening.”

Sera clenched her fists so hard her nails bit into her skin. He was beyond infuriating.

“I mean,” he drawled. “What is your interest with monsters…with me.”

Sera hesitated. Would he laugh at her?


“Come on, I don’t bite,” he threw her a cocky grin. “Hard.”

She forced her voice to remain steady but firm as she laced into him.

“I’ve always been interested in helping the down-trodden. You seem to have gotten it into that thick skull of yours that just because my family is wealthy, that automatically makes me a bad person. I have dedicated my life to equality, to helping others find a voice. I fight for the silenced, the persecuted. Magical beings are no different to me.”

Sera realized she was revving up for a passionate rant but she couldn’t stop the words as they flew from her mouth.

“People have called me a freak my whole life. First it was my eyes, then it was being raised by a single parent. Now they say I’m a sad loner who spends her days at the homeless shelter and rehab clinic wasting the best years of her life in the service of others. And you know what, Zane? I wouldn’t want it any other way."

"My interest,” she continued on, noting the seriousness with which he stared at her, “in you is purely coincidental. I did not seek you out, you simply fell into my life. I don’t know why I can see you when other’s cannot, but don’t you think it must mean something? Perhaps there’s more to me, to you, to this entire situation, than either of us realize.”

He was quiet for a long while, “Perhaps,” he admitted softly.

An uncomfortable silence fell between them. Sera could see that he was processing the vulnerable words she’d tossed his way. She mustered up the remaining threads of her composure.

“I’ve heard whispers over the years. The walls of my family home hold secrets. As a child, I learned that my ancestors dabbled in magic. I don’t know what kind or if they were successful, but I think now, especially now, it might be worth looking into.”

Zane watched her carefully. He’d been wrong.

When Keeli came into the kitchen going on and on about some socialite charity worker, he’d discredited the intense pull he initially felt toward her. But now…she was real. More real than he cared to acknowledge. Real people were dangerous, unpredictable.

Zane didn’t know what to make of her, all he did know was that he wanted more. More of her words, her furious expressions, and those eyes, he wanted those eyes locked on him until he drowned in deep purple.


Her sharp voice pulled him from his thoughts. He nodded carefully.

Against his better judgement he voiced the question he’d been considering since she first awakened the monster in him.

“You think you can break my curse? Return me to my true form?”

“You said yourself that no human has ever seen the real you before. We have to at least try.”

Her hopeful look sent his heart into a wild chaotic beat. This woman was going to be, at the very least, the death of him.

Zane smiled grimly. “Alright curse breaker. My fate is in your capable hands.”

Sera grinned despite his sarcastic tone and dug into the ice cream sundae with relish. Zane rested his chin on his palm as he watched her devour the treat. He did everything in his power not to visualize himself as her spoon…those tempting lips wrapped around him.

Sera’s voice, laced with excitement, pulled him from his treacherous thoughts.

“Then let’s get to work.”


The rain was just starting to fall as Lonny pulled up on the decrepit looking street. He’d gone to Sera’s only to be informed she was at a diner near the North side of town.

All hell be damned, he wasn’t going to wait another second to see her. He stepped out of his luxury vehicle and into the misty night. Lonny brushed the soft rain off his impeccable black suit. He glanced at his reflection in the car window— his ebony hair was slicked back and cropped short on the sides. He ran his hands over it, making sure it was perfect.

He turned towards the large glass windows of the diner. His eyes landed on his love.

The woman he’d gone to hell and back for.

Lonny stopped short, his hair and suit forgotten. His deep blue eyes settling on the stranger sitting across from Sera.

It was a man. And he was making her smile.

Lonny gritted his teeth, his scarred fists clenching at his sides as the sick pulse of jealousy began to flow through his veins.