Chapter 35: Tim's Back

Jake heard the rumble of Tim’s sports car. The vehicle roared into the spot next to his own truck and Tim hopped out.

“What are you doing?”

Jake finished stapling the fundraiser poster to a telephone pole, then turned. Tim stood red-faced on the sidewalk in front of Biggin Hill Launderama. He looked as if he’d tied his striped tie too tight.

Jake smiled. “Just putting up a poster. Doing my civic duty, I suppose.”

“Civic duty,” Tim spat out.

Jake watched his friend calm himself down with a shrug and deep breaths. “You’re doing this on taxpayer’s time?”

Jake glanced at his watch and looked back at him. Leaning against the back of his truck he answered. “Well it’s 12:05. That’s lunch time, right?”

Tim nodded, but it was clear he didn’t know where this was going.

“I get a half hour for lunch, right?”

“Yes. That’s in your contract. You know this, Jake. What’s your point?”

“I can do what I want during that time as long as it isn’t illegal, right?”