Chapter 22: A secret is discovered by Joshua

Fred wrote to Ellie every day. Her replies were not as frequent but they came nonetheless. She loved to read the letters and then hide them away in her little writing desk. It was yet another secret to add to her past. She felt a sense of remorse at not letting her father know what was going on. A truthful and open girl by nature, she hated the fact that society and its rules forced one to keep certain things private and hidden.

She had just taken Fred's latest letter from the leather mailbag when her father walked into the hallway. Hastily she put her hands behind her back, looking the picture of guilt.

'What are you hiding, Ellie - a billet-doux?' said her father. His look was stern and her glance fell. 'Let me see this letter.'

'No, Papa,' she said, 'it's my letter; it's private.'

Joshua simply held out his hand and, in the end,, she gave it to him, praying Fred had not said anything too compromising.

Joshua read the letter through and looked at her gravely.