The wedding date was now set for January. As the time approached, Fred began to have trouble sleeping at night. He thought of Ellie constantly, his heart swelling with longing to be with her forever, master in his own home, no longer subordinate to his parents and their ideas. He was now twenty-eight years old and realised that he should have cleared out long ago, taken his own chambers like Henry, Gabriel Rossetti, Johnnie Millais and the others. Lazy habit and a marked disinclination for work had kept him at home living on the comfortable allowance his father gave him, plus some handouts from his mother when his debts began to pile too perilously high.
The memory of Bessie still clouded his glorious horizon. He had pushed it all to the back of his mind and intended it to remain there but it was not to be. The other day, his mother had called him over to her as he was passing the little back parlour. She sat as always, spread out languidly upon a sofa, book in hand.