Beatrice Thorpe was never inclined towards action but she did have a strong streak of curiosity and a love of control that actually made the good lady rise from her sofa one afternoon and pay a visit to her new daughter-in-law's home. The journey in her brougham left her full of complaints and annoyances but all the same, she made what seemed to her the interminable excursion across London and into the wilds of Hampstead.
She had been born in the countryside but had never had a love of open spaces or flora and fauna and had escaped to London as soon as she could. Beatrice considered nature to be vaguely repulsive and wrong, the countryside fit only for yokels. So the pleasures of green fields, heaths and commons and charming little villages were lost on her. She bewailed the leaving behind of comforting streets, houses and shops and what she felt to be civilization.