Chapter 46: Fred sinks deeper into trouble

Fred spent several, long-drawn-out, tempestuous hours with Sue. They arose sometime in the mid-morning and Sue sent the tiny slavey for some hot water, washed, and dressed, the little girl helping her to button up at the back before being sent off again on another errand with a hard slap for her pains.

Fred, who had swiftly got himself ready, went into Sue's parlour and looked about him. It was tidy enough with plain, simple furnishings. He was relieved by this, as a dirty place would have made him feel uneasy and sordid. He had imagined she might have quite a boudoir, all lace covers, heavy velvet curtains and hangings but this was not the case. Only the large sofa of dark brown velvet was plump, soft, covered over with overstuffed cushions and lacy antimacassars on top of the arms and along the back.