Chapter 50: Ellie becomes worried

Ellie wondered of late what was wrong with Fred. He was in a very withdrawn and dark humour, his normally cheerful face creased with worried frowns. Her beloved father, Joshua, had died a week ago. Her heart was very heavy and she yearned for some consolation, a shoulder to lean on. She had spent the last month in Oxford, waiting on Joshua, constantly by his bedside. With her own hand she had fed him as he lay helpless and feeble upon the pillows. Her arm about his shoulders, she would raise up his now light, porous form while she spooned the broth into his mouth with loving care.

He looked so weak and shrunken in his illness and she knew he was in pain. Yet not a murmur of complaint arose from him. He smiled at her a little. When he spoke, it was in a voice that was nothing like the strong voice of Joshua Farnham but rather some fading echo of what he had been.

'Thank you, Ellie, dear good girl.'