Chapter 3

I am panting uncontrollably now. He kneels and straps in first one ankle, and then the other. My feet are held firmly apart, my hands are tied securely above me, and my legs are spread wide.

He stands up and steps back, looking me up and down, just standing there, with his arms folded and his head tilted. Just looking.

"You are really beautiful, you know. With a figure like that. And your hair... What are you doing in a job like this?"

He comes close to me, almost but not quite, touching. I can smell him, warm and spicy, and I can feel his breath on me. I am longing for him inside me.

Carefully, and touching no other part of me, he reaches for and rubs my left nipple. The steam of my shower has cleared now and so I am cooling off. Under the influence of chill and arousal, my nipples are hard, crinkling with stimulation. He tweaks the nipple, smiles, and nods while "Hmmming" to himself.

He releases my nipple. Still touching no other part of me, he reaches down between my spread and dripping thighs. "You do like this, don't you?" Carefully—oh, so carefully—he touches my clit and delicately rubs it.

This time there is no escaping it, I moan uncontrollably and gush. My knees give way, but this time he does not support me, and my weight drops onto my tied wrists. I stagger upright, hobbled by my cuffed ankles. As soon as I am upright again, he repeats it, this time rubbing my clit a little harder.

I gasp and cry out as my knees buckle again.

"Good thing I put on that music," he says, as I pull myself upright again. "Don't want anyone outside hearing you yelp like that. But it's nice to know that you can make noise." He pulls quickly at my clit this time and then massages it for a moment. This time he holds me by the waist as my legs give way. "Don't want you hurting yourself in your enthusiasm," he whispers into my ear. "Tell me, what would you like to happen next?"

I am almost beyond reason. "I want ... I want ..." I can't get the words out. I can't bring myself to speak them.

His fingers make lazy circles around my clit and I gush again. I am frantic for something inside my pussy, but nothing is forthcoming.

"What do you want? You have to tell me." He now holds me very tightly, supporting my weight—my God, but he's strong. My legs are like string, but he takes my weight without effort.

"You have to tell me," he repeats. His fingers continue flicking and kneading my clit.

I am about to come, and I feel myself reaching the plateau. And he stops.

Still holding me by the waist, he takes his hand away. "You have to tell me what you want before it goes any further. I won't let you come until you tell me what you want me to do."

His hand slips between my thighs again and quickly, ever so briefly, his fingers stroke across my pussy; my lips are swollen, engorged, and sodden, and they pulse as one finger strokes between them and then withdraws.

I am almost frantic with lust. "Let me cum. Let me cum," I say.

"What do you want me to do?" His breath by my face is like a promise.

"I ... I ... I want ..."

"You have to say it ..." He kneads my clit quickly between two fingers, sending electric desire pulsing up through me. "You have to say it," he repeats. "You don't get it without saying it."

I surrender. "I want you inside me." If I wasn't tied and supported, I would collapse entirely. "I want you inside me."

He doesn't move. "That's better," he whispers into my ear. "You have to do better than that if you want to cum, but I can give you a little more now..." He slides a finger inside me, his thumb over my clit, and begins to work me. My climax, which had subsided a little, begins to build again immediately. He feels it. "Oh, no," he chuckles. "Oh, no, it doesn't work like that." His fingers withdraw. "What do you say?"

My mind blanks for a moment. Is he serious? What do I say? But my tormented clit and my aching pussy, brook no argument. "Please," I mumble.

"That's better." His finger brushes over my pussy lips. "But, 'please' what?"

I gasp and moan, writhing in my restraints and his grasp. "Please make me cum. Please fuck me. Please. Please fuck me."

"Now we've got there."