Chapter 7

The shower is blissful, and I alternate with hot and cold jets, spraying the water over my breasts and stomach. My pulse is slowing and my breathing is returning to normal. The shampoo and the soap are wonderful, expensively perfumed, and I inhale deeply through the steam.

Stepping out, the towels are huge and fluffy. Only the best in this suite.

Although I have been told to leave my skirt, I do not quite like to step naked into the room. I shake my head. Shy? I have just allowed a man I only met for the first time two hours ago, to tongue-fuck me to orgasm, and now I'm bashful about it?

I dry my hair so that it falls long and loose around my tiny waist, and then step into the lounge wearing a white bathrobe.

He looks up from where he is pouring champagne into two glasses. "Ah, there you are. I thought I might have to come looking for you."

I suddenly feel awkward again. "My hair takes a long time to dry."

Now, looking at me admiringly, he comes up close, lifting my long tresses, holding them to his face, and breathing deeply. "Yes, and beautiful hair it is, Elizabeth. By the way, time for a formal introduction. I'm Richard."

He holds out his hand and, a little confused, I take it. "Nice to meet you, Richard."

"Sit down." He gestures to one of the expansive settees, positioned to take in the spectacular view over the city. He passes me a glass. "Sit down," he repeats. "Let's talk a little before we move on to other things."

It is good to know that talking is an option, but ... "Other things?" I ask uncertainly.

He smiles that tilt-headed smile of his again. "You didn't imagine we'd finished, did you? No, not by a long way. The evening is young."

I hide my confusion in the glass, sipping at the drink.

Richard refills it and sits beside me. "Don't worry. I'm not going to get you drunk. We've already established that I don't need to, haven't we?" He looks me full in the eyes and then continues. "Tell me, Elizabeth. Why are you cleaning hotel rooms?"

Why is he asking me?

I shrug. "I need the money. I've got to get through college and my parents can't help much."

He nods. "I thought it might be something like that. Do you enjoy the work?"

I think it is a silly question. "No, of course not. It's lousy work, but it's work."

"What are you studying at college?"

"Business studies."

"Not just a pretty face, then, or a beautiful body." He nods, raising his eyebrows, seeming to be thinking about something. Then he stands, holding out a hand to me. "Come along, Elizabeth. Time to move on."

When I hesitate, he wriggles his fingers at me, his eyes pointing to a door. The bedroom?

I take his hand, and he helps me from my seat. He is amazingly sexy. His smooth, tanned skin highlights his dark, but slightly greying hair and deep, deep blue eyes. As I rise, he fixes me with those eyes. I could lose myself in those eyes.

He takes my other hand also, and facing me, he leans forward, kissing me on the mouth, soft and full. I lean into the kiss, hungry for more, hungry for whatever he is offering.

He leads me to the door and opening it, stands to one side, letting me in first.

It is a bedroom, but I wonder how much sleep it sees. A huge room with an entire wall of glass, it overlooks the city far below. A large bed, made up with white silk sheets and pillows, is scattered with rose petals. For a moment, I think the petals are also silk, but then a heady perfume tells me they are real. The corners of the bed are posted in black wrought iron and from each post dangles a chain ending in a cuff.

The lighting is low, flickering in the glow of candles, and with a real fire in the hearth. My eyes slide past wardrobes and drawers, a thick fur rug spread out before the fire. I can only look at that bed. This is a room of fantasies, of dreams.

"Do you trust me, Elizabeth?"

Do I trust him? I have only just met him. But then, I have already allowed him to tie me up, twice. He could have done anything to me, helpless as I was. "Yes, I trust you."

I hear the smile in his reply. "Good, because I want to be your Master, and for that, you must trust me."