Chapter 12

I am feeling more reassured. "So, what happens now?"

"Francis will take you to HR. They'll take you through the usual formalities, and then we'll put you through the usual intern routine. You will spend time in every department of the company: finance, procurement, marketing, everything. You will see the whole machine, and we can find out how much you already know and see where you can fit in best."

He leans back in his seat, holding me with his eyes. "Now, about your other duties—when you finish here for the day, you will go home and put on the clothes you will find waiting for you. Wear your hair up, as you have it now. I expect to see you in my suite at eight o'clock. Any questions?"

"Um, I'm not sure what to call you."

He laughs. "Here, I am Mr Haswell. When I take you out to dinner, I am Richard. In my apartment, you will call me Master. Understood?"

"Yes, Mr Haswell."

"Finish your coffee." He buzzes the intercom again. "Francis, can you take Elizabeth to HR please?"