Chapter 25

On the fourth floor, he unlocks the door and gestures me inside. As soon as the door is closed behind us, my Master grabs me by the arm and pushes me back against a wall. "Now, madam, you were explaining to me how you handle yourself alone." One hand grabs me by the wrists, gathering them and raising my arms above my head, pinning me to the wall. The other hand heads south, and not too gently, pulls up the edge of my skirt, questing up my thighs, past my panties, to between my legs. There is nothing restrained about his actions. My Master is ready now. His finger reaches in and up, straight inside me. I hear his grunt of satisfaction to find me already dripping for him.

With his face close to mine, he says, "Now, if you please, continue with your tale."

"I screwed myself with a bottle ... hard."

His fingers plunge into me and I yelp. "Like this?"

"Yes, Oh God, yes."