Chapter 27

I feel the rise of my orgasm within me, the tension building and my belly muscles clenching as it builds. Convulsing in a paroxysm of ecstatic joy, I try to lean up to embrace the sensation, but my Master's hand, flat between my breasts, pushes me down on my back again, holding me pinned as my climax overtakes me.

I am unconscious of anything but the release, as my pulsating cunt sends violent waves of pleasure through my stomach and thighs. I do not know if I scream, gasp, or cry, only that I am lying helplessly writhing, speared by my Master as he gazes down on me, cumming at his command.

Sated and exhausted, I lie there, my panting subsiding, as my Master locks eyes with me. "Don't move," he says. "You haven't finished."

He draws level with my face, and once again, seizes hold of my hair, pulling up my face. "Open wide."

I open my mouth and he pushes inside. "Finish me off," he commands. "I want to see you swallowing my cum."

"May I use my hands as well?"