Chapter 30

My Master disappears from the room, to return a minute or so later with his briefcase and a bowl of ice cubes. Grinning wickedly, he opens the case, pointedly turning it with the lid facing back to me, so that I cannot see the contents. However, I recognise the spreader bar he produces.

Quickly he shackles my ankles into the bar, spreading my legs apart so that I hover with difficulty between standing and supporting my weight on the cuffs. I am now stretched upwards, legs spread and my Master can circle me.

He almost prowls around me. "Beautiful." Coming close, he circles my waist with one arm, kisses me again on the mouth then "Do you know what I find most appealing about you, Elizabeth?"

Biting my lip with increasing arousal and anticipation, I shake my head. My Master slips his fingers between my legs, parts my lips with his fingers and tweaks my clit. As I yelp in response, he says, "You love to be fucked. You have no idea how much of a turn-on that is."