Chapter 34

"So, what do you think?" asks my Master. "How did it go?"

We are sitting in his office, following a meeting with Alexander Thornton, Senior and Jaye Thornton, Junior.

My Master, Richard Haswell, is negotiating a real estate deal with them worth tens of millions. I have been acting as secretary at the meeting, taking the minutes. Also, I have been acting on instructions from my Master to be his eyes and ears; to gauge reactions, to people-watch.

What do I think?

I sip my coffee, choosing my words.

"I think that Thornton Senior wants the deal. He thinks that being associated with the Haswell Corporation will enhance his company's reputation and that he will be able to pass that legacy to his son. However, I also think that Thornton Junior believes the opposite; that their company will be swallowed whole by Haswell and lose its identity. It doesn't matter to him how attractive the deal is financially. He doesn't want his father's company to appear to be the junior partner."