Chapter 54

My Master sucks at his teeth. Tugs at an ear. “I suppose we should both have thought this through before. You will appreciate that I hold some status in the City. As my wife, you also have a standing in the community.”

“Master, you’ve married a shop-keeper’s daughter.”

Humour tugs at his lips. He levels a finger at me. “And I’m thankful for that. Elizabeth, you have a great store of common sense. I encounter far too many social flitterby’s who make their way through life tagging along behind their man.” He pauses, his forehead furrowing. “I’d like you to tell me about your family sometime.”

My throat tightens. My words are slow and reluctant. “My family?”

“Yes…” His frown deepens. “Your father and mother. How you grew up. I noticed you didn't talk with them very much at the wedding. Just that old uncle of yours and, was it one of your cousins?” He slips a hand over mine. “But I can see I’m making you uncomfortable. It doesn’t have to be now necessarily but… sometime.”