Chapter 6

Sunday morning dawned late and instead of sitting in front of my TV that day like I wanted to do, I picked up where I had left off with the cleaning. I about it like a possessed woman trying hard not to think about the dream that I'd had last night. It wasn't until I pulled a cobweb out of my hair for the third time that I finally stopped and looked up. The clock said seven and my stomach reminded me it had been many hours since breakfast.

"Well stomach you're going to have to wait until after I shower because I am completely sticky and grimy," I said to myself out loud, startling myself with my own voice.

I got showered and cleaned up in record time, as well as putting my hair up in a ponytail seeing no valid reason to try and tame the red-curled mess right at that minute. I wrapped the towel around myself and padded out to the living room to look through my takeout menus. I knew the basics of cooking, but tonight I didn't really feel like hassling with it especially since it was just me.

I was still indecisive when I heard the doorbell ring. I hesitated on answering it, with my luck this week it was probably a serial killer. Then I remembered that Lizzie had made plans on Friday morning to stop by tonight and that made me feel a little happier. Maybe some good old fashion girlfriend time would make me feel better and maybe I could talk her into letting me use her laptop so I wouldn't have to go to the library. I all but ran to the door feeling my spirits lifting at just that thought.

I swung the door open as fast as I could and felt my smile freeze on my face when I saw who was on the other side.

"Well, if I knew this was how you were going to greet me, I would have stopped by sooner," said Reed a slow smile spreading across his face as his gaze traveled over my body taking it all in since practically nothing was hidden from his gaze.

I felt myself begin to heat up again with embarrassment, and how could it not? I was in my towel, no makeup, no hour-long hairdo, and he stood there in his T-shirt and jeans that made him look as good as any cover model. He had tied back his long jet-black hair at the base of his neck, leaving him looking like a warrior, or maybe a biker. All he needed was a leather jacket and a big motorcycle. As if conjured up by my mind, my eyes spied the jacket that was slung over his back and the very top of the handlebars of his Harley parked on the street. God, this man had been the star of all my fantasies for a long time now, as I had realized last night, and seeing him in the flesh brought my most recent one back to mind. I shivered while the words ‘take me now,' screamed through my head then I backed quickly into the house giving us space before I acted on my thoughts.

My desire must have shown on my face because he suddenly slammed my front door shut behind him and in the same quick movement pinned me to his chest. His arms wrapped completely around me so I couldn't move my own and took my lips as if he were a dying man seeking sustenance and I was his only salvation. I stood shocked, my eyes wide as my brain, rapidly fogging with passion, tried to understand what was happening. His lips were firm and unyielding, they didn't just ask for my surrender they demanded it. With a moan, I gave in trying not to listen to my mind protesting that this was all happening too fast, and pressed my body back against the hard chest.

My hands curled tightly at my sides as I felt them begin to itch to be touching his hard smooth chest. My nipples tighten just begging to be rubbed against it as well.

It wasn't working, this infuriating man was holding me way too hard against his chest and I couldn't move. I tried to lift my arms up, but he growled and tightened his grip around me. I had tried to pull back to beg him for more space, more touches, anything when his hand reached up and wrapped itself around my ponytail pulling it so I couldn't move my head either. I whimpered as my body responded ardently at the control, he had over me.

His tongue took the opportunity I presented and plunged into my mouth, circling, and dueling with my own; always the aggressor he left no room for hesitation on my part as he drove in and took what he wanted. I squeezed my legs together to try and find relief from the throbbing ache that was gathering there as his other hand slid down my back causing ripples of sensations to build up. He ended up cupping my ass pulling me tighter against him. I felt pride as I realized I was not the only one who was being affected. My knees buckled as he began to rub his hard cock against me, thrusting as if he was already in me, every thrust rubbing against my throbbing center causing me to break the kiss and cry out in pleasure. Encouraged by my cries of passion, his mouth continued in his pursuit of me as it kissed and bit its way down the side of my neck.

"Reed!" I cried out knowing I was an inch away from climaxing.

All he had to do was just give a few more thrusts and he could have taken me on the floor for all I cared as long as he took me. As if the sound of my voice broke some sort of spell, he suddenly shoved away from me.

"No, this is not what I came here for," he said his breathing just as ragged as well as mine.

Instinctively I grasped the towel with one trembling hand as it threatened to fall to the floor. My other hand went to my lips as I tried to understand what was happening through the haze of unfulfilled desire.

He turned away and rubbed his face with his hands.

"Go get dressed," he ordered, his voice raspy.

"You know, you really are insanely bossy," I grumped as I tied the towel tighter around me.

He turned back around slowly the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile that reminded me of the Cheshire cat.

"I know and disobedience is quickly met with punishment. You'd do well to remember that," Reed warned as he crossed his arms and stood there looking down at me expectantly.

"What are you going to do? Spank me?" I asked quietly.

I ignored the "yes, please"that my mind was whispering as I started to walk off. He grabbed my arm to stop me, and I felt his body press against my back and noticed he was still very much hard. My inner goddess cheered silently.

"Exactly," he said in my ear. "You catch on rather quickly, now go get dressed before I put you over my knee and turn that gorgeous ass to my favorite color of pink."

A shiver went down my spine as I pressed the part in question firmly against him. He growled and nipped at my ear while pressing his hips back at me for a second before he pushed me forward. I stumbled and with a curse, he caught me and helped me right myself. I had just gotten stable when I felt a hand come down on my bottom causing me to jump and turned around rubbing the sting. My mouth dropped open in disbelief, he had just spanked me. I knew I shouldn't have been shocked, knowing that he was a Dom, however, I was shocked by how rapidly he pushed himself into that role and how easily I accepted his demands.

He raised an eyebrow at me as if daring me to question him. I opened my mouth to speak back. However, when he stepped forward again, I snapped it shut and hurried to my room.

A wise decision I would say.