Chapter 18

Reed continued to nod seriously until he met my eyes then we broke out laughing like preteens at the unintended innuendo of the word banana.

"Wow, we are dorks," I said shaking my head still giggling a little.

"Yes, we are. Now finish it please," he demanded.

I shook my head at his tone wondering if this man ever took a break from being bossy, then went back to the questionnaire and began reading the questions with more thought. They were broken up into sections and each section had a list of questions regarding the heading of the section.

Section 1:

Vaginal intercourse … Approve

Penetration with penis… Approve

Penetration with foreign objects i.e.: Bananas

That caused another round of laughter and I made Reed change it to toys. I threatened to set it to a hard limit if Reed did not which made him chuckle and agree.

Section 2:

Anal intercourse

Penetration with penis

Penetration with foreign objects i.e.: dildos