Chapter 49

"It's alright, I understand how the mistake was made. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between taste in clothes and a whore, but that's just fine. You know, maybe when you're done, we can give you a few tips. I know my friend Lizzie would love to get her hands on you."

Jordan's hand quickly come up to smother a cough that I knew would have come out as a laugh and I noticed Reed was having a hard time keeping the smile on his face. Nina's back straightened even further and the look on her face said if she could reach out and slap me right now, she would have.

"No, thank you, I'll wait for you in your office," she replied haughtily.

Nina stormed off down the hallway towards Reed's office and Lizzie could no longer contain her laughter as she grabbed me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my god! I taught you so well!" she said giggling.